Baby Death Poem

Poem For My Son Who Died Of SIDS

This poem is dedicated to my son. He died of SIDS and he was only 5 1/2 months old. R.I.P Anthony James 11-16-03 - 4-6-04

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My best friend and I carried our babies together. We gave birth 2 days apart. A boy each. This morning I received a phone call that she had lost her beautiful boy he was 9 months old....

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R.I.P Anthony James

© more by Lisa Davis

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2009 with permission of the Author.

I never knew I could love so much,
until the day I felt your touch.
I softly kissed your cheeks
And from under your lashes I saw you peek.
Your beautiful eyes, so small and blue.
My sweet little baby, just brand new to the world.
It hurt so much when I lost you
My son, my love, my little joy.
I will never get to see you grow up and shine
Because God has taken you from me.
I promise I will never forget you
And there'll always be a place in my heart for you.
Even though I only got to spend six months with you,
I still can hear your laughter in my ears.
My eyes fill with tears every time I look at your pictures
Because I miss you so much.
You brought me joy,
Every time that I looked at you.
All the things that you did,
Brought a smile to my face.
I was so glad when God gave me you,
But I was upset when he took you away from me so quick.
I used to wake up every morning,
Just to look in your eyes,
But that morning when I woke up and you weren't breathing,
It broke my heart and I took the blame.
One day when my time has come,
We'll be together again.


more by Lisa Davis

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Alex by Alex, Twba Qld
  • 10 years ago

My best friend and I carried our babies together. We gave birth 2 days apart. A boy each. This morning I received a phone call that she had lost her beautiful boy he was 9 months old. Currently packing bags to fly up again, as 2 months ago I had been to visit with my son on happier terms. God bless and may she have strength for her family xx rest in perfect peace Evan xx

  • Connie by Connie, Georgia
  • 10 years ago

This poem is so beautiful. I lost my son 25 years ago to SIDS and it still devastates me today. Michael was 3 months old when I woke up to find him not breathing. Sometimes I forget that there are so many others that have gone threw this awful tragedy also. This poem really touched my heart! RIP Michael David Arquette, mommy loves you and misses you so much!!

  • Oklahoma by Oklahoma
  • 11 years ago

I lost my son to SIDS and it is killing me still the Dr. said he was a miracle because 4 months before I got pregnant I was told I would never be able to have kids. My son would be 3 years old now and I still have no more kids but I am thankful for the month I had with Josiah. Josiah Leionadas May 12-June 30 love of my life

  • Laurie by Laurie
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my great nephew to SIDS this morning. Words cannot express what my niece is going through.

  • Eva-Jessie by Eva-Jessie
  • 12 years ago

Lost my nephew 2 years ago this poem reminds me of him so much he just turned 5 months old and found gone.. we still cry on his birthday and his anniversary's


  • Angie by Angie
  • 12 years ago

My son became an Angel Baby last month, this is the hardest thing a family can go thought. I miss him sooooo much Words can't explain. I love this poem . Thanks It made me feel a little better.....

  • Tammy Pena by Tammy Pena
  • 12 years ago

Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of my granddaughter's passing. She passed away from SIDS the day after Easter last year. That holiday will never be the same for our family. My son and I relive that day everyday of our life. He found her 3 hours after just laying her down for bed, ran over from the guest house so that I could perform CPR but she was already gone I just didn't have the heart to look up at my son and his wife to tell them. Our Natalie left behind her twin sister Nayelie. They both had fought so hard as they were born 3 months premature. Only God knows why. Nayelie is our ROCK! She helps us cope.

  • Gisborne New Zealand by Gisborne New Zealand
  • 13 years ago

I lost my son a day before Christmas 24/12/2011 at 3 months 3 weeks old and everyday it hurts more and more reading your poem bought me 2 tears but I thank you for sharing your feelings with us. I am still trying to move back into the house we lost him in as we have lived there for five years and it is just so hard..

rest in peace my darling Tewhetu Tipene..

  • Lauren Fumero by Lauren Fumero
  • 13 years ago

I came across your poem as I was searching for words of wisdom as I prepare to lay my baby daughter to rest tomorrow morning. I woke up on Friday and found my daughter not breathing. She passed of SIDS. My husband did CPR on her for 15 min. But nothing. I will never understand but this pain is inhuman and cruel. Your poem brought tears to my eyes because I know that pain oh so well. My Gabriella was 3 and a half months old

  • Boston by Boston
  • 13 years ago

I read your beautiful poem and messages about losing a child or family member to S.I.D.S I also lost my son to S.I.D.S and am currently trying to get support and awareness for the cause please check my page out on Facebook.

