Mother Death Poem

My name is Kimi, I'm 22, I've been writing for years... my mom passed when I was 20, she was sick with lung cancer, had been diagnosed when I was 16, fought it for 4 years and was in remission, when it came back. She was diagnosed with bronchial cancer and died 2 weeks later. I'm in college now, wish she could've seen me start, it's what she always wanted, said I really had potential and because I cared so much about everything and everyone, I could make a difference, I hope she was right.

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Your poem brought me to tears. Beautifully written. I lost my mother 3 years ago this past January to melanoma. She was my everything. She was my best friend. I don't think my heart will ever...

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Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

Years of agony, so distraught, grieving with true pain,
Another sharp corner and I'm screaming your name.

I hate how time passes, not one comforting word,
Like a sheep among wolves, I feel lost in the herd.

Before your cruel passing, wished I'd said goodbye,
Maybe then I could let go of the day that you died.

My dearest mother Mary, I named her after you,
She's exquisite with beauty, deep eyes shades of blue.

I love you my mother, my mentor, best friend,
Missing you more as each day slowly ends.

i think of you fondly and wish to talk with you here,
Wondering how I survived without you anywhere near.

Yes, I'm still lost, Mom I loved you so much,
Years have gone by, still remembering that touch.

You taught me to laugh, held me when I cried,
Told me not to be scared of the day that you died.

You hid all my secrets, to you I'd confide,
You were everything to me, Mom, why'd you die.

The cancer was gone, I thought you were free,
Why'd god take you from me, you're the reason I breathed.

I hate every Christmas, 'cause that's when you left,
That was the day that you took your last breath.

The doctor had told me this feeling would pass,
He said time will go on and this pain wouldn't last.

The more that time passes, the more that I feel,
The more I miss you and wish you were here.

I love you my mother, my mentor, best friend,
Wishing all good things hadn't come to an end.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Leslie Gilmer by Leslie Gilmer
  • 5 years ago

Your poem brought me to tears. Beautifully written. I lost my mother 3 years ago this past January to melanoma. She was my everything. She was my best friend. I don't think my heart will ever heal.

  • Gerardo by Gerardo, Laredo Tx
  • 9 years ago

I lost my mother to cancer last year. I regret never telling her that I loved her so much and now it is to late. I wish I could see her one more time but I can't. I cry sometimes when I'm alone and thinking of my mom. God please tell my mom I miss her and that I'm sorry I wasn't a better son.

  • Madhu Manian by Madhu Manian, India
  • 9 years ago

I too regret that I didn't do my best when my mom was with me. As each day passes the pain becomes more and more. But I know that she is there for me. Even though a mom dies her soul never leaves us. Lead your life how she wanted you to be. It's the only thing we can do her for now. Be stron0.g

  • Kelci by Kelci, USA
  • 10 years ago

When I read this poem it made me cry. It was almost word for word how I was feeling. I was 18 when my mother passed Thanksgiving 2011. I'm now 21 and in college and I still miss her everyday. She had had cancer to and for 8 years she was cured of a cancer that is supposed to come back and it hadn't. Three weeks before she passed she had gotten the news she was still cured and she passed away from a completely unrelated cause. We had a fight right before as well so I always thought if I could have said something different maybe it would be a little better. Your poem touched me. Thank you. I say a little prayer for you tonight.

  • Angelique Theodrae by Angelique Theodrae
  • 11 years ago

Oh Kimi, it's very sad to think of what we had to go through, as I have also lost my mom a few weeks before I turned 12. She had cancer, the doctors said she was going to be fine, but suddenly they found her dead in the hospital bed one morning. My father and sisters cried with me for almost a whole day. It was devastating...
RIP for all the deceased,

  • Karina Guerrero by Karina Guerrero
  • 11 years ago

Hi my name is Karina and I'm 15 years old and I lost my mother 8 months ago she had cancer and she was being controled with cancer but she got worse she got really sick and after all my cousin took my mom to the hospital and the doctors were treating my mom with medicine and so she was doing okay but I guess she wasn't because my cousin warned me to be prepare if something happens and I was so scared and the next day on April 30 my mom have already passed away and she died because she had infection in her lungs :( I really miss her so much! :'(

  • Kimi by Kimi, St. Louis
  • 11 years ago

Kimi, Your name grabbed me and pulled me in to read your poem. Oh my gosh, do I feel your pain. I just lost Mom in September 2013, and I feel as if I could have written that myself. I just wanted you to know you are forever in my prayers.


  • Suzy by Suzy, Sydney
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mom on Queen's Birthday Monday 10th June 2013. I can't ever forget how shocking this was, and how much I cried. My mom was sick at Hospital suffered from kidney cancer I knew this was going to happen, and the doctor told me that my mom wouldn't live long but when this happened I went crazy, I cry every day and every night still, and I miss her so much every minute, I was so close to her, I have done everything for her, I was on her bed side when she was gone, she knew how much I loved her and how much I cared for her I call her every day and I pray for her may God rest her soul she was a beautiful mother.

  • Haley Cooper by Haley Cooper, La Cieba
  • 11 years ago

Hi my name is Haley my mom died when I was 9 and know I'm 14. I miss her every day of my life the saddest thing is that she died 3 days before my birthday. She died the 7 of August my birth day is the 10 of August and my oldest sis birth day is the 11 of August. I miss her RIP Sharron

  • Amy by Amy, Baltimore Md
  • 11 years ago

May 1.2012 was the worst day of my life, I lost the important person in my life, my mom, the only person who ever really cared about me. She was very sick but she was the strongest woman I knew she always told me she would fight until she couldn't fight anymore. God finally called her home that dreadful day I will never forget. I never got the chance to tell her goodbye or that I loved her but I know she knows it now.

