Mother Child Poem

Poem About The Bond Of A Mother And Child

The love between mother and child is a bond that can't be broken.

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omg thats do sad im crying right now i can imagine how your life has been

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My Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

From the moment I came into this world and opened my big brown eyes,
I knew that I was looking at an Angel, because the heart, it never lies.

Through all of life's hard struggles, this Angel has always been there.
Always hanging on when the ride got rough, always showing how much she cares.

For life is a constant struggle, more now than ever before.
Much too hard for an Angel, oh how I wish I could give her more.

The days, they pass so quickly, each one faster than the last.
But we know that we must go forward and not dwell on mistakes of the past.

And so we venture on through this hateful world, though my Angel she is always calm.
So I'll follow on always together with this Angel that I call mom.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Trina by Trina
  • 14 years ago

I keep coming back to read this poem. It really speaks almost to the point what my life has been. My name is Trina I am 19 years old. When I was 7 my parents split up and my mom got custody, to begin...Then my father fought and got full custody of me. From when I was 8 years old I was taken from my mom, for her and my dad could never agree. About 4 years went by and I get the news that she passed away. It came as such a shock, I always thought that one day when I was older and could make my own choices; I would just find a way to get back in contact with her. It really just left me shocked and shattered. But as life goes on I have come to realize that I really do feel like I have an angel by my side. Although some wounds will never fully heal on my heart, you just have to realize that life comes in many different ways and forms. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with your mother's death. It's nice to know I am not alone. =)

  • William Imuetinyan Osaseri by William Imuetinyan Osaseri
  • 8 years ago

omg thats do sad im crying right now i can imagine how your life has been

  • Colleen Atkinson by Colleen Atkinson
  • 15 years ago

This poem touched me greatly as my two grown children don't talk to me. I was always there for them, they always came first. I'm ill now, physically and mentally and they don't understand that sometimes, I'm not myself and may do or say things that are inappropriate. They never bothered to find out more about my illnesses like my husband did so that he could understand better.
I never meant to alienate them, but I did and I'm just so sad. We had a lovely family, all four of us. They don't speak to my husband either.
We miss them so much. It's a void that can never be filled. I just wish them the best and back off. I did receive a thank you e-mail from my daughter for calling on her birthday. Maybe that's a start. I have it taped up here beside me to give me some hope.

I know that with God,l anything is possible. Thank you for sharing.


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