Daughter Death Poem

Grieving For Daughter With Love, Remembrance Poem

My daughter, Alishia Vaughan, died March 2008 when the wind blew a tree onto the vehicle she was riding in. I had been truly blessed to have my daughter as my best friend. Then God decided she was to come home at the age of 20. The poem came to me late one night. I believe she was trying to tell me this.

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We just lost our 20-year-old on 6/3/20. She didn't live at home, and with her life choices, there was conflict, but it was getting better this year. I was at work. She called my wife, wanting...

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If I Could Hear Her


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2013 with permission of the Author.

I see your teardrops falling.
I hear you cry my name.
I know you cannot see me,
but I hold you just the same.

I watch as you lie abed
as restless as can be.
I hear your whispered words
as you pray for dreams of me.

Every day for you is painful.
Each breath, each step you take,
but as the wise mom, I know
a future you will make.

I envelope you in my love
as for me you used to do.
It's hard to see you in such pain.
Forever the strong one's been you.

Although our lives' journeys
have bid us to be apart,
I am with you, you are with me,
always in our hearts.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jennifer Champion by Jennifer Champion
  • 1 year ago

I have empathy for anyone who loses a child, whether it's an infant or an adult.
I lost my Daughter to Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy-Broken Heart Syndrome - BHS in March 2019.
She had her Daughter taken by social services in 2017 because of historic drink and drug problems. She did everything they asked of her but it was never enough.
I watched her in pain everyday after her Daughter was born and taken from her on day 5, I kept asking her to see a doctor but by then she trusted nobody the sadness in her eyes was unbelievable. I miss her as much today as the day she passed, if I had one wish it would be to insist she saw a Doctor then maybe she would still be with us today. Grief never gets better you just learn to live with it.
She was just 32 years old.

  • Fanny R Santos by Fanny R Santos, California
  • 10 months ago

You are not alone in your grief of losing a child..I lost my daughter to breast cancer. She was only 28 when she got it..she was newlywed..dreaming of having children..I witnessed her pain that almost drove her insane until she passed away after 4 and a half years. It has been 18 years and I still grieve to this day..no amount of time to heal the wound left by her passing...there is no moving on.. I wish I had died instead of her. You are not supposed to bury your children..I cursed God when she died, I asked Him why..why did this happen to my daughter..I'll give my life for her..to save her..I went through major depression..none of those medications prescribed by those shrinks helped. Finally I went to confession, being catholic. I was told that God has plan for her. I went back to being religious but my grieving remains. My final wish is to save those people suffering from cancer..CANCER sucks!

  • SerChandra Raymond by SerChandra Raymond
  • 2 years ago

This is an absolutely amazing poem. My daughter passed away on 9/8/22, and every word that has been written is exactly how I feel. I miss her so much, but honestly, I don't know if I should cry for the dead or cry for the living. Life is becoming harder and harder to live every day. God Bless.

  • James Doyle by James Doyle
  • 4 years ago

This poem brought me to tears. Made me think of my daughter who moved away to Virginia. I miss her so much. We were very close. I know not the same. I'm sorry for your loss. I saved this poem so when I feel down I can read and understand. Thank you

  • Pam McNulty by Pam McNulty
  • 4 years ago

We got the call we had been expecting for the last 20 years. Four days ago, my daughter Kathy took her last breath. She had been struggling with addiction and mental illness and overdosed a day after leaving jail. I break down over and over as I talk to detectives and the funeral home and write her obituary and cleaned out her apartment of the small bag of belongings that was all she had left in this life. We were so close, and she always told me I was her best friend. She was my heart and still is. I will move through this time with God's hand in mine, just as I told her always that He had her in the palm of His hand. Prayers and blessings to all.