  • Ladonna by Ladonna, Pa
  • 13 years ago

This poem hit home. I came here for a poem to share the memory of my son who passed at 6 months old of SIDS, Sept. 26, 1980. And I too like one of the posters only have his newborn photo and photos at the funeral home. Never took photos so I feel the pain as well of not having more to share of him !! I often wonder what he would be like today who he would look like.. So yes this poem came home. Love and miss him to this day !! Here it is Sept. 24 wondering why we feel like crap and then the memory of Matthew and Sept. 26 is 2 days away. Blessings to all posters who have gone through this pain !!

  • Cassandra by Cassandra
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes because I can relate I lost my first born daughter I had never felt pain like that ever she was so happy that morning she woke up. I fed her, bathed her and I played with her. I was gonna have photos made that day, her dad came to get her for a while but then I got the worst call of my life by the time I got there she was taking her last breaths, so I don't have any pictures or anything I blame myself maybe if I had kept her home she would still be with me and the pain is getting worst, but I will be with her again in that new system that's a promise from Jehovah I love and miss you baby girl.
Danielle Nicole Callaway (5/12/87-8/28/87)

  • Nykkie by Nykkie, Meridian MS
  • 13 years ago

I am 24 and am happily married...I have a 4 year old son. On July 21, 2009 I gave birth to a beautiful little girl that I named Mikayla..Oct 1, 2009 I woke up to find that she wasn't breathing. I worked on her myself for nearly an hour until the paramedics arrived..when we got to the hospital they told us there was nothing they could do that she had passed from SIDS. That is the worst pain in this world. I've heard of a broken heart before but when I think about her or look at her picture my heart physically hurts.. Everyone said it would get easier but its been nearly 2 years now and it hurts as bad as if it happened yesterday. Ever since I don't sleep well because of the images in my head when I close my eyes and of course my son was there and saw the whole thing. Even as young as he is I could tell he was upset but he will be starting pre k this year so that has cheered him up.

  • Raelyn by Raelyn
  • 13 years ago

Wow this poem really touched my heart. July 9, 2003 my nephew was born, July 16, 2003--one short week later-- They woke to find him not breathing. I still think about my nephew everyday, even though it has almost been 8 years. It took something from my brother. We all see a difference in him everyday. He has 3 beautiful little girls, and even though he doesn't say it, I know all he wants is his little boy back. RIP Hunter Bradley Revell, We love you & we miss you little man.

  • Katrina Acocella by Katrina Acocella
  • 13 years ago

I lost my brother a year and a half ago to SID's, he was almost 3 years old. He was so full of joy and laughter, and he helped me turn my life around. I love him with all my heart, and I really wish I could have gotten to say goodbye. This poem is so touching, thank you for writing it.

  • Kelley Murphy by Kelley Murphy, Kirkby Liverpool
  • 13 years ago

this poem is lovely Lisa, my little boy shaunie he died, when he was 5/12 months of sids,it breaks my heart every day, its coming up to his 8th birthday next week and again its going to be so hard, it feels still as if it was yesterday, your poem speaks for itself, it is lovely and oh so true for every mum who has had to go through this, god bless you all xx

  • Atiya by Atiya, Houston
  • 14 years ago

When I was 14 my older sister lost her daughter Iyana to SIDS and I took it especially hard because she was in the bed with me. To this day I still wonder if I had waken up earlier would I have been able to resuscitate her before she took her last breath. She passed away on 2.21.09 and that next year I had another niece born on that date and they look and act exactly the same, they even have the same smile. When I first saw her my heart sank because a year before a day that brought so much sorrow and pain brought a joy that is undeniable. I thank God for Iyana and the joy she brought, even if it was for just a short while. [ R.I.P. Iyana 7.29.08-2.21.09 ]

  • Stephanie Hurt by Stephanie Hurt
  • 14 years ago

I am very inspired by your poem. I lost my son to SIDS at 3 months and 3 days old. I as well carry the guilt as a mother should have been able to save him. The loss of a child is like no other. Keep your head up and stay strong.

