Daughter Death Poem

The grief of losing a child. Dedicated to Kristin. © Copyright 2007 Glenna Marie

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I am so sorry for your loss Nicole and Declan. I lost my beautiful Jannelle (22) on November 8, 2018. She had a seizure and drowned. She was a senior in college, and she was studying to take...

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Losing A Child


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

It's hard to accept losing a child
Why wasn't it me
Life is too short as it is 
I don't agree that it's our destiny

Each day we continue on with our daily tasks
Coping until there is a reminder
Of their birthday or first date
Why do I ponder

Leaning on people is not my fancy
Although tormenting myself is a sin
I hope a day will come, in time
I can hurdle my grief from within

When you grieve the loss of a child
It's not in the natural order of things
For a child to die before his/her parents
The nightmare never ends, it's not dwindling

As the reality of the death settles in
Intense anger at the thought
Deep anguish that the loss is "forever"
God help me with the peace I have sought

The grief may intensify with time
Although my friends say it never ends
Lost to the grim specter of death
They lost a part of themselves, they lost a friend


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nataleigh by Nataleigh
  • 6 years ago

The 14th of December 2013 is the day that changed my world. My beautiful daughter Nicole (22) and my little angel of a grandson Declan (3) died in a tragic car accident. They were on their way to visit me for the Christmas holidays. Sometimes I still can't believe they are gone, cut off, and as long as I live on this earth I will never see them again. I still dream of them often, hug them in my dreams. I long to hear their precious voices and laughter. If only heaven had visiting hours. It's been 5 years and I still have days where the heartbreak is as sore as if it had happened yesterday. Like now. I will love you forever, my precious babies.

  • Debra A Rosness by Debra A Rosness
  • 5 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss Nicole and Declan. I lost my beautiful Jannelle (22) on November 8, 2018. She had a seizure and drowned. She was a senior in college, and she was studying to take the LSATs in order to attend law school. My husband and I and her brother are devastated. She was such a great young woman, in love with her boyfriend, and full of hope and life. I, too, dream of her, smell her, hear her laughing. I am trying to find the will to continue on this earth without her. I know she would challenge me for being so weak. She would have said, "Come on, Mom, get it together!" Ha! She wouldn't be very proud of how weak I have become. I never imagined I could be this weak. I pray to God for strength and to accept that life doesn't go the way we planned. I hope to help others one day, but at this time, 6 months after her death, I only find myself aching for a text or a call from her. I love you, Jannelle, and I miss you.

  • Mahlape by Mahlape
  • 7 years ago

We lost our firstborn, our only daughter, in April 2012 at the age of 33. She collapsed and died suddenly on the morning of the 30th while on holiday. The autopsy said it was pulmonary embolism. They had found a clot in her lung that no one knew was there. She was beautiful and intelligent, but most of all, she was kind and loving. We miss her terribly. Five years later, I still weep for my amazing child who had become my best friend. I feel like my own life ended when she died.

  • Erica Demornay by Erica Demornay
  • 6 years ago

Today is August 23, 2018. My best friend of 33 years lost her first-born daughter at 5:00 yesterday. She just collapsed. She was 42 years old. Her autopsy came back normal and everyone is in shock not knowing what took her life. I'm combing through this site looking for some words of comfort for my friend and I read your story. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it hurts. I'll remember tonight to keep your angel in my prayers. God bless.

  • ShawnIGGYmama by ShawnIGGYmama, Reno, NV
  • 7 years ago

I'm just starting to walk this road. My beautiful daughter passed away two days ago. It was sudden and unexpected. We're flying out in the morning. I'm just praying for strength.

  • Erikablackmon by Erikablackmon
  • 7 years ago

Well we lost our daughter in June of 16. We were going swimming and the current took us and I couldn't save her. Our angel was eleven. She helped four people. Not a day goes by I don't think of my precious baby girl. She is my heart, my only birth daughter, so it makes it even harder, but her daddy is taking this hard also. We love you, our angel. Love you to the moon and back.

  • Tammy Burns by Tammy Burns
  • 8 years ago

My husband and I lost his 17 year old daughter on Christmas Eve 2016. She had a four wheeler accident. My husband was the first person to arrive at the scene of the accident. She died in his arms while waiting for medical help to arrive. I don't know how he will ever get through this. My heart breaks for him. I know as sad as I am he is a million times sadder.