  • Margie Rinaldi by Margie Rinaldi
  • 1 year ago

I'm so sorry for your pain as I too know what you're feeling I lost my baby girl 6/20/20, she was 27 years young. I'm led to believe she passed due to trying to go cold turkey from alcohol. I'm so confused and don't understand how her roommate who heard her moaning in pain for 3 days never called an ambulance? I know it's not his fault but one can't help but think maybe, or what if ya know? When he finally did call for help it was far too late. My baby had a series of 5 heart attacks inroute to the ER...the 1st one left her brain dead I'm told and the rest left her with broken ribs. I was in no condition to fly out to where she was but her sister, my oldest did and she knew her sister was there...my daughter told me she knew. I was given the EKG strip with her last heartbeat on it and in a way it makes it worse and yet I can't part with it. In fact her birthday was Friday 9/15/92 and I miss her so much at times I can't function. I've been told it's been since 6/20/20 time to move on!

  • Connie Branton by Connie Branton
  • 3 years ago

I, too, lost my adult daughter to addiction in 2019. Her 44th birthday is tomorrow, September 21. She was also my heart. So much like me. It was and is too fresh in my mind. Think of her all day long and now dreaming of her.

  • Michelle Mosley by Michelle Mosley
  • 4 years ago

My beautiful sunshine Jordyn killed herself 12/4/19. I found her in her apartment. She had hung herself. She was 22. I had her when I was 19. Like others on here, we grew up together. She made my life worth living. I had her sister about to be 6 on 5/1, whom she adored. That is what keeps me going every day because I know Jordyn would never want her sister to suffer from this decision she made in a moment of mental despair. I cry every day and think about her always. I can understand everyone's pain on here. Life will never be the same without my Jordybear, but she left a note to me saying, "I will always be with you." She would not lie to me, and I find comfort knowing she had to have the insight that she will always be with me to have written that. My love to everyone on here.

  • Lisa Shannon by Lisa Shannon
  • 4 years ago

My daughter died 4-18-20 at 12:43pm from an accidental drug overdose. I went to check on her that morning as I was about to get ready for work. She was limp, her eyes were fixed and glazed over, her lips were blue, and she was unresponsive. I called the paramedics and they tried so hard. They took her to the closest hospital then transferred her to children's hospital. Every effort to save her. When the final effort was tried, the decision was made to let her go. I held her hand as the alarms sounded, letting me know she was slipping away. When she flatlined, my heart shattered. There are no words to explain the grief. I cry all the time. There are times I cry myself to sleep not knowing when it happened, then times I cry til I can't cry anymore and I'm numb. My precious will never come home again and I don't know how to proceed that

  • Michael Ann Dziedzic by Michael Ann Dziedzic
  • 1 year ago

I also lossed my daughter on 07/01/2021 to an accidental overdose. She was 31. We are raising her son, he is going to be 10 soon. I see her in her oldest daughter she will 15 I will never forget that call. I miss her tremendously

  • Lisa Cairo by Lisa Cairo
  • 4 years ago

My oldest daughter of 6 kids passed away of a heroin overdose laced with fentanyl at the age of 23 on 7/22/17. All my younger kids considered her their best friend. Life is not the same anymore. While I no longer have to worry where she is, what she's stolen, or if she's dead or alive, I now live with an empty hole knowing that I will never be able to see/hear my beautiful daughter again and that her life succumbed to drugs.

  • Kimberly S Buller by Kimberly S Buller
  • 4 years ago

My sweet beauty died 4-11-20 from an accidental drug overdose. I found her the next more pretty much just like you did. She was 30 years old. She left behind two children, a boy and girl, who now live with me. I can't get the whole image out of my mind. I think it's been good for me to have the kids. I still cry and miss her so much and want her home. It's so hard.

