Sickness Poem

Diagnosed With Parkinson's Disease

In February 2010, at the age of 42, after a year of pain, confusion, and frustration, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Having always been a healthy, active, and energetic person, I struggled to adjust to a life of pain and uncertainty, and I had to come to terms with the loss of the person I had always been.
Gradually, with God at my side, supporting or sometimes even carrying me, I began to accept the new path I was required to tread.

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Sorry to hear that, Paul. Keep your head up, and I would love to hear more of your poetry and share some of your future journey. Sharing helps. Keep fighting

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Losing Me...Finding Me

© more by Gabrielle Kruger

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2017 with permission of the Author.

I look in the mirror and the person I see
Is someone who used to be me.
That person was strong and healthy, rarely ill,
And her energy was endless; she never sat still.

Then one day she disappeared behind my face,
And a stranger took her place.
I'm living in a body I no longer know,
And a pain from within me has begun to grow.

At night, when others sleep, I lie awake,
Feeling my body tremble and shake.
My limbs feel stiff and my muscles ache.
I feel like a rag doll about to break.

"What's wrong with me?" asks a voice from within.
"And whose body is this, under my skin?
Surely this isn't going to be the new me?"
Then a Higher Voice whispers, "Just accept's meant to be."

I searched for answers...a diagnosis I needed.
A long 9 months later I found a doctor who heeded.
A condition was confirmed; I wasn't losing my mind.
Hypochondria it wasn't...Parkinson's was the find.

I have to keep going; this isn't the end.
Just a rough, rocky road with a very big bend.
I know God will help me; He never lets me down.
With His hand in mine, there's no need to frown.


more by Gabrielle Kruger

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Paul Jerrett by Paul Jerrett
  • 8 years ago

I was diagnosed with Parkinson in January of this year. To top it all off, they also found a tumor in the brain early this year. Bone morrow cancer as well. I also developed epilepsy back in February of 1997. I'm also veteran who served in the Canadian Armed Forces. I've been writing poems for 40 years. I'm only 54.

  • Lj by Lj
  • 8 years ago

Sorry to hear that, Paul. Keep your head up, and I would love to hear more of your poetry and share some of your future journey. Sharing helps. Keep fighting

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