  • Joseph by Joseph
  • 8 years ago

I lost my 16 year old daughter on Dec 4, 2016. She was hit by an SUV on the side of the highway waiting for assistance after the vehicle she was in lost control and hit a guardrail. I feel for him and prayers go out for him. It is a rough road. I can be here if any assistance is needed.

  • Bridget Hack by Bridget Hack
  • 8 years ago

My baby girl was put to rest yesterday. She died Monday, 5/23/16. She was 23 years old. She died of a glioblastoma brain tumor, which typically takes patients 3 - 9 months after diagnosis. She lived just slightly over 1 1/2 years. I'm completely devastated. I'm in a total fog right now. She was a warrior - just finished college May 5, 2016. I'm so very proud of her accomplishment. She never complained of her cancer and never used it as a crutch. She will forever be my angel.

  • Cheri by Cheri
  • 8 years ago

I am so sorry, and I unfortunately know how you feel. I lost my 25 year old ray of sunshine on 11-15-15. She was backpacking in Peru and died of a blood clot. She was a college graduate and had also traveled to 25 countries, and she was pregnant with our first grandchild. After almost a year, I still cry every day and will never get over this as long as I live. I miss my baby girl so much.

  • Helen by Helen
  • 9 years ago

I lost my daughter in April 2012. She went to sleep one night and did not wake up. I am consumed with guilt. I had awakened sometime around 2am and was feeling very restless. I tried praying and then without any thought of death or dying, the words "dying here" came into my head. I did not hear the words in my ears, only in my head and I asked God if He was trying to tell me I would be dying soon. The next morning an ambulance was called to my daughter's home - she had died during the night and from what the medical coroner could determine, she had died approximately the time I heard those words in my head. Now I live wondering if she was calling for me and I failed her when she needed me the most. Had I gone to her, could I have saved her? Can she forgive me? I cannot forgive myself. She left behind 3 beautiful children whom she adored and who adored her. I'm broken.

  • Terry by Terry
  • 6 years ago

I cannot read your words without so many tears. I pray for you to find peace and comfort in one day knowing that there was nothing at all you could have done differently. I pray for you to find faith of Christ, the Savior, grasping your precious daughter at the instance of her passing and breathing eternal life in to her heavenly soul. I also pray for you in knowing that there is but one way to heaven and that is through Christ. And In heaven we are all reborn and there your daughter will be awaiting you and yours. When I read your story I could not stop thinking of you and praying for you. I know I am not the only one. May God bless you.

  • William Kelly by William Kelly, Alaska
  • 11 years ago

My name is William Kelly from Tuntutuliak, Alaska. I had a cousin who was like a little brother to me and I know he looked up to me as his biggest brother because I took care of him. I was 14 years old and I had just started high school far from home, I was attending a boarding school at Mt. Edgecumbe as a freshman. I wasn't expecting nothing to happen between my guardians, although I knew she abused him and he didn't do anything about it. Everyday I think of him, I miss him. The name Levon Tom Carlton Tanukaq Frank is glued to my heart and memories of his smiles stay attached. He was taken by God on November 12, 2010 and was only 3 years old, died from starvation and abused by the step mother.
4 years had now passed, 18 years old and I still wish for him to come back. I couldn't do anything about it because I was scared. I just know that I'll see him again in a better place, where he's happy.

  • Randall Erickson by Randall Erickson
  • 11 years ago

I loved her and just wish I could tell her that again. She died last night and I have a hole in my heart and I don't think it can ever be healed. Susan, I want to hold you again and tell you how wonderful you were and how much I loved you. I will make sure your son knows all about you and especially how much you loved him. He knows this now, but as he gets older, he might not remember all the wonderful things about you. I'll make sure he never forgets his loving mother. Susan, I love you infinity and so does Zack. Be with GOD and we'll all join you sometime soon.

  • Tammy by Tammy, Kentucky
  • 11 years ago

I lost my daughter 2-21-12 One day she called telling my mom of a cold, tried to call me a day after-I didn't answer, I thought she wanted money. I helped her every month with money, it was a time I thought maybe if I wasn't there for her she would find a way.--- I got a call the next day she was unresponsive and at the hospital. While there she never woke up (11 days) I went through 6 code blues. I was trying tough love but it was all wrong. I hate myself a lot. I love your poem!! I know people try to help but they are not in the position that parents who lost are in. LOOK UP- I PRAY THEY HEAR US. Tammy