  • Roger Jacobs by Roger Jacobs
  • 4 years ago

We just lost our 20-year-old on 6/3/20. She didn't live at home, and with her life choices, there was conflict, but it was getting better this year. I was at work. She called my wife, wanting to come over at 4am. My wife finally answered the call. Our daughter was drunk, took her boyfriend's car and was almost to the house anyways. My 16-year-old, Jo, was saying she hated when she came over drunk and how she acted. From the house cameras, she was very drunk, but it was a good encounter, surprisingly. Jo put her in her room to sleep on the bunk around 5, then slept downstairs. When Jo woke up at 11:00, she went upstairs and found her sister, turning blue and cold. My wife called 911, hysterical. My twin boys had no idea what was going on. I was at work still and an hour out. I couldn't understand what she was saying, so I had my mom go over to see what was happening. Since then our world has been turned upside down. It looks to have been drugs/alcohol. How does life continue when the family is torn apart this way?

  • Connie Bozzell by Connie Bozzell
  • 4 years ago

I'm so sorry for your pain. I, too, have gone through this. I lost my very special girl on September 9, 2018. I'd like to tell you all will be okay, but the truth is your life has forever changed. The life you had before that moment will never be again. I'm very lucky to have a grandson and granddaughter my daughter left behind. I see her in them all the time. It's been a couple years and I love and miss her every day. What will happen is you will learn to live without her. It's hard, I know. Some days are real hard, but I promise you this, you will get up one day and life will be a little easier to live.

  • Bonnie by Bonnie
  • 4 years ago

I am so very sorry for your loss, the loss of your precious daughter. I know your pain and grieve the loss of my only daughter every single day. She passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in 2018. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. This is a club no parent ever wants to join. Sending you hugs, prayers and understanding. Peace and light. You are not alone.

  • Cindy by Cindy
  • 5 years ago

I am sorry for your loss! I lost my 41 year old daughter to cancer on May 24, 2018. She left behind 3 beautiful children and a loving husband. You are not alone. I grieve every day. I miss her life.

  • Linda Lee by Linda Lee
  • 5 years ago

This Halloween night will be 4 years since my daughter was killed in a car accident. Krista was 44, but she was my baby. She and her boyfriend had gone out that night...she never made it home. The dread is quickly coming on. I will relive that night like I do every night. Time had not lessened the pain in my heart.

  • Constance Ntsoane by Constance Ntsoane
  • 5 years ago

I lost my daughter on the 21/07/2019. She died by suicide. It's difficult for me, and everyone in my family expects me to be strong. I am falling apart and I don't have strength to raise the other two kids. Sad and angry at the same time.

  • Sharon Moncrief by Sharon Moncrief
  • 5 years ago

Oh Constance, know how tender and sweet she was and is. I lost my daughter in January of this year, after thirty plus years of juvenile diabetes and twenty plus years of dialysis. She lost her leg, eyesight, and mobility after a kidney and pancreas transplant. The surgeries and infections finally became too much and she chose to stop dialysis. In all of those years we knew she could die at any time. She lived in hospital or dialysis units with every holiday, birthday etc. except for one or two, so we stayed there with her.

Knowing she could go at any moment, I was never ready. My only son is a recovering addict, so you can imagine. Both of my children would never hurt a soul. I can only tell you that I will remember you. I will beg heaven to carry you and keep you and heal your brokenness. The misery of the ifs and shoulds you, your children and husband do not deserve. The one thing that helps me go on is knowing I had her in my life for a while. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • Elizabeth Machaka by Elizabeth Machaka
  • 5 years ago

I feel your pain. I lost my beautiful 20-year-old daughter. I had her when I was only 16 years old. I grew up with her. She was my everything, a pure soul who had lots of love for everyone, including her enemies. It's been 2 months and 1 week since we lost her. She was working at OR Tambo International Airport. She died from poisoning in a jealous act. A colleague who she loved and trusted killed my daughter, my best friend. The painful thing is we couldn't open a case against her. She and her boyfriend were supposed to get married soon. I'm so, so sorry, son, but know that you'll always be a big part of this little family of ours.

