Romantic Poem

The author writes about a hero in her life.

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My boyfriend is in basic training right now for the Air Force and is in what they call Med Hold. He thinks they are going to try to make him separate, but he is going to fight it, and for...

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My Hero


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

You are the world,
As seen through perfect eyes.
Your tenderness, your love,
Ever present in your actions.
Your smell lingers in my memories,
Even when you're gone.
I will never forget it.
Pain, hurt, regret,
All find themselves,
Too tired to trudge on,
In the fierce protectiveness,
Of your arms.
Wisdom is carried in every word,
with the sound of your voice,
And the way you smile,
Is the greatest argument,
That goodness exists.
You have never caused pain,
Yet you have vanquished many evils.
You are the greatest hero,
That I have ever known.


  • Stories 2
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jacky by Jacky
  • 6 years ago

This is my final draft. I spent days writing my emotions to you. I hope my words don't go to waste. I have been thinking about life and realized that I have been living a dream. You are the only person I wish to share my dreams with.

  • Victoria by Victoria
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend is in basic training right now for the Air Force and is in what they call Med Hold. He thinks they are going to try to make him separate, but he is going to fight it, and for that he is definitely my hero. Even though he is far away, my every thought is of him. I love this poem, and it tells exactly how I feel about the wonderful young man that I love. Thank you for sharing this amazing poem!

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