  • Tambra Sewell by Tambra Sewell
  • 11 years ago

Hi my name is Tambra and I lost my oldest son Damien at the age of 17. His life was taken by heartless teenagers who took his kindness for granted. I miss my son and blame myself for not protecting him. I cannot explain what I feel inside and not to be able to kiss his cheeks, tell him good morning and to tell him I love you son. Damien did not come home after basketball practice, this was not like him to not call or not come home. Damien was a very good boy and young man and was well liked by many. Damien's life was taken on November 28, 2011 one month after his 17 birthday. His body was found in a river 3 months after his disappearance, I knew in my heart my son was gone, I never will give up on him to search for the truth to lead to his death. I am his mother and his voice to find Justice For Damien and son I will continue to carry you in my heart and I will forever miss you till we see each other again. I love you, mamma

  • Colleen Hunter by Colleen Hunter
  • 11 years ago

Two years ago this Sunday I lost my only daughter she was hit by a truck, I no longer blame anyone for this accident, but where do you put the anger, the disappointment the extreme loss, it never leaves, You just get better at hiding it, to make things worse my dad who was my everything died of cancer 1 week later, I miss them both very much and still feel the loss like it happened yesterday, will it ever get easier, probably not, so till I see them again I'll luv you both for ever.

  • Clarissa by Clarissa, Florida
  • 11 years ago

My 24 year old daughter Adriane was killed in a car accident 2 years ago today (7/15/11). She was such a beautiful soul and wonderful mother to her 5 year old son. I truly believe God may have needed her to welcome others into Heaven because here on Earth, she was always the one welcoming others when we had a gathering. She could walk into a room full of strangers, but by the end of the night, she was a friend to just about everyone in the room. Momma misses you so much "Dree". Until I see your beautiful face again, love always and forever and your son carries on your wonderful spirit.

  • Pam by Pam, Beloit Wi
  • 12 years ago

I went into labor March 29 I was having a routine c section and they took 20 min to get her out when she came out she wasn't crying do they were doing CPR on her and my husband asked why and they made him leave and put me to sleep. Well, I didn't realize she was gone until the next morning when I asked to see her. I couldn't believe it her autopsy came back normal so it was the doctor that took too long. She suffocated. I miss her deeply, my 4 year old still doesn't understand why she doesn't have her sister. When I held her she was so cold but I didn't take pics and I regret it. I got some from the funeral but that's it.

  • Debbie Bragnalo by Debbie Bragnalo, Thunder Bay On
  • 12 years ago

There is no greater bond than a mother and her children. The unconditional love starts immediately. Time heals; no time does not heal. With every passing day, the agony just gets worse. It is strength and my faith that has kept me from dying from a broken heart. The strength I must keep to be strong for my son and family. Our lives for 27 years was such a blessing from Our Father in Heaven. My first born a beautiful daughter Carly, then a baby boy Callen, 2 and half years later. It was great we did everything together. My husband and I always did the best we could so our children would have a powerful childhood of unconditional love. They grew into fine adults. On a family trip in Jamaica we lost our daughter in a car accident in 2009. She was 27 and going to be married in 4 months. No good-byes, just a wedding dress still wrapped in a box. My daughter/my friend. I suffer every day missing that golden beauty." Our White Butterfly"... Carly will wait with "God" at the gate.

  • Willow by Willow, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

Hi, I just wanted to share my story about losing a child and how much it hurts. I'm very sorry to hear about family's going through this. I wish the best for you all.
I was pregnant with my third boy. Very happy and excited to watch my 3 boys grow up together, during my pregnancy I never experienced any complications. everything seemed fine. I was scheduled for a c-section on December 20th 2010 after he was born the nurse let me hold him very briefly and I kissed his little cheek. He had problems breathing and was taken out of the delivery room quickly.
After that things got worse. He was born with holes in his lungs and a heart defect that was not able to be fixed. He died on December 22nd just two days after he was born. I never got to hold him again, or even feed him. that Christmas I thought I would be bringing home a new baby boy. Instead it was full of pain, anger, and a BIG ?...
I will never forget him. even though I didn't know him for very long..

  • Amber Morris by Amber Morris, Texas
  • 12 years ago

My youngest daughter, Kylee Ann, passed away in a sudden and tragic accident that will haunt me for the rest of my life. It was December 17th, 2011. She was run over by my friends' car while he was pulling out of our driveway. I was standing right there with my then 3 year old daughter while Kylee ran in front of the vehicle and was killed. I can never get this image out of my head. My oldest daughter and I are now a team, we work together to keep strong. It is very hard. Not only do we miss her but we both witnessed the accident. They say that it gets easier with time but to me, it only seems to be getting worse. With the Holidays fast approaching, I feel as if I'm losing it. She should be here with us.. and I feel to blame. I feel as if I failed as a parent. My little girls are my entire life and I am praying to God that there is a Heaven so I can hold my baby in my arms again! Mommy Loves You, Kyky!!!

