Grief Poem

A girl cries for the death of her mother. Life is lacking without her presence, and she hopes for the day when they are reunited.

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Both my parents are gone. My mother first, though her demise was the long goodbye. Then 3 years later, my father. His leaving was quick, 3 weeks, the exact time they gave him once he was...

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Mom, I Need You Here


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

Mom, can you hear my cry for you,
can you feel the need I hold,
the desperate need to talk to you?

I know you had to go,
for it must have been better for you there than here.
I just don't know how to live without you here.

My life is not the life it was
when you were in it.

I can't get it to be the same.
I need you and miss you so.
I don't know what to do
or which way to go.

Is there anything I can do
so I could just talk to you, 
to see that you're all right?
I know the place you've gone is good
for only good can go.

I'm so afraid
that I have not been as good to go
and I may not be given the day I look forward to,
to just be with you again.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • LU LU by LU LU
  • 6 years ago

Both my parents are gone. My mother first, though her demise was the long goodbye. Then 3 years later, my father. His leaving was quick, 3 weeks, the exact time they gave him once he was diagnosed. I am an only child, so I grieve alone. One truly is the loneliest number. I look for them. I look for some way to communicate with them when I am especially missing them. I feel lost. I go back to that fog. That place where concentrating even on the most joyous of decisions becomes so utterly confusing and useless. The fog is wrapped around my being. I am moving, going through the daily motions of life, but I cannot focus. I heave heavy sighs. I don't cry, not in the literal sense or on the outside. I look for them in my phone. Isn't that weird? They say there will be signs from them if I am open to receiving them. I just need to look around. Yeah, maybe, maybe there have been a few. Maybe. But it's my phone I go to for solace. When I'm really, really missing them I sigh and pick up my phone.

  • Cherron Renee Willcox by Cherron Renee Willcox
  • 7 years ago

Dearest Mom...she used to hold me when I cried, and always knew when I lied. Watching her decline from better to worse. Once the estranged daughter, then transitioning to her full time nurse. Everything that had once kept us apart-disagreements overcome, the reveal of a gentle heart. First the loss of my father a year ago, now once more loss has visited like the ride with its ebb and flow. I remember her face, her eyes, her smile...the pain she endured, her unforgettable smile. Dearest Mom, I love and miss you despite the hour. Thank you for everything you did and for the gifts that you empowered!
Cherron Renee Willcox

  • Morristown.Tn by Morristown.Tn
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mother 2 months ago. It was not expected. They tell me the cause and I still cant understand. So many things I should have done different, so many things left unsaid. How can I handle this? When it's killing me inside, the regret is taking over my life.

  • California by California
  • 9 years ago

I understand you I miss my mother. It's been a year and I can't take it!

  • Anita by Anita, Tehran
  • 15 years ago

I have lost my lovely mom to stage 4 lung cancer 3 months ago. It took less than 3 months when she was first diagnosed with the disease. It was summer, and she was taking swimming lessons. She called me on a Tuesday morning and said: "Anita, my face and neck has become swollen,...". Oh my god!...I am an Internist, but never wanted to believe my mom's disease. She was so healthy, so strong, so beautiful, never smoked, never had coughs. How could it be like that? I sat by her bed in ICU during her last 12 days, kept looking at her eyes, her lovely smile and calling her name. And she kept answering me even through her unconscious times, Oh, mom, your baby girl is missing you....

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