Daughter Death Poem

Poem About Losing Young Daughter

My youngest daughter Charlotte passed away nearly five years ago at the age of two. Each year I write a poem to honor her memory. Handprint was written for the third anniversary of her death. It is interesting to see the different stages of grief reflected from year to year. I hope you can feel this poem, as I do.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. It's coming up on 17 years since my Charlotte passed. She would have graduated high school this past June, so it hit me a bit harder than usual. I understand what...

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© more by Tony Doiron

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

You were lying in my arms,
As I tried to say goodbye.
"It might be for the best," they said,
But I knew that was a lie.

I gazed at your little handprint,
Given to us that day.
You wouldn't feel pain again,
But I wanted you to stay.

You fought for every breath you took,
Never letting go,
Until one day God made you His,
Leaving all of us below.

Although you couldn't walk or talk,
Or even count to ten,
Your short life had more impact
Than a hundred million men.

(written by Tony Doiron)


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Amanda Mosley by Amanda Mosley
  • 3 years ago

Your poem hit me hard. I lost my daughter March 27, 2010 from GBS sepsis. I have gone on to have 5 more children, but I always wonder what if she had made it. I find myself looking at my other children and trying to imagine how she would look if she had made it to her now (11th) birthday. I'm blessed to know that a tiny part of her lives in each of them and when I'm called home I will get to hold her again.

I'm so sorry for your loss. It's coming up on 17 years since my Charlotte passed. She would have graduated high school this past June, so it hit me a bit harder than usual. I understand what you mean about seeing her in your other children; I know that our experience with Charlotte has shaped my other children into the awesome people they are today. Take care and God bless.

  • Gericaha Spiller by Gericaha Spiller
  • 6 years ago

This past Christmas Day I went into unexpected labor and gave birth to my baby girl at 18 weeks. I am angry, hurt, ashamed, and disappointed that I could not do enough to protect my baby girl. She is/was my everything and I don't know when I will ever smile again or when the tears will stop. This pain is unbearable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

  • Kianna Spears by Kianna Spears
  • 7 years ago

I lost my youngest daughter almost 5 years ago as well. She was 2 years old, and she was born with complications. I was 26 weeks along when I had her, and she was under 2 pounds. I had a very close connection with her. This poem touched me because my baby wasn't able to walk, talk, crawl, none of that, and it is so hard losing a child. I was only 23 years old and still cry today. I have sad moments although I know it should be happy moments I think about. It's just hard when you feel so alone.

  • Stella Samwel by Stella Samwel
  • 6 years ago

I lost my daughter last year. She was born with sickle cell. I still cry, but God gave me relief as I am expecting to have a baby this year. Though she won’t replace her, deep down I believe God will wipe my tears and this one will not have sickle like her sister. Only God can relieve us. It’s so hard to lose your daughter.

  • Sherrell Denise Jones by Sherrell Denise Jones
  • 6 years ago

I am having a hard time dealing with the loss of my 4 year old. She passed away in her sleep. I went to wake her up and found her dead in her room.

  • Denise Severn by Denise Severn
  • 7 years ago

This is beautiful. I know what you suffer. The loss of a child is something we shouldn't have to bear. Thank you for sharing this. It helps me to see I'm not the only one. I hope you stay strong and keep your memories close to your heart. All the love in the world to you and your little one in heaven.

Thank you for this and I am so sorry for your loss as well. I keep my little one alive in my heart every day and see her in my 2 other children. The pain may fade, but it rears its ugly head from time to time. God bless.

  • SirensTears by SirensTears
  • 7 years ago

I had an aunt pass away for cancer. I didn't know her much, but when I saw her I wanted to cry. I can't remember when or if I ever did. I began to write poems not only because of her but others including myself and God too. Losing someone, even if you never met, you still cry because you think sometime what if I was in his or her place or if I could have been there maybe...questions after question. Then the anger hits. Why would you leave me, why? Then understanding God. I know now that she is in a better and safer place and is happy. Then you go through missing them so much. Then letting go and loving still. I love you her. I hope you save me a spot when it's time.

  • Alice Estr by Alice Estr
  • 8 years ago

So beautiful. In a few words you expressed a million pounds of love I had for my daughter and the hole she left in our hearts and life in all of us.

  • Michella Walkine by Michella Walkine
  • 8 years ago

Good evening. I lost my baby on March 7, 2009 and it's been very hard dealing with it and understanding what had happened to her. I made so many future plans talking to her, she was 4 1/2 at the time. I was at work and got the news that my baby went up in a house fire. It hurts and I miss my Trelly every day, she was my only friend and child. I am trying to take steps to keep positive memories, really trying...