  • Nicole by Nicole, West Virginia
  • 12 years ago

I lost my baby girl April of 2003. I was 5 and half months pregnant. She was an ectopic pregnancy. I went several years not knowing what caused her death so I put all the blame on my self. Now that I know the true reason I know she was looking out for me. She was growing in my left fallopian tube and if she continued growing it would had killed us both. So now she is my angel in heaven. Since her I have two wonderful boys 8 and 14 months and even thou she isn't here I still recognize her unannounced arrival and light a candle for her during the months of April and in October for Remembrance day of lost children. Mommy loves you Trinity Faith, and I'll see you one day in heaven!!!

  • Heather by Heather, Massachusetts
  • 12 years ago

I lost my first born just 10 days before he would have turned one. Griffin died while in a at home day care. My husband and I should have been planning his birthday party, not his funeral. There is not a single day that goes by that I don't think of him, his smile, his little toes, how he would snuggle into me. It never stops hurting, you never forget.

  • Jocelyn Santos by Jocelyn Santos, Cebu City Philippines
  • 12 years ago

Hi am Jocelyn Santos from Cebu City Philippines, I lost my son Davidson when he was 13 yrs old last year March 18, 2011. One thing that hurts me because he died without me in his side.. I was out of town at that time because that's the nature of my work, that I have to travel most of the time. He was a healthy child never in his existence that he was confined in the hospital due to sickness..thats why we never had an idea where he got or what's the cause of his brain tumor. He was a loving child, he was my youngest son, he was so sweet, he was a god fearing child, he obeys and follow rules easily, he is a loving son and he promised to take good care of me when am old.. now I miss him so much.. I always wish and pray that we will meet always in my dream. Because seeing him in my dream will make my day complete.

  • Shanda by Shanda
  • 13 years ago

My name is Shanda I'm 19 years old, I lost my older sister (May 7th will make two years). She was 19 at the time She died the day before my 18th birthday. She had a very rare disease called Battens disease, The doctors told me and my mom it was gonna happen we just never fully prepared ourselves for it. She was always so happy, always smiling and laughing! Nothing could ever bring her down. Everyday I think it might get easier to except the fact that she is gone. But it seems like it gets harder. I miss her very much.

  • Alba by Alba
  • 13 years ago

My husband and I lost our first son when I was four months pregnant he passed away. We have a five year old daughter and he would have been our first boy. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and only my faith in god sees me through the difficult times and my faith that one day I will get to meet him.

  • Teresa by Teresa
  • 13 years ago

On September 1, 2003 my daughter turned 15 on September 7, 2003 she was killed in a car wreck. I don't say accident because I feel it could have been prevented had the driver not been going 85 in a 35 speed zone. I know that she is in Heaven, God has given me such wonderful dreams to let me know that she is ok. I am so thankful for the 15 years that he loaned her to us. Our lives have never been the same and everyday I think about her and wonder what she would be today. God knows best in every situation. If you have lost a love one hold to God's hand and he will guide you safely through just remember one day we will get to see them again. God promised us that and he doesn't lie. I have truly forgiven the driver because it was God's plan. He needed another beautiful flower for his bouquet.

  • Jessica Kress by Jessica Kress
  • 13 years ago

My fiance and I just lost his daughter, my step daughter (to be) two days ago in an auto accident. She was only 18 years old and on her way to school, when out of the blue an elderly man ran a stop sign and t-boned her car in the drivers side and killed her instantly. She was so beautiful inside and out and we thank God every moment to have the time we did before she was taken from us. R.I.P Danielle Clouse - Love Always Dad and Jess

  • Emma Johnson by Emma Johnson, Lincoln NE
  • 13 years ago

Hi my Name is Emma I was sixteen when I got Pregnant and I had my son Tyvell Jilg-Brown when I was Seventeen. He was Born March 3rd, 2011 and he passed away from S.I.D.S (sudden infant death syndrome) April 22, 2011 he was 7 weeks old. It was so unexpected and there's not a moment or a second that goes by that I don't think about him I miss him so much! Rest in Peace baby boy mommy loves you and misses you Always & Forever!!