  • Tara C. by Tara C., Columbia
  • 11 years ago

I know how you feel. I lost my mom at age 11. I'm 13 now.

  • Sam T by Sam T
  • 12 years ago

My mommy died August 19, 2010 I was 12 years old. My mom was never there to see me go into middle school and high school which is something my three older sisters don't seem to understand.

  • T. Dugan by T. Dugan
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mother July 24 1990 to colon cancer. I was 19 I am 41. In 2 weeks I will be the same age of my mother when she past. She was my first experience to a death. Devastating is an understatement. I never had the chance to share my best memories with her. She missed my wedding, my babies births, my life. I am thankful that God spared her suffering, but selfishly I scream to have her back. I am now at many crossroads in my alone inside with my demons. I crave to hold you momma. Just to hear your voice again I would do anything!
RIP momma.....till we meet again!

  • Jill Rittman by Jill Rittman
  • 12 years ago

My mom passed away on November 1, 2012. I am 10 almost 11 now. I had known my mom was bad but I thought I had a few more years with her. I was at school like normal and all of a sudden my teacher came to the classroom and said I needed to go to the office and I was going home. My sister, Jessica, and when we got out of the parking lot she burst into tears and I casually asked what was wrong she said the nurse told them she wouldn't live through the night. When we got to the hospital my dad told us they had misunderstood them. Then the nurse came in and suggested hospice I knew then she was gone already. When we got to hospital she went to sleep and didn't wake up. She was in a comatose action for fourteen days a minute from fifteen. Her last movement was in comatose she gave me a hug.

  • Jenna by Jenna, SC
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom November 25, 2011 (my besties son's birthday). She died suddenly and left too soon. I regret how I treated her, disobeyed her, and never told her how much I loved her. Me being a young and troubled teen, I gave her hell and often took my anger out on her. As the years passed, I grew older, her pill addiction grew worse. She lost all the sparkle in her eyes, her appearance degraded and her life became troubled and meaningless. Times took its toll and I did what I should of never, ever did and punched her while we was having our fight. She called the police and I was taken to jail for 24 hours, that was November 12,2011. I should of been the woman she raised instead of the weak person I become. On the morning of Nov. 25, we begun to fight and I walked away that day. 2 hours later I came home to find her dead in her floor. I regret it terribly and wonder if she forgave me for all I did to her...RIP Moma I'm sorry....:(

  • Rosey McHotseppy by Rosey McHotseppy
  • 12 years ago

12 years ago, my aunt died from a shooting, well I was there and can't erase that tragic incident and then 3 years ago I found out that she was my mother, when I heard I ignored it, now its biting me so hard I can't take it anymore, I cry at times its been like 12 years now but the pain is unbearable, how do I deal with it now??

  • L Lidgett . Shuffled by L Lidgett . Shuffled
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mum 5 years ago. the emptiness without her is so hard to bare. We saw each other most days and spoke on the phone everyday. She was my everything. When she left I wanted to follow her but I had to stay for my own children. 5 years on I still so desperately miss her and I know the emptiness will never be filled. A part of me is so lonely, I live more for my children now. Your poem is a credit to your mum she will be so proud. I can relate to it so much, thank you for sharing it.

  • Hacienda Hts by Hacienda Hts, CA
  • 12 years ago

Lost my mom this year January 28, 2012. Complications from Diabetes. She had a stroke 12 years ago and the second one left her with Dementia and confined to bed, she was admitted to a Nursing home in June and was in the nursing home approximately 6 months. She stopped eating and went down to 94 pounds. Her passing has left me devastated and unable to accept her death. I cry every day and every moment reminds me of something I did with her or places I went with her. God Too painful..and I'm 48 years old and I need my mom TODAY like I did Yesterday. Rest in Peace mom ...LOVE U AND MISS You

  • Nisha by Nisha, San Diego Ca
  • 12 years ago

My mom Died today 7 yrs ago, I was 14, and I didn't get to tell goodbye and that I love her,
Instead the last words were mean and hateful and I wish for the life of me I could take it back. but she died in my arms, and now I live with a never ending guilt and regret. I just want her back. I need her in my life.

  • Timmy by Timmy, East Coast Maryland
  • 12 years ago

I can only imagine how you feel, I also lost my mom to breast cancer, it went away, and then came back, there is more to it in my case and it still kills me everyday after several years, I will never heal. Thank you so much for sharing your poem, I really like it a lot. Take care and hang in there, thank you again for posting your poem.

  • Sandra by Sandra, Missouri
  • 12 years ago

I was 20, June 1982 my mother was Diagnosed with lung cancer, suffering long days and nights, month by month Feb 2,1983 my mother had Pass. I miss her so much, I look at pictures to see her face, and tears always follows, Happy Mothers Day!

  • Katlyn by Katlyn, In Ky
  • 13 years ago

Well my mom passed away Feb 4 2010. She was very sick for a very long time. I seen her in so much pain for so many years, I knew she wouldn't live that long but I couldn't accept it. I was 16 almost 17 when god called her home it was the worst day I ever had. It's been 2 year now and the pain is still as strong as the day she passed. I feel like I missed out a lot on having her but I know she happy now and no longer in pain. This poem really did touch me and brought back a lot of feelings.

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