Baby Poem

My Daughter, My Love

A mother gazes in wonderment at her brand new baby girl.

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From the day I was in labour, I was scared but at the same time couldn't wait to meet or see you. I was curious. Then the first crying moment...that's where I knew that what I'd been waiting...

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I Never Knew


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

I never knew I could love so much,
until the day I felt your touch.

I softly kissed your tiny cheek,
and from under your lashes I saw you peek.

Your beautiful eyes so small and blue,
my sweet little baby just brand new.

I cannot wait to watch you grow,
from your little head to your tiny toes.

My daughter, my love, my little joy,
my little angel, my baby doll toy.

I promise to love you with all my heart.
I'm here for you from the very start.

I'll comfort you when you cry,
I'll answer true when you ask me, "Why?"

While you grow, be sweet and kind,
and show all others how much you shine.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dipuo Phasha by Dipuo Phasha
  • 5 years ago

From the day I was in labour, I was scared but at the same time couldn't wait to meet or see you. I was curious. Then the first crying moment...that's where I knew that what I'd been waiting for just arrived. Your blue eyes and small hands trying to hold on. The beauty in you was amazing. From that moment, I developed everlasting love. I made a promise with myself that I will protect you. Happy birthday, my princess.

When my daughter was born, I experienced a feeling of everlasting love! She was in my hospital room for three days after her birth and was kept next to me the whole time! I also felt a strong sense of motherhood come over me when I looked into her blue eyes for the first time! I swore to myself that I would love and protect her from that day forward! It's a wonderful part of a woman's life to give life to another being! This poem was very touching!

  • Heaven Williams by Heaven Williams
  • 10 years ago

My Sweet Arabella,
The first time I held you, the joy I felt in my heart seemed to good to be true, I'm amazed by your beauty and overwhelmed by the love I have for you. You replaced an emptiness inside of me, and filled it with pride, hope and forgotten faith.
Because of you, I finally, finally,.understand God's love, and I want the world to see what He gave to me, the better, most perfect little part of me.
I know mommy is young, only 18 and like yours, my life has just begun, but babydoll you've already given so much to me, your sweet smile alone makes me want be a better me and for that I am eternally grateful, so I promise to be the best mother that I can be, to give you what you deserve, a life full of love and happiness, like the one you gave me.
You truly are one of a kind, an angel unlike any other, and I am blessed to be called your mother,
My Sweet Arabella xo <3

  • Cathy by Cathy
  • 7 years ago

This is so beautiful. These were my thoughts at 33 when I delivered my daughter. Thank you for reminding us all what a wonderful gift a baby gives us all. Hope!

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