Sickness Poem

Finding Out Dad Is Sick

This was just how I felt when I found out my dad had cancer, just my thoughts and feelings.

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I have a friend. Her 8-year-old girl is diagnosed with a brain tumor. I want a poem to comfort her and tell her everything will be fine. This will be her second operation. She is still young.

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In His Hands

Jamie A. Cirello © more by Jamie A. Cirello

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2007 with permission of the Author.

I heard some bad news today, something that made me scared,
Today I found out my dad has cancer; it was something I had always feared.
I knew many people that passed away because of this evil cell,
Yet I know of some that beat it, and of course turned out well.
The fact that my dad is sick, just completely blows my mind,
When this poison is inside of him, and the cure they cannot find.
My mom is really upset, and doesn't know what to do,
My sister cries herself to sleep and sometimes I find myself doing it too.
I know I have to be strong, and my prayers are always said,
But the question is: Does anyone really hear me when I'm lying there in bed?
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, that's why I always have hope,
But with each passing day that it's on my mind, I find it really hard to cope.
I promised myself that no matter what, I would stay strong for my dad,
His feelings he does not show really well, but I know that he is sad.
I know our fate is in your hands God, but please have mercy on his soul,
Hold his hand and watch over him, as his treatment he will soon undergo.
Help him through this struggle, as he is precious to me like a pearl,
God, please listen for our prayer's..........signed....daddy's little girl!


more by Jamie A. Cirello

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Grace Wawuda by Grace Wawuda
  • 5 years ago

I have a friend. Her 8-year-old girl is diagnosed with a brain tumor. I want a poem to comfort her and tell her everything will be fine. This will be her second operation. She is still young.

  • Amy by Amy, Hull
  • 11 years ago

This is amazing.. My granddad just got diagnosed with lung cancer and I just needed something to express how I feel... This helped very much that you xx

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 12 years ago

Hi, I would just like to say that your poem really touched me. I have just learned that my father has cancer, and find it difficult to talk about it. This poem shows exactly how I feel, and it is beautifully written. I am very sorry for your loss, and once again thank you for posting this beautiful poem. (Sorry, my English isn't really good.)

  • Maria by Maria, Naperville Il
  • 12 years ago

Your poem was beautiful and very touching. My father is in his last stages of cancer. :(

  • Kim by Kim
  • 14 years ago

Hi I really relate to what you have wrote. I lost my dad to cancer on 31st march 2010 he was just 42 me my brothers and sisters cried ourselves to sleep most nights and the only thing that keeps me strong now is the fact I know he's not in any pain anymore. I miss him so much and wish he could be here today but he can't. I can only say you have your memories and treasure them this world is so cruel!!

Thanks everyone, I am sad to say though, that my dad has passed away on Feb 19th 2010. I wrote another poem about how I felt at the time called MY DAD, MY ANGEL. Thanks again for the Feedback.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 14 years ago

Everytime I read this I start to cry and I've read it more than 10 times. I really touched my heart. I'm so sorry and I hope and pray that things get better

  • alex by alex
  • 16 years ago

This is one of the best poems I've ever read on this subject. Three weeks ago my father died of lung cancer. I am a poem writer, but when I found out. I couldn't even begin to put all my feelings into one poem. This says everything, and more, on how I felt. I couldn't say it better myself. This poem is so absolutely amazing. I'm sorry for the news. I really pray that your father gets better. Life is really really unfair. I honestly never thought it would take him. I really pray that your father is one of the lucky ones.

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