  • Fern Boylen by Fern Boylen
  • 5 years ago

I lost my oldest daughter, Melissa Lynn Boylen Pettit, May 29, 2018, to ALS (Lou Gehrig disease). She was 46, a mother to two sons, and a grandmother to two. I continue to grieve today as I did the day she went away. The devastation is crushing. I'm a broken mother. Mine and my family's lives have forever changed. Some days I'm not sure I'm going to make it one more day without her. I know my Melissa wouldn't want me to feel as I do, but I cannot seem to help myself. She was unable to even tell us that she loved us before she died as ALS robs them of voice and movement of any kind but leaves them with a clear mind. I miss her voice. My Little Red Headed Irish Girl, I miss everything about you! I pray that I will see you again, my baby girl...

  • Faye Croke by Faye Croke
  • 1 year ago

I lost my daughter 12 years ago to MS. She fought for 18 years and lost her battle August 2, 2011. I feel your pain and everyone else who has lost a child.

  • Vanessa L Morgan by Vanessa L Morgan
  • 5 years ago

I lost my daughter, Keisha, on 02-14-20 at the age of 30 to AML. She left behind 3 boys: a 12-year-old, 20-month-old, and an 8-month-old. My heart is forever broken.

  • Cindy by Cindy
  • 5 years ago

I am sorry for your loss! I lost my 41-year-old daughter to cancer on May 24, 2018. She left behind 3 beautiful children and a loving husband. You are not alone. I grieve every day. I miss her life!

  • Shirley by Shirley
  • 6 years ago

I understand and feel your loss. I am sincerely sorry. My beautiful daughter left me 7 months ago tomorrow. She was 26 years old when the cancer spread from breast to spine, attacking the brain. The nightmare of seeing her terminally ill for 8 months was paralyzing. I get asked how are you doing, and I don't know how to answer that question without getting upset because I am heartbroken.

  • Toni Serviss by Toni Serviss
  • 6 years ago

I feel the pain also. I lost my youngest daughter, 33 years old, on October 27, 2017. She passed from an overdose. My heart aches for her every day. I pray for comfort for all of us who have lost one of our children.

  • Carol Fryer by Carol Fryer
  • 5 years ago

I lost my daughter in a similar way on my birthday in June. We have not had the inquest yet. March the 16th they have told us. But I feel dead inside just like you knowing she was alone when she passed. I often think did she shout for her mum? It is killing me she was 42 with a 4year old boy. I'm devasted. I know what you're feeling, and my heart goes out to you. God bless.

  • Tania Gill by Tania Gill
  • 6 years ago

My daughter gained her wings earlier today after a car accident. She was the light in my life and the spring in my step, and she would be watching and worrying about me, so I have to soldier on and live my life to the fullest so she won't worry and can enjoy her afterlife.

  • Jennifer Ready Salgado by Jennifer Ready Salgado
  • 6 years ago

My only daughter was 24 when she died and just 10 days out of a court ordered substance abuse program. Although she dabbled in drugs, it was mental illness that needed to be treated but never was. We lost her on 12/31/16. She left behind 4 children, which my husband and I have. Although I cry less, the pain is just as heavy if not more. The children really miss her and are suffering greatly. Even the four-year-old still asks when she's coming back. I have so much to tell her, but she's not here. I wouldn't wish this pain on a soul. GOD is with us, and that helps. Bless you all!

  • Bonnie by Bonnie
  • 6 years ago

I, too, know and share the unimaginable heartache and pain of losing my only daughter, my best friend, confidant, and go-to girl. My daughter was 34 years old when she passed away less than a year ago. She left her two most valuable treasures behind, her two young sons, who miss her so deeply. I miss my daughter beyond words. I will never understand why she had to go so soon. There is not one minute of one single day or sleepless night that she is not on my mind. This is a journey I would have never imagined being on. I do not wish this pain upon anyone. Prayers and blessings to all.

  • Danae by Danae
  • 6 years ago

I feel your pain. On 09/06/17 my daughter passed away due to her drug addiction. She was 23 at the time of her passing and left behind a little girl who is now 5 . She misses her mommy so much, and so do I. There isn't a minute of the day that I don't think of her. I sit and wish I could have helped her more with her addiction. She just wasn't ready.

