Betrayal Poem

Loved And Lost Poem

Is it better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? That is the subject of this poem. A woman gives her trust and it is thrown away like garbage.

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It's being 1 year 3 months....she betrayed me...and the poem brings out the pain in it was the first day..of my life sleeping alone without my 3 year son....who used to wake me up...

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Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

Crushed like ice
Like twenty tons have been thrown on my soul
You spoke those words that emitted through your vocal cords like venom
A snake you were
Looking through my eyes into my core
So delicately
You devised your plan to kill everything inside me
Skillfully you weaved your web, planted your trap
And with your love decoy blindfolded my logic
All that was open was my trust
Your weapon
You deceived, I believed
Your arms were so warm,
Now the only warmth I feel
Is that of my blood
Spilling from my soul
As my life swings carelessly
Like a pendulum
Back and forth
Higher and higher
But going nowhere
The five senses have gone numb
I scream louder and louder
But no one hears me
They speak, they call out to help
I cannot hear
Look at me, look at the nothingness you have brought onto me
The well hath run dry
As she lay
Crippled from love's fangs
Until nothing remains
But her backbone
He hath eternally forsaken her
Her life has become
Life's lesson to women
Better to have loved
Than never at all


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Muhammad Abdul Waseem by Muhammad Abdul Waseem
  • 8 years ago

It's being 1 year 3 months....she betrayed me...and the poem brings out the pain in it was the first day..of my life sleeping alone without my 3 year son....who used to wake me up at night for his needs....I used to feed him through bottles and had to clean him up.....I remembered those twinkling eyes and incredible smile he use to give to me....oh I miss those days my has been treasured by our creator and evident by us.....I miss you my were too small my son when your mother parted us...and sadly you are mistaken of saying father to a wrong man who doesn't match your DNA....I pray and have faith on our creator as one day will come when you will leave her who separated us....

  • Amanda Mount by Amanda Mount, CA
  • 9 years ago

This story I just read is so similar to mine the only real difference is the years because everything she said brought me back to how my life after 6 years, almost 7 years unfolded. I was also in a relationship that I put all my heart into this man and I gave him everything I had to give. At first I would have walked through fire with this man or through fire to save him. In the beginning he was maybe too perfect, bringing me I love you gifts everyday spending time with me and I was all smiles until the day I found, on his phone memory card, him making out with another woman. I tell you my heart must have stopped beating for two full seconds. I couldn't believe my eye's, but it was true. I wanted to hurt them both but me risking myself with jail time wasn't what I wanted. I had to regroup and realize he was human and had flaws and although I did everything a wife should do he was the one at fault. I will never hate him, from that experience I learned a lot and I'm forever grateful and now I can be happy.

  • Shirley by Shirley, NC
  • 12 years ago

The poem... NOTHING, is my life's story. I had given 18 yrs. of my life and love to this man, thinking, believing and standing by his side! Always fighting to show him that I was real and true, I wanted nothing more ,but for him to love me just as I did him! My life was almost taken away from me because I loved him! I finally came to the conclusion that I would never lived the dream he had promised, because he was incapable of loving and being true. He was selfish and all for himself he has always felt that everyone owed him something and that he deserved everything for nothing! I hope Karma taps him on his shoulder soon!! As for me, I'm getting it all together and continuing to heal and move forward!!

  • Harvey by Harvey, Louisiana
  • 13 years ago

The poem reflects upon me, because my body is going though it right now and the words explain and make me understand what my body is going through. It's a beautiful poem....

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