Moving On Poem

Poem About A Developing Relationship

When you fall in love, you must be ready to get hurt and expect that your relationship will fall out of love so that when the time comes that you realize you're not really meant to be, it won't hurt you that much.

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This poem has really touched me. It was an experience I had with my first love who cheated on me with her ex-boyfriend and I decided to quit it all.

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Why It Has To Be You

© more by Hydz Trinidad

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2011 with permission of the Author.

Sitting alone and silently
I recall a special part of my life
That part came unexpectedly
And lasted only for a while

My life had been quiet and peaceful
Until that unforgettable moment
You came like a silhouette of my soul
Then you walked right through my heart

Every day was a picture of happiness
With no hint of loneliness
Everything was wonderful
Because I spent it with you

But then, as time went by
Feelings began to fade away
Tears fell down one by one
And it killed me to say goodbye

Every time my mind says move on
My heart says hold on
So many questions inside my head
But the answers are all up to you

Loving someone like you
Without boundaries
Makes me think deeply again,
Why, why it has to be you


more by Hydz Trinidad

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Samuel Kwabena by Samuel Kwabena, Kabutey
  • 10 years ago

This poem has really touched me. It was an experience I had with my first love who cheated on me with her ex-boyfriend and I decided to quit it all.

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