  • Kathy Raines by Kathy Raines
  • 8 years ago

My baby girl is gone too, my friend. She died 8 years ago, and I have never been the same. I feel your heart break and many prayers for you.

  • Rowena by Rowena, Georgetown
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem Handprint by Tony Doiron.

This poem says it all about my daughter that I lost 12 days ago. She only lived for 8 days. She was loved and always will be remembered by my daughter and I and the numerous people that were always there......

This poem captured my feelings.....

Thank you Tony Doiron.

Thank you so much for sharing my poem - your stories have touched me deeply. God bless you until we can be with our children again one day.

  • Jenny by Jenny, South Africs
  • 11 years ago

We sadly lost our little Girl on 17 Sept 2013 She was only 7 weeks old. She passed away of liver failure.. She had Tetralogy of Fallot (hole in the heart) undergone 2 open heart surgeries and Biliary atresia (bile ducts of liver had not developed correctly) had liver operation done also. There was no more they could do for our baby girl.. She was my first. My heart is broken in thousands of pieces since that day - I would give anything to hold her just one more time :(

  • Margaret by Margaret, Zimbabwe
  • 11 years ago

I lost my 20 year old daughter on 9 September 2013. She was doing computer science degree. She collapsed whilst reading her notes on the laptop and I could not believe it as she was lying on my lap in the car trying to rush her to the nearest hospital seeking quickest help. Unfortunately few minutes later we were called only to be told that she passed away. I was so pained that I cannot express it in words. Up to now tears never get dry finding it difficult to cope. May her soul rest in peace.

  • Bradford by Bradford, Uk
  • 11 years ago

Just read this poem on my daughters 2nd anniversary and posted on Facebook hope I'm not doing anything illegal.. It just described my feelings I had that day when I lost her in my arms couldn't have said it better myself thank you so much for sharing this poem. I'm finding it very hard to cope today.. Totally in tears ..

  • Michigan by Michigan
  • 11 years ago

Today is my daughter Kayleah birthday she passed away May 29th 2013 she would've been having her 1st birthday today and it's very difficult for me because instead of planning her birthday I'm planning a memorial she is greatly missed and no words can explain the pain a mother feels after losing a child. My heart hurts for each and every one of you.

  • Derek by Derek
  • 11 years ago

I lost my daughter at 3 days old, this poem fits my emotions perfectly.

  • Joseph by Joseph, Iowa
  • 12 years ago

This is very Beautiful... I just recently lost my daughter... she passed away Aug 17th due to brain cancer (medulloblastoma) she was diagnosed at 14 months, they didn't give her much chance, but she pulled it together till she was 28 months old. she was here to teach us. Every time I asked her, you doing ok? She'd nod yes. till the say she went into a coma she always said she's ok.... I thank you for writing this.

  • Michele by Michele, Hyattsville Md
  • 12 years ago

This poem brought me to tears. My daughter Amelia, age 6 was killed when a car slammed into her while she was walking home from the park with her big sister October 21, 2011 she passed away Oct 24, 2011, 5 weeks shy of her 7th birthday. I sat with my daughter until she took her last struggling breath and held her in my arms to say goodbye. The hardest thing a parent does is say goodbye to her own baby.

  • Jeff Pfeiffer by Jeff Pfeiffer
  • 10 years ago

I lost my only child, my daughter Allison, on July 26, 2008. She was 10 years old and the light of my life, the only thing that really mattered to me in the world. She was my best friend and thought I was the best daddy in the world, and she told me so every day. On that day in July, her and her mother were driving down a country road and for reasons that are still not clear smashed into the back of a truck that was parked on the side of the road clearing debris from a recent storm. Allison did not have a seat belt on, was thrown into the dashboard and the door, and died immediately. Her mother, from whom I was divorced and did not live with, was in and out of a coma for months but eventually recovered, although paralyzed and wheelchair-bound. I have never gotten over this, and I know I never will. She was my only child and the only one I will probably ever have, and I miss her every day. The pain is so great that only another parent who has lost a child can truly understand it. I read your poem and it brought tears to my eyes, knowing the pain you're going through and that every other parent that lost their precious child is dealing with, and will deal with all the days of their lives.

