Baby Poem

Gift From Above

A gift given from God above is sent to parents; it is a child to love.

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I love your poem! I have an 8-month-old son who is my world. If it weren't for him, I would've given up a long time ago. He is the very reason I am still alive.

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Thank You, God

© more by Shirley J. Stankiewicz

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

Sent straight from heaven up above
Came an angel for me to love
To hold and rock and kiss good night
To wrap my arms around real tight

To cuddle and nurture and watch him play
To kiss his boo-boos all away
To keep him safe and warm and count all his toes
To hold the tissue for him when he blows his little nose

To laugh at his jokes, to clap as he sings
To tell him all the joy in my life that he brings
To clean up his play dough, to pull his legos apart
To pin up his drawings and tell him it's art

To watch his first day of school on the bus all alone
To fight back the tears as I make my way back home
To applaud real loud when he's in his first play
To help him with his homework at the end of his day

To adore and cherish and watch him grow
To guide and teach him all that I know
To see him through good times and help him through bad
To share in his happiness and cry when he's sad

To hold him close and be by his side
To watch him through life as my heart fills with pride
To help him with decisions the best that I can
To know that someday he'll be a fine young man


more by Shirley J. Stankiewicz

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Angelina by Angelina
  • 6 years ago

I love your poem! I have an 8-month-old son who is my world. If it weren't for him, I would've given up a long time ago. He is the very reason I am still alive.

  • Penny by Penny, Srilanka
  • 10 years ago

I have a 13 month old son and your words touched my heart so much. Yes, I always pray I can help him become a "fine young man" one day...

  • Sophia by Sophia, Maine
  • 12 years ago

awwwww I love this poem! it's so heart warming. It's like a vow like when you get married to never leave or forsake him.

  • Irma by Irma, Lopez
  • 12 years ago

This poem is so beautiful, I sent it to a person who was having second thoughts about having her baby.

  • Lupe by Lupe, Arizona
  • 13 years ago

I was a single mom. This poem described my relationship with my son. He is now 32 but everything you wrote I went through. He has grown up to be "a fine man". Thank you so much..brought back so many memories. God bless~

  • Randie by Randie, Orlando Fl
  • 13 years ago

Wow!!!! this poem brought tears to my eyes!! I'm 29 weeks today and expecting a little boy myself. I couldn't have said anything any better than what you just wrote, thank you

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