Daughter Death Poem

Poem About Facing Each Day

My husband and my daughter both died due to a rare genetic condition known as amyloidosis. He died in 1985 at age 36 and she died in 2005 at age 29. There was a 50% chance that she would inherit this, and I honestly thought it would not happen. I miss Stacey so much. Sometimes I cannot believe that it happened. The bond between a mother and daughter is so strong that even death cannot break it.

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September of 2014 we found out we were expecting triplet girls with 2 due dates June 8th and June 9. Crazy right? Went to the hospital because I was having stomach pain and they told me I...

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Angel In The Sky


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2011 with permission of the Author.

When I look up at the sky
I see a pair of wings go by.
It's not a bird but an angel I see.
Through the clouds, she smiles at me.
And when I see the fiery red hair
I know then that Stacey is there.
My arms long to hold her next to me.
But this is a dream that can never be.
She waves and continues on her way
So it is without her that I must face each day.
I can only remember her in my heart.
With the love and memories, we're not apart.


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  • Nicole by Nicole, Peoria Illinois
  • 9 years ago

September of 2014 we found out we were expecting triplet girls with 2 due dates June 8th and June 9. Crazy right? Went to the hospital because I was having stomach pain and they told me I had to stay overnight so my obgyn can do tests. Next day came and they did the sono and my obgyn looked at me with tears in his eyes and said I am sorry and walked out of the room. Went back to my room and didn't let my fiancé go. We just held each other and cried. Dr came in a hour or two later and said that baby A was in the way so thay could not safely take B and C out. And my body would reject them and I would lose Baby A, My heart sank! They said it would be about a week before it happened. Well for 8 long weeks I had to feel A kick B and C and make them move then I went in labor and had my babies and got to name them all. My living daughter was born at 28 week at 2lbs 10oz and didn't come home till mothers day and I had to bury the other 2. Her name is Faith. She's had very little complications!

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