In loving memory of Lincoln William Hurt
3~13~07 to 6~16~07

  • Alea by Alea, Michigan
  • 14 years ago

Beautiful poem ....SIDS is a horrible thing. Many people aren't aware of until it personally happens in their lives. You wonder everyday what they'd be like, when they'd walk and talk, what would their favorite color be, what would she have dreamt to grow up and be, and truth is you'll never see them grow up and you'll never really know. My heart goes out to you all who have lost a loved one and even more a baby it's the saddest thing...

R.I.P Anaya Patrice White
6-19-09 - 2-8-10
You'll never be forgotten baby doll

  • Victoria by Victoria
  • 14 years ago

My big brother died from SIDS this poem is so sad for me to read. I am 12 years old I never met my big brother. When I was little I was looking at a picture of my brother my mom never told me about him I looked at my mom and said that my big brother his name is Josey and he told me to tell you he loves you and he's in a special place with Jesus

  • Ada Elizabeth by Ada Elizabeth, California
  • 14 years ago

I had my first born son at 17 yrs old. He was almost 3 months old when one morning I walked over to his crib to find him still and lifeless. It was like living a nightmare, but it was real. I can never forget how helpless I felt and even though doctors, paramedics said there was nothing I could have done I still blamed myself (what if he did cry and I didn't hear him?) it has been 15 yrs since and, I still cry on his birthday or when I think about him. The excitement and joy we felt when he was born it can never be forgotten

  • Leasha by Leasha
  • 14 years ago

I lost my older brother to SIDs. I never knew him but I wish with all my heart that I had. he would be 19 today... this poem has touched me and my mother. nobody should have to go through the pain you all have went through. Each and every one of you are in my prayers. stay strong and God bless.

  • Wumi Amodu by Wumi Amodu, London
  • 14 years ago

Greatly touched by your poem. The death of an innocent baby is always painful. We lost a baby in February at 79 days old. We did not take her home at all. Everyday we raised our hopes thinking she would be well. We wanted and loved her so much but God loved her more. I have asked so many questions, God why did you take my baby? Why did you not heal her? Etc Etc but there is only one answer - My Grace is sufficient for thee. Oluwabusayo Tioluwani Amodu, may your beautiful and gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

  • Olga by Olga, Del Rio TX
  • 14 years ago

I loved your poem. I to have lost my baby girl to SIDS back in 1992 and that morning is so clear to me like it was yesterday. She was are first born and even though I have 3 boys alive that I love with all my heart there's an emptiness that I just can't explain. Your poem is great, it brings tears to my eyes. Stay strong and god bless you. Rest in peace my baby girl Rosa Maria... 01/05/92-02/20/92

  • Stephanie Tompkins by Stephanie Tompkins
  • 14 years ago

The poem is very inspirational to me. to know someone else shares the worst pain imaginable makes me feel at least a little better. I lost my daughter, my firstborn, 7/19/07, and there isn't an hour that goes by that I don't think of her.Her death was the cause of human error during labor and she passed away 30 minutes after birth. Other than the Meconium Aspiration she was a perfectly healthy beautiful gift from God. I recently had a little boy on Valentines Day of 2010 and having him and knowing he is her brother makes my days so much brighter. Although I can't wait to be with her again I finally feel the most peace since 2007

  • San Antonio by San Antonio
  • 14 years ago

I loved your poem it really touched my heart made think of my little brother that was stillborn

  • Jo Monticello by Jo Monticello, Iowa
  • 14 years ago

My best friends sister in law lost her first born this Friday--two days before her first Mothers Day. She had been trying for years from what I hear and he was born New Years Day, I still remember getting the phone call shortly after six to let me know she had a boy..he was about a month early and Thank God he was because it was soon enough to lose him at five months. I went to his wake today, and myself being from the outside I felt so helpless, I just can't understand it. I can't begin to imagine the pain, and confusion being the mother. This poem is very sweet, it brings tears to my eyes. Stay strong! <3

  • Pauline by Pauline, Euless
  • 15 years ago

Well I could relate to this poem. I recently lost my first born son at three month's and 4 days. He was the light of our heart's, the joy we never had, and when we woke up to see him not breathing, it's a day that we will never forget. I constantly blamed myself for his death. Now that he's gone, all we have is the memory we had with him.
Rest In Love Baby Inoke Tupou Tupa..

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