  • Candace Broughton by Candace Broughton
  • 7 years ago

I have been looking for a place to share my grief. How often have we heard, "When a loved one dies, holidays are difficult"? I would not disagree, but what to do? I cannot stop crying. Our daughter died from cancer on October 17, 2017, when she was 34. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer 12 years ago. She was 22 then and had just finished college and was starting graduate school. Her death came as a shock, although on some level it was expected...just not so soon! I would never say we had "gotten used to it," but we told ourselves it had become a "chronic condition." What was left unsaid was that even people with chronic conditions die. But then this is true for everyone. She had experienced several down-turns but had always bounced back...more or less. This time the cancer had spread to her lungs. After all her treatments, surgeries, scans, biopsies, stents...her poor little body just couldn't take any more. She never complained. She never said, "Stop."

  • Brenda Dyer by Brenda Dyer
  • 6 years ago

I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. I have just lost my daughter to cancer, which started in her breast then traveled to her spine, liver, and brain. She was diagnosed in November 2016 and died on New Year's Eve 2018. We are now arranging her funeral. I am finding it very difficult to even get out of bed in the morning as I feel I have no purpose anymore. I am heartbroken and devastated. I feel as though I cannot go on anymore. I don't know where to turn for help. She, too, was very brave and never said why me or complained about her pain. She just seemed to accept it and worried more about how other people felt.

  • Sharon Westphal by Sharon Westphal
  • 7 years ago

I just lost my daughter 5 days ago and saw this poem and broke down. It sounded like what my beautiful angel Jessie would have said. She was 39 and left a son of 15 behind. The poem warmed my soul. I'm so sorry for your loss. Jess was my world, my heart, soul, best friend.

  • Carol Fryer by Carol Fryer
  • 5 years ago

I'm so, so sorry. Yours is so very raw. Mine was in June and I still can't take it in. Please realize you are not alone. I was so scared of constantly talking about her that people would get fed up with it, so I coped alone. It's so sad. Bless you.

  • Nawal R Thompson by Nawal R Thompson
  • 7 years ago

I am very strong single mom of 4 with no relatives near. Lost my Diana (oldest) when she was a week shy from her 25th bday 8 years. Ejected from a car. I cry every day. Cannot help grieving. She sees me sad, and I know she wants me strong again for her siblings. Praying for strength.

  • Linda Blair by Linda Blair
  • 7 years ago

I feel the pain that you do. I lost my only daughter, Jennifer Storie, April 19, 2016. She had been a drug addict on and off for almost 20 years. We are raising three of her children since they were born. But unfortunately, because of age and health issues, the last child she had April 23, 2015, was put up for adoption. We tried everything to help her, but she didn't want it. I miss her every day. She left behind three younger brothers who loved her and grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who loved her very much. Her children, a son, 13, and two daughters, 12 and 10, never got the chance to meet her by her choice. They miss the mother that brought them into this world. I tell them all the good things about their mom. Not looking forward to next month.

  • Susan Romani by Susan Romani
  • 8 years ago

I lost my daughter Jaqueline on February 9, 2016. I was 18 when I had her and we grew up together. She leaves behind a little brother, 11 years old. I am one month away from a one year anniversary of her death. There is no way to escape the pain and loss of a child. She was my only daughter; she was 26. She was an addict. I can't help but to look back every day and think what I could have done different. She was the breath that I breathe and now my breath is gone. For everybody else, they move on. As a mother I'm frozen in place. I've done the unthinkable. I did her makeup her hair and her finger nails along with performing her eulogy for her funeral. I have one regret and that is that I did not carry her casket. That should have been mine to do, too. How is it that I still breathe when it is like I can take no more breath for the pain in my heart is so extreme that sometimes breathing is not an option? I take comfort knowing I'm not alone. There are others like me, daughterless.