Prayers to all the parents in the world of lost children. I know there are days you don't feel like going on and sometimes you ask yourself "why should I?". But we have to, if for no other reason than our child would not want us to give up. I know I will see Allison again one day, and that is what kind of keeps me going. Maybe someday I will have another child that I can give my love to, but I know that no one will ever take the place of my precious little girl who was taken from me far too soon. I never even got a chance to say goodbye, and I hope she knew in those last minutes how much her daddy loved her, and always will.

  • Heather by Heather, Dubuc Saskatchewan
  • 12 years ago

It will be a month tomorrow that my Sweet Amelia Grace passed away, she was only 3 weeks old, and to add more emotional turmoil she passed away on her big sisters birthday. She was recovering from open heart surgery. It was such a traumatic experience, to walk into the hospital unit where she was and to witness 15-20 doc and nurses surrounding her, trying to save her. As the doctor was doing chest compressions, I held her hand and her daddy held her foot. Finally he just looked at us and said that she was gone. I begged him not to stop, that miracles can happen. Well we didn't get a miracle that day. Your poem is written exactly the way I feel. It's beautiful.

  • Terre Haute by Terre Haute
  • 12 years ago

I had to lay my beautiful 2 month old daughter to rest on 4-6-2012 she never had a chance to live her life. She was taken from her mother and I so young. We still wait to hear what was wrong with our little sweetpea. God my have a plan and we may never understand but I want an answer. She didn't deserve this one bit Harlie Elizabeth Hatton rest now and wait on mommy and daddy we will be together soon I love you

Thank you for sharing your stories with me. I write a poem each year on the anniversary of Charlotte's death. This is one of six now. God Bless.

  • Rita Rector by Rita Rector, Morganton N.C.
  • 13 years ago

I lost my little girl 15 years ago today, I swear its the hardest thing anyone could ever do, I also lost another to a miscarriage about 6 years ago and about 3 years ago I had to have a hysterectomy, a lot of people say its hard, no hard is loosing your babies and knowing you will NEVER get to have another. and all you do have is memories, GOD I would give the world back 10 times over to have my babies with me. Todays my oldest one's birthday I spend the day depressed, I usually go take myself out to eat, then go buy something I think she may have liked, then, I bake a cake..... in memory of her because she may be gone but after having and holding her, she will never be forgotten

  • Kayly Pfeifer by Kayly Pfeifer, Decatur
  • 13 years ago

I was reading this and tears came down. It makes me so sad to loose my little girl. She was born Nov 17 2011 and died 6 days later with everything seeming fine and leading to death at the last minute. To who wrote this, you did an excellent job and it will be in her scrapbook to remember how beautiful it is and exactly how I feel. I'll never forget her or what could of been and even seeing 2 little girls playing makes me sad because that's what I pictured. It gets better on days and worse at times, but I believe in god and reasoning for what he did, just wish I knew!

  • Nikki by Nikki, Berkeley
  • 13 years ago

Well I lost my daughter 10 years ago....She would have been 10 years old on November 18th and she passed away a week later. She was premature and only 1 pound 5 ounces when I had her. I was not able to hold her until the night they called me and said I needed to get to the hospital, she was so tiny and I asked if I could hold her for the first time ever..they replied yes. So they put her in my arms for the first time and I cried so hard, that was the first and last time I held her because she took her last breath in my arms...:-( I have still not got over it and I hold her so close to my heart.( I was only 16 yrs old when I had her and I am 26 now and it has been so hard as time goes by you learn to find ways to help the time pass)

  • Dawn Smith by Dawn Smith, Malvern AR
  • 13 years ago

I should be spending this time planning my little girls 11th birthday that is in 5 days but instead I'm still trying to figure out why she was taken from me. My baby girl was ripped away from me the day after Thanksgiving 2010. Does it ever get easier?

  • Randy Garabedian by Randy Garabedian, Salem
  • 13 years ago

I read this today because my Daughter Kayla's Ann. It is coming up it will be her 15th. The days get better but the years don't make it easier, she's still gone from me. and I will never know what she could have become, but the two years I had I will never forget.
Thank You,

  • Patience by Patience
  • 13 years ago

I lost my daughter 4 weeks ago today she was 10 months old. I was at work and her dad was watching her she climbed on the TV table and the TV fell on her head she was pronounced dead at 10:15 p.m May 13, 2011...this poem is absolutely beautiful it put tears in my eyes reading it.

  • Sarah by Sarah, Bradford
  • 14 years ago

I lost my daughter 5 years ago tomorrow (22/02/11) aged 7 weeks. Her bowel twisted which cut off the blood supply, which killed her. I read this and it is exactly how I felt in the hours waiting for her to go. It's beautifulxx

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