Sickness Poem

Poem About Life With Epilepsy

I never go to sleep at night without the fear that tomorrow may bring pain. This is life as an Epileptic.

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My dad had epilepsy, and i remember waking up in the middle of the night to hear him crying because of his seizures, because he had accidentally hurt one of us. As a kid I was always having...

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Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

My eyes glistening with tears,
But not yet fallen.
I'm crying, but they're silent tears.
I'm crying on the inside so you are unable to see
All the pain running though me.

I never sleep,
For fear of what tomorrow might bring.
How can I be so lost
In a place I know so well?
How can I be so broken
In a family so together?
How can I be so confused
Surrounded by so many?

Always forced to fight.
A fight I never seem to win.
God only knows such a fact.
I've fought for so long.
When will this ever end?
Sometimes I walk past everyone as if I were invisible.

Everything's moving with no place to go.
I tell myself that everything's going to be ok,
But it's seizures.
The time it took to change me.
The life I had, I can't have back.
Yet I can't see why all these tears feel so unreal.
I'm not the same, my words are still unsaid.
So instead, I write them on paper.
What I hide is buried deep within me.

So many tears I have shed in the dark,
Hidden away in the privacy of my own thoughts,
Only to be shelved with morning's first light
Because of no courage to speak of my pain.
And it hurts to know that I'll never be the same,
Knowing I'll never be the girl I used to be.
If you only knew what I've been through,
Or maybe you could take a walk in my shoes,
Because this is sometimes how I feel.



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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anna Hildebrand by Anna Hildebrand
  • 8 years ago

My dad had epilepsy, and i remember waking up in the middle of the night to hear him crying because of his seizures, because he had accidentally hurt one of us. As a kid I was always having to call the ambulance or grandparents or just whoever could help. He never complained, but when someone looked in his eyes you could tell he was in pain. I know it hurts but just keep fighting. You can do it.

  • Shah by Shah
  • 6 years ago

I read your story. It was full of pain. You are very strong. Stay blessed always.

  • Renne' by Renne'
  • 8 years ago

Hali, I am impressed by how strong you sound. I'd just like to let you know that you are not in it alone. I try putting myself in my dad's shoes too and I at least know exactly how it feels. All I can say is keep strong. I know you are.

  • Elijah Glovier by Elijah Glovier
  • 9 years ago

Hali's story is one of struggle with epilepsy which touches my heart, because regardless of what people think or say about her, she has remained strong and true to her heart, and that is one of the things I love most about her. She has a good heart through thick and thin and hasn't given up, no matter how hard things get.

  • Paul Christensen by Paul Christensen
  • 9 years ago

Hali is a brave young woman. I have known her for many years. She is a thoughtful, caring, and contributing member of society. I admire her and am very proud of her for sharing her feelings so eloquently.

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