  • Bonnie by Bonnie
  • 6 years ago

I feel your pain so intensely! Next month will be the 1 year anniversary of my sweet daughter going to heaven! My only daughter, I miss her beyond words! Her name is Sarah! It is so important to always say our girls' names! God Bless all. I am keeping all of you and all of our beautiful angel girls in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Tammy Ward by Tammy Ward
  • 8 years ago

Today marks 2 months that I lost my daughter. She was 26 and my only daughter. She was my heart. She left behind 2 brothers she was very close to. They are 21 and 7 years old. I can truely say I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for anyone going through this pain. Addiction is a horrible, devastating disease. I cry every day for her. The pain and void in my heart is still there, but I can honestly say God has helped me through this pain. She passed right before Thanksgiving. Then it was my anniversary and then Christmas and now my birthday, all in 2 month's time. A lot of firsts without her in a very short time. God has been my strength to get through this and still be a parent for her brothers.

  • Sherryl Siriwardene by Sherryl Siriwardene
  • 8 years ago

I lost my only child, a daughter 29 years, on the 2nd February 2011 to a brain aneurysm. My life is not the same since then. Michelle was a wonderful person who loved life. She left behind a husband of three months. She gave love and asked for nothing. I keep asking God why he did this to me.

  • Diana Chew by Diana Chew
  • 8 years ago

I lost my daughter Dottie on May 19th of this year. Dottie was 29 years old. Dottie was my heart. I can barely function for missing her. Dottie was everything good. She gave her love and asked for nothing in return but to be loved. I can't take living without her.

  • Tony Krugel by Tony Krugel
  • 7 years ago

We lost our daughter 10 years ago at the age of 32 due to Pancreatitis. She was not married, so we have nothing left from her to lavish our love on. The passage of time has made us more acceptant, but our tears of today are still as fresh as they were 10 years ago...

  • Susan Romani by Susan Romani
  • 8 years ago

Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. We are connected. Even though you don’t know me, I am out here walking down the same road that you are walking. I am but a few steps ahead of you.

  • Sandy Radzinski by Sandy Radzinski
  • 8 years ago

I just lost my only daughter, Lisa, on August 9, 2016, at the age of 36. She was an addict for the last 20 years and her body finally gave out. I have tried to help her as much as any mother could, but she made her decision a long time ago. She leaves behind a beautiful daughter, Lennie, whom I am helping to raise along with her father.

Love your children unconditionally because you never know what is around the corner.

  • Gina Vena by Gina Vena
  • 2 years ago

I lost my younger daughter, our baby, on 5/18/22 from an accidental OD. Struggling with depression for years, we did everything we could, but she began experimenting with drugs to self-medicate even though she had therapists and medication she said was helping. She was 17.

  • Ashwin by Ashwin
  • 5 years ago

I lost my daughter, Madhushwi Mohankumar, August 26, 2019. She was just 2 months. I continue to grieve today as I did the day she went away. The devastation is crushing. I'm a broken father. My life has forever changed. Some days I'm not sure I'm going to make it one more day without her. I know my Madhushwi wouldn't want me to feel as I do, but I cannot seem to help myself. I miss her voice. My Little Red Headed Irish Girl, I miss everything about you! I pray that I will be near to you soon, my baby girl.

  • Lisa Burnham by Lisa Burnham
  • 8 years ago

I also lost my Daughter (and only child) to this horrible disease. She was 23. It will be 4 years January 2017. She left behind a son who I have been raising since he was 6 weeks old. She was my everything, and I miss her every day. The pain never goes away. You just learn how to deal with it day by day. My thoughts are with you as you spend your first holiday season without her. :(

  • Boriquairis by Boriquairis, 255 Sunwood Dr.
  • 8 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss, but I can feel your pain. I lost my Amy on March 4, 2016, for the same problem. She was only 37 year's old.

Five years after she started the addiction her life when downhill. I tried everything in my power to help her out. November 2016 she got out from the rehabilitation center, and it never went through my mind that she would be with me for only 4 more months. It's the worst nightmare I've been living. She left behind the only child she had, a daughter, who is living with me. My heart is with you. God bless.

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