Mother Death Poem

My mother died unexpectedly of a heart attack on a treadmill preparing for her next day's discharge from the hospital.
Exercise seemed to be an important factor the hospital required even though walking at a fast pace had never been on her daily agenda. Her final words to me "I love you, now don't work so hard" will always remain in my heart. It was what her mother said to her right before my grandmother died of a heart attack also. I am hesitant to repeat those words to my daughter.

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On Friday 5/15/15 I lost my mom after she was discharged from the hospital. She suffered a heart attack in the car on her way to the hospital. The impact is so devastating. Everyday I sit...

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A Better Place


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2013 with permission of the Author.

Why am I crying?
Why do I feel so alone?
You left me now
To find a far better home.

It's a gentle journey...
A soft breeze on your sail,
To a place where fears and worries
No longer prevail.

It's a warm island in the sun
Where we all someday hope to be
With the Lord whom we love
And with all of our family.

I beg the Lord each night in prayer
To take away my sorrow.
I pray he'll hear my cries at night,
And help me through tomorrow.

I will always think of you,
As each day appears.
My sorrow will softly lessen,
And gone will be the tears.

But my love will continue,
As each year goes by.
And I will wait for my calling
To once again be by your side.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Staten Island Ny by Staten Island Ny
  • 9 years ago

On Friday 5/15/15 I lost my mom after she was discharged from the hospital. She suffered a heart attack in the car on her way to the hospital. The impact is so devastating. Everyday I sit alone in total shock. I cry, cry and cry more. I miss her so much. My heart hurts. I need help to understand and how can I heal.

  • Grace by Grace, Darrow MO
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mom almost six years ago. It will be six on Tuesday(11-25-14). Also Tuesday will be my 17th birthday. This year is so hard. I miss her so much but none of my "family" seems to care. "You are just feeling sorry for yourself" or "We all miss her". For goodness sakes they don't understand that I still feel like crap on my birthdays.

  • Starrchild by Starrchild
  • 11 years ago

My mom was well as to be expected, when I told her about my knee surgery, that I be gone about 7-10 days in hospital for surgery and rehab. I left her in good hands with my daughter, a friend of the family, cna and my grandson to care after her. I spoke with her the night before to assure her I'll be home soon and someone will be there with her all night she said ok and I said see you tomorrow, I love you she said ok I love you too bye, that was January 2, that night. On January 3rd, 2014 in my hospital bed I received the call I never wanted to get, she's gone. In her sleep quietly through the night. I did not know then that bye really meant bye. I miss my mom.

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