Romantic Poem

I'll Be Your Knight In Shining Armor

A poem for my Russian love, my life and soul! My true heart, love does hurt! We're thousands of miles apart but closer than most in love! My sweet love is in the hospital with a life-threatening illness. This is a poem to say what I feel about her.

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To me that is the most perfect poem. And it is kind of a coincidence. I caught the title of the poem and read it before I read why you wrote it. The coincidence is I, too, am in love with a...

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Mila's Song


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2020 with permission of the Author.

Whenever you're in danger
Or feeling down and blue,
I'll be there to hold your hand.
Yes, I'll be there with you.

I would keep you safe and sound,
My arms around your waist.
You would feel my heart beat fast
As I gently touch your face.

If we were in a fairy tale,
You'd be my damsel in distress.
I would be wearing shining armor,
And you, a long white dress.

I would battle fierce dragons
And other monsters, too.
All these things and much, much more
I would do for you.

I would take you on my steed
Through forests dark and wild,
With ferocious beasts and demons, too.
I'll be there by your side.

My sword will be ready
To keep you safe from harm.
I'll fight the world just for you.
I'll be your lucky charm.

I'll build a castle strong and high
To keep the wolves at bay.
For all our lives to live there,
Where I will love you more each day.

Where we would live like Queen and King,
And songs of love they'd sing,
All dedicated to the one I love,
And this song for you I bring.


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  • Bruce T Dixon by Bruce T Dixon
  • 4 years ago

To me that is the most perfect poem. And it is kind of a coincidence. I caught the title of the poem and read it before I read why you wrote it. The coincidence is I, too, am in love with a Russian woman. We are thousands of miles apart, but we still found each other. We are now working toward our first real meeting, and I like to think reciting your poem to her helped. She loved it very much. I want to thank you for your great words.
Bruce Dixon

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