Mother Child Poem

Wanting To Tell Mom How Much I Love Her

A daughter shares the love she has in her heart for her mother that she is afraid to tell her.

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Mother - the loveliest word - gives bliss and peace not only to humans but also to wild life existing on this planet earth. This beautiful relationship starts even before the birth. The day...

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My Mother


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

I love her so much, my mother.
She's always in my heart.
Even though we argue,
we'll never be apart.

She can tell when I have problems.
She knows when I am down.
She's always there to cheer me up
and take away my frowns.

At times when I get mad at her,
it's hard to stay that way.
Only because she makes me laugh
every passing day.

I love my mother with all my heart,
but this she does not know.
Sometimes I want to tell her,
but I'm afraid to let it show.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 6 years ago

Mother - the loveliest word - gives bliss and peace not only to humans but also to wild life existing on this planet earth. This beautiful relationship starts even before the birth. The day sperm enters the female body, reaction starts. By the time of delivery, a bond of love and affection catches up. It keeps on growing till the life is there. The relation of mother is unique and a permanent source of strength.

  • Monalisha Jain by Monalisha Jain
  • 6 years ago

Mom, you are my life. You are my heart. You are my happy moment. l love you, Mom.

  • Ramya by Ramya
  • 7 years ago

I love my mom. She is God's creation. She sacrifices everything in her life and never rests. She is like a god.

  • Priyanka. Sharma by Priyanka. Sharma
  • 7 years ago

Dear Mother, you take care all of us, but we don't care for you. We have Sunday to take rest, but you have no day to take rest. You are not sad to do our work. You are happy to do it. We love you, Mom. You are the precious gift of God. Thanks to God for giving us such lovely mothers.

  • Haley by Haley
  • 7 years ago

One day I felt like my mom didn't love me anymore, but I did not talk or look at her, but one day I had a feeling that she does love me because I need her. If I did not have her I would not have anyone.

  • Ishika Sharma by Ishika Sharma
  • 7 years ago

I am 16 year old. I live with my mother, but I always felt that she doesn't love me. But recently when I was staying away from her I felt something missing. Then I realized that she loves me very much. I feel that mother is wonderful creation of God and we should always love and respect her because she deserve so much.

  • Gina Olondriz by Gina Olondriz
  • 7 years ago

I am 60 and I know every day that goes by that this is an inherent truth for girls who loves their mom. It never dies, and when it wanes it comes back to remind us that we cannot live without our mother's touch, our mother's affinity, our mother's undying love. You love your mom because your mother loves you. You are very lucky.

  • Jiban Mondal by Jiban Mondal
  • 8 years ago

My name is Jiban Mondal. I am right now a US Citizen, but everything is happening by the grace of God. My mother and my father give me education. In my whole life they are my second GOD. At the age of 61 years, I am remembering my mom and dad. I love you. Bless your son, Jiban Mondal.

  • Unako Biata Durban by Unako Biata Durban
  • 10 years ago

I love my mum! Appreciate your parents.

  • Ayesha Mahaboob by Ayesha Mahaboob
  • 10 years ago

This poem has touched be soooo much and I am going to say this poem to mother on her birthday and make her happy. And I read this story because my English teacher has said my class to say speaking skills on the topic "Mother's love". So I am going to say this poem on the speaking skills test.
My mother will be so happy on her birthday when I will say this poem to her !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Supradeepa by Supradeepa
  • 10 years ago

I love my mom, you are the best!!! Sorry mom for not understanding you, but I promise I will never commit the same mistake ever again!!!

  • Diane by Diane, Los Angeles
  • 11 years ago

My mother was not particularly affectionate because that's how she was raised. I craved affection but she showed her love by her deeds. I didn't recognize this until after she died two years ago. Now I cry and want to kick myself for not being more accepting and appreciative of the love she showed me in her own way. I realize now that I always knew in my soul that she loved me but I should have recognized it while she was alive. I should have shown more love to her and perhaps she would have opened up more. My point is...tell you mother you love her, show her, hug her. You will never regret it and your mother will treasure it.

  • Jessica Kelsey. by Jessica Kelsey.
  • 11 years ago

To my mummy Hayley Kelsey this is a poem just to say, I love you more each day. You always make me laugh and smile, you never have a small file. You always like to have a play, you are funny every day. I love you mummy and I will never stop, you like to have a little hop.
This is a poem all about you from your daughter Jessica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Heather Inverness by Heather Inverness
  • 11 years ago

I loved this poem cause my mum just lost her boyfriend cause of cancer, and she's really upset so to just make sure that I'm here for her I read it. Xxx

  • Wendy MgCineni by Wendy MgCineni
  • 11 years ago

I Love You my Mother, I thank God for giving such a caring, kind, interesting mother. My mother she is always there for me in time of need she is with me, she never gives up on me.......she is a great inspiring woman, if wasn't for her and God I wouldn't survive in this earth. I Love you Mom.

  • Kariana R. by Kariana R.
  • 11 years ago

I have the same kind of relationship with my mom. Her and I are like that we don't show feelings like that we just hope each other knows.

  • TGracie by TGracie
  • 15 years ago

We all have moms. We all can recognize where you are coming from. But being a mom of grown sons, I would love to have any words, period. Time passes quickly. My own mother contracted Alzheimer's Disease at age 60 and we lost all the time I had waited for...when we could be grown-up friends. There were words I could never take back. There was understanding that would never happen. She no longer knew me and conversation had long become impossible. Write and read your words to her. Just move toward her. She can't wait to move to you. Go for it!

  • aurora by aurora
  • 15 years ago

Well the reason this poem touched me was because I used to always make my mom mad and because of that she is now in the hospital and just got surgery yesterday...when I was a baby I was premature and my mom used to always be in the streets looking for somewhere to live because she had my sister when she was 16 and me when she was 18..her parents gave her up so now she does not know who her parents are. or where they are mom used to always tell me things the easy way which was by talking to me but I guess god punished me and made me understand the hard way and that was by me having to watch my mom suffer right before my eyes. I have a big attitude, BIG anger problem and I always talk back and this experience is going to change my life I'm going to be somebody better and am going to actually SHOW my mom that I love her. and it touched me for the most part because I never told or even wrote my mom the words "I LOVE YOU" because was scared but now I tell her all the time :( :)

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