Grief Poem

To my Mommy whom I LOVE and MISS incredibly!! She passed away after 5 weeks of being diagnosed with lung cancer. I love you, Mommy!

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I lost my Mama on August 19, 1994. I can relate to this poem so much. I miss my mother still so much even after all these years. I was an only child, so I was probably even closer to my Mama...

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I'm So Alone After Mom Died


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

I'm so alone, it's so dark...
When is the sun going to shine again?

The sky is dark, my world is grey....
When are the flowers going to bloom and make this hurt go away?

My mommy is gone, I feel her presence...
The thought of not seeing her again takes my breath away.

The hurt, the pain, I cannot describe...
It's like my blood quit flowing inside.

I wake up each morning to begin a new day
In hopes that this hollow feeling will go away.

My thoughts of my Mommy bring happiness and peace...
Then the truth overcomes, and I feel so incomplete.

I know she loves me, and she is free of pain,
But I would love to see her again.

I'm so alone, it's so dark...
When is the sun going to shine again?


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Robie Cain by Robie Cain
  • 3 years ago

I lost my Mama on August 19, 1994. I can relate to this poem so much. I miss my mother still so much even after all these years. I was an only child, so I was probably even closer to my Mama than usual. My tears still shed for her. Thank you for sharing this poem. The girl who wrote it knew the exact words to use and the same kind of pain...

  • Sridhar by Sridhar
  • 3 years ago

Tears rolled down from my eyes, really heart touching. I, too, lost my mom recently, so I know the pain.

  • Lisa by Lisa, Florida
  • 11 years ago

Theola, and all who visit here, My Mom died when I was 12. I'm 49 now and your words, and poem here, are touching as it touched my heart and soul explaining how I felt and still do at times today. Thank You for sharing your hearts and souls. Keep looking up, all of you as your Mom is your guardian Angel. God bless you , and feel his arms around you. Give yourselves a big hug.

  • Loyda Fox by Loyda Fox
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for the beautiful poem. I lost my mother on January 2012 to breast cancer that later spread all through out her body. It's been almost a year and I still feel like a zombie walking through this world. I feel so empty, so alone. I have lost every bit of confidence in myself. Even though I have two kids and a husband, without her I am miserable. I pray for a sign, a whisper, a soft wind, anything, anything to show me that she is still here with me. I feel like I can't go on. I'm desperate to be with her again. Oh Lord, please take me to my mommy, let me see her, let me smell her, let me touch her one more time, I beg. I can't go on, my life is over without her. Mom I love you so much. Please come back to me.

  • Jade by Jade, Ohio.
  • 12 years ago

This poem, describes my feelings. I am 12, my mother died December 20, 2010. It broke my heart. I feel like saying "hey mom" everytime something reminds me of her... She was that one person, whenever I got stuck in a tree she was there. It's only been almost 2 years but I still remember waking up that morning. I hate " Yo Mama" jokes. I just wanna cry... Just because they don't know the pain! I love you mommy. In my heart forever...

R.I.P: Arlet Shambre

  • Geri by Geri, California
  • 13 years ago

what a beautiful and heartfelt poem.. I can relate fully to the author of this poem as I lost my dear mama Dec of 2010 and not a day goes by that I don't miss her and wish she was still with us...but I have to tell myself she is still with me, she's with me in my heart.. and that's what gets me thru most days, but it is extremely difficult to deal with a loss like this...thanks for writing the poem it truely is wishes..

  • Moussa by Moussa
  • 13 years ago

I really love this poem? Who wrote this poem. God bless the girl who did it. My mom did not really die but I left her back in Africa, now I want to see her again. I love my mom and the girl who wrote this.

  • Tonota by Tonota, Botswana
  • 14 years ago

Good poem indeed, 5 months after my mum's death I am still hurting inside, I cry myself to sleep every night and it gets worse every day. I wish to wake one morning just to realize that I've been dreaming all this time. I miss her, a good friend, a great mother.

I lost my mother September 26, 2008 also from lung cancer. This poem really explains how it feels to loose your mother. God Bless the girl who wrote it. It is sad but oh so beautiful.

  • Jason by Jason
  • 16 years ago

Nice poem. Expresses my feelings completely over the loss of my own mother. Thank you for writing it.


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