  • Christine by Christine, New Home Texas
  • 13 years ago

Christmas Eve 2010 I lost my daughter in a go-cart accident. KAELEIGH was 9 years old. I have 3 other children. Kaeleigh and Constance are nine days apart, and are best friends. My oldest daughter was driving that day. It has torn my world upside down. She was my baby and I think about her all the time. Since Kaeleigh has been gone my ex-husband has taken me to court to take my girls away from me. When he wasn't even around for over 7 years. God keeps us going. Without him we would be lost.

  • Elliott by Elliott, South Carolina
  • 13 years ago

My names is Elliott and I've lost my father Dec. 30 2010 of cancer and then I just lost my one year old daughter September 26 2011 to cancer. It's been one of the roughest times in my life. They were only 9 months apart and to see both of them past is something that will always stick to me. I always will wonder why but I'll always love them and we miss them dearly and I can't wait to see them again.

  • Alexis by Alexis, Utah
  • 13 years ago

I am fourteen years old, last year I lost my uncle, he was strangled by the seat belt of his wheel chair. And this year I lost my grandfather due to cancer. I cared for him, the last three week's of his life. I will never forget the last thing he told me, he told me that he loved me and that he would forever be proud of me. As I sat in the bed with him laying by my side I put my hand in his, and he held it so tightly and so strong, and when I had to leave, for I did not want him to see me saddened by this burden of letting him go. He held my hand even tighter. I cried and cried. I will miss them both forever I love you and will always love you.

  • Mary Galasso by Mary Galasso, Pennsylvania
  • 13 years ago

I am now 33. I lost my oldest brother when I was 12 (him 16) to suicide. 9 yrs later I lost my mom to a brain aneurism and my friend George to suicide. Another 9 yrs later -My younger sister's best friend of 15 yrs was killed in a car accident, shortly after 2 of my uncles passed away. To make matters worse, my father died early March of 2010 and to my devastation my brother, Chris, took his own life as a result. Since then I have lost a friend to brain cancer, another to lung cancer, and another friend just 2 days ago who perished in a house fire. So in short: I have lost both parents, 2 brothers, 2 uncles, 4 friends and a few acquaintances in the last 21 years.... It is hard-yes- and I will miss all of them forever... It does get easier. So hang in there, everyone! Life is a treasure - cherish every second!

  • Kelli by Kelli, Hawaii
  • 13 years ago

On April 6 2008 my 18 yr old daughter was in a car accident and suffered a massive stroke. 6 weeks later on May 22 2008 her
20 yr old brother was in a car accident that severed his spinal cord rendering him quadriplegic. I took care of them both without a break for 2 years when on March 25, 2010 I lost my son to an accidental overdose. I found him and laid with him in ICU for 3 days while they waited for his brain to finish dying. My grief is unbearable his birthday is June 13, I miss my baby.

  • Claire by Claire, Coolum Beach
  • 14 years ago

Hi, I lost my niece when I was six, she was five she got murdered at a caravan park.. we will never ever forget her! ... I just want everyone out there that has ever lost someone in there life... all they want for you, is to be happy... its hard but its for the best R.I.P CHLOE ....xx from Claire .

  • Sheri Perl by Sheri Perl, New York City
  • 15 years ago

I lost my son Danny to an overdose of alcohol and prescription drugs on July 1, 2008. He was 22 years old. The only thing that has helped me is my knowledge of the spirit world and the ability to "connect up" with Danny through thoughts, feelings, signs and of course, reputable mediums. I have started the Prayer Registry for parents who have lost children. In this way many of us can link up in thought and send group prayers out to each child on the anniversary day of their passing. The registry has not yet been in existence for a year and already we have heard from some of the kids, (through mediums) that the prayers are very helpful. My Danny describes it as "catching rides". The families on this side also report feeling supported by these prayers. Please read about the Prayer Registry, at: www.sheriperl.com and please help me to spread the word. I'd like to see this open up to a much larger group. Thank you!

  • sam by sam
  • 16 years ago

I'm Sam, and my brother died before I was born. He was a miscarriage. But, my mom told me a lot about him. And ever since I was 9 I wondered what it would be like if he were to have lived. He would be turning 17 in 2009. RIP Colby Allen 03/09/91. I love and miss you and I cant wait to actually meet you one day.

  • Emma by Emma
  • 16 years ago

My name is Emma and I am 15 years old. When I was 4 years old I lost my 2 year old brother due to a drowning accident in my grannies fish pond. The memories that we shared as children and the ones that I can remember will always be treasured and will never be forgotten. I love you and I miss you little brother. Rest in peace, see you some day. Take care. X

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