Baby Poem

This poem is for my daughter. She is 6 months old, and every day I love her more and more. I wrote this poem to express what I feel for her. 'I love you' just isn't enough for me. She is just the most joyful little girl and without her I would be nothing. So I hope one day she will read this, along with many others I hope to write, smiles, and says, "I love you too, Mummy!"

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My Little Girl So Small And Sweet


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2011 with permission of the Author.

Small and sweet.
My little girl so small and sweet,
Those tiny hands and tiny feet.
Every day I watch you grow,
You teach me everything I know.
Such a joy to be around,
Every smile and every sound.
Number one you will stay,
Each and every single day.
You changed my life in such good ways,
'Thank You' is all that I can say.
I love to watch you sleep at night,
Cuddled warm and wrapped up tight.
As I blink, the time it flies,
It breaks my heart to see you cry.
I gave you life, so proud to say,
I'll love you more with every day.
My little girl, so small and sweet,
For you, my heart, it beats and beats.


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