Romantic Poem

Romantic Poem In The Grip Of Passion

"Prisoner of My Mind" is a heartfelt exploration of being caught between an imaginary world and the burdens of reality. The protagonist grapples with racing thoughts, uncontrollable feelings, and a consuming connection to someone they cannot let go. This poignant poem delves into the depths of longing, desperation, and the struggle to find freedom within the confines of one's own mind.

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Your words are so moving. I have a friend who has recently become the most important thing on my mind. I care about him so deeply that it hurts. When he texts me in the morning and before I...

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Prisoner Of My Mind

© more by Ivy Frost

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2009 with permission of the Author.

Imaginary world where I don't belong
The only thing that keeps me here is you
Kissing me softly, holding me tightly
Prisoner of my mind

Racing thoughts through my head
Uncontrolling feelings that bind my soul
Release me
Untie me
Yet never let go

Why do I stay where I don't belong
Why do I hold on
These thoughts are so real
I can't tell my own reality anymore
You consume me
Control me
Take me

Imaginary world where I don't belong
The only thing that keeps me here is you
Kissing me softly holding me tightly
Prisoner of my mind

I can't let go of your lingering touch
For even in reality I feel you there
Consuming me
Controlling me
Taking me
Desperation of the mind
Prisoner in my own right
Reality is a burden I cannot bare

Passion consumes me
The thoughts consume me
You consume me
Release me
Untie me
Yet never let go
For I am your prisoner
Prisoner of the mind


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  • Rating 4.15
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kimberly Reniff by Kimberly Reniff
  • 10 years ago

Your words are so moving. I have a friend who has recently become the most important thing on my mind. I care about him so deeply that it hurts. When he texts me in the morning and before I go to bed, my heart beats faster. Yet I know that he isn't ready for the next step of a relationship. It hurts because I want to move on with my life, with or without him in it, but I can't see myself being with any other person but him. This poem speaks measures to me and how I feel in my current situation. Ivy Frost, you are an excellent author. I look forward to reading more from you!

  • Rena by Rena, Houston Tx
  • 11 years ago

This poem is beautiful. It's as if he is reading my soul. For me, this is speaking on the torment felt with falling in love, not being able to move forward or move on, and love not letting you go. It's a beautiful nightmare.

  • Joe by Joe, Denver
  • 13 years ago

I don't have words for these words. I am literally blinded with tears, this is so awesome!

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