You can't make decisions
You can't be right
You can't grow up
You're too dumb to fight
I know what's best
I know it all
Mom and Dad
Just hit the wall
I can choose my life
I choose who
I want to be
Mom and Dad
say I'm not right
Mom and Dad say I can't fight
Mom and Dad show me the worst
Mom and Dad made me burst
Mom and Dad ruined my life
I'm going to show them
how to fight.
Mom and Dad
I want you to
let me grow up
let me be free
Mom and Dad
I will show you
I'm not a mistake
I will show you I'm on the edge
Mom and Dad know I made mistakes
Mom and Dad can't take the pain.
I will show them
I am free
I am forever me!
Mom and Dad
I'm sorry to say
but I have to moved on
now I am me
Poem About Being Free From Parents
I can relate to this poem because my parents think I can't make my own decisions but I can! they're conquering my life and I'm afraid it'll be over before I can be free.
Let Me Grow Up
Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.