Moving On Poem

Poem About A Love Not Meant To Be

This poem is for all the people who have had to say good-bye to a love that just was not meant to be but was real and honest. Not always do we get to be or stay with the person that we love, and we have to let them go and wish them well as they move on.

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Wow, Saliha. What you wrote is exactly what happened to me, except I'm on the receiving end. I was married, distanced myself, then divorced her for no good reason. Just lost that love. Now we...

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Lost Love

© more by Silke Wettergren

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2011 with permission of the Author.

The most amazing moment was when we met.
The love and time I have shared with you
have all been without regret.

In spite of our love
I am painfully aware
that you are gone
And no longer there.

You made up your mind and you went away
as things started to not feel right.
I know it's pointless to wish for you to stay
because at the end of the tunnel there is no more light.

Often I don't know what to say or do.
So many times I have cried over you.
Emptiness and sorrow are now a part of me
Since I have to accept that we will never be.


Our memories continue to live in my heart
As I wish you well with your brand-new start.

Please, believe me when I say,
You will always be with me,
Come what may.


more by Silke Wettergren

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Vendy by Vendy
  • 5 years ago

I once fell in love with a person who showed me care, love, and affection. I felt I was in a relationship, but the feeling was not mutual for 3 years. I have secretly fallen deeply in love with him, but he can't see me more than a family friend, and it hurts.

  • Andrew by Andrew, New Jersey
  • 10 years ago

Almost 9 years ago I met this woman who opened up my heart again after a divorce and woke me up inside. She had 5 kids, as things grew, even though we were from different cultures/backgrounds, we found love, our kids came together and supported us, now somehow it is all lost, I don't know how, when but it is over. We still live in the same house but that's only until she can find a place to go.
I love her still and always will and I will always want her back.

  • Kathryn by Kathryn, Douglas
  • 10 years ago

This poem was beautiful. This explained my exact situation with a guy that I have been in love with for four years now. He got a new girlfriend recently and every time I see them together, I wait until they leave and I cry. It is really sad.

  • Rachel by Rachel
  • 10 years ago

This is indeed a very touchy one and it very much goes well with my situation where love has almost faded away but I don't have any regrets. Moving on is finally a part of letting go something which was once yours. So if you are dedicated to a person and if you have felt special even for a moment then there is nothing you should regret upon.

  • Henderson by Henderson, Texas
  • 10 years ago

This was very touching just what I was looking for. Covered everything I wanted to say it goes out to the guy I'm truly in love with but he doesn't care for me anymore.

  • Saliha by Saliha
  • 11 years ago

This poem fits what I went through, when you truly love someone, as that person walks away they kill a part of you that will stop you from loving aiain, I have tried but I seem to be stuck with still loving that person. Even though they don't deserve my love, I know there will come a time when they will remember me but I will never trust that person as by then I will not want them back. This I know about myself I know no matter what I will not take them back.

  • Ryan by Ryan
  • 7 years ago

Wow, Saliha. What you wrote is exactly what happened to me, except I'm on the receiving end. I was married, distanced myself, then divorced her for no good reason. Just lost that love. Now we kind of see each other. I know she loves me. She won't let me get intimate with her, which tears my heart apart knowing the mistake I made. I woke up, but now it's too late.

  • Marn,Morocco by Marn,Morocco
  • 7 years ago

I feel like you're talking to me. "I feel the same way as you do, and I want you to know that I never walked away. Maybe I did at some point but because I couldn’t help it, and I've been through a lot of things that gets me down all the time, and many things choked me. I wish back then you knew that. I know I did a lot of mistakes and that proves that am trying hard. It wasn't easy for me because you were confusing me, and it's getting me down. I don't know what to do. You're still in the same place in my heart, and you will always be, even if it hurts. Sorry for what I caused."

  • Yusuf by Yusuf
  • 7 years ago

I know it's so very painful, but you have to take heart. Someone reliable is on the way.

  • Miracle by Miracle, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

This poem has really had me teared up because it reminds me of someone that doesn't care for me && I want back . . .

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