Heartbreak Poem by Teens

Can we just be friends? That's the last thing you want to hear. I would like to dedicate this poem to every girl who has gotten this response from a lover. I know how you feel. This happened just last week. I know how heart broken you feel every time your song comes on. I feel your pain. Find a way to get that anger out. If you keep it bottled up for too long, you will regret it. Thank You!

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I met him three years ago. 'L' took my first kiss, my knees went weak! With his smile and beautiful face, his affection and his smell. Everything went downhill once he told me he wanted to be...

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Just Friends?

© more by Kacie Hiatt

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

You kiss my cheek
and walk away
I am waiting
for you to say
I love you

But instead
you break my heart
with your unkind words
"Can we just be friends?"
I look away

A knife through
my heart
You try to
touch my cheek
I turn away

Why can't we
be more than
That is all
I ever wanted

And more

When you said
Those unkind words
You ripped my
Heart to shreds
I won't forget you

Every time our song
Comes on
I will think
Of you and sigh

Every time you call me
I will hang up without an explanation

That is the
question that
I asked that day
The day you said

Can We Just Be Friends?


more by Kacie Hiatt

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sharon by Sharon, Sarawak
  • 11 years ago

I met him three years ago. 'L' took my first kiss, my knees went weak! With his smile and beautiful face, his affection and his smell. Everything went downhill once he told me he wanted to be friends. I said I was okay with it but he still treated me more than a friend. He had no idea how many times I had to cry myself at night, thinking of him and I had to pretend that I was okay with being friends. I have a boyfriend now, 'L' went overseas to continue his study and I hope he found someone who can love him as much as I loved him.

  • Cheyanne by Cheyanne, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

yeah, when my ex said 'I can only see you as a friend right' it didn't really bother me at first. When I found out that he had broke up with me for another girl, though.... it killed me. I felt really bad about myself. I wanted him so badly it wasn't even funny. I really thought that I loved him. Even now he won't talk to me or if I text him he will tell me he's busy, even though he's texting my best friend. They all say I'm too good for him, but it still killed me. Now that I'm with my new boyfriend, I know that what I felt for 'W' wasn't love. It was me wanting to be loved.

  • Margaret by Margaret, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

I experienced this same situation back in 2003, I began dating a guy I went to school with his sister. after a few weeks he began acting odd. So I questioned him and he said he just wanted to be friends. Then a week later he married his high school sweetheart
now the funny thing is when I am walking by myself I see him time from time, yes he is alone and tries to talk. I walk away cause he still has my heart in the palm of his hands.

  • Megan by Megan, South Africa
  • 13 years ago

Omg, shame! And oh no! My crush's sister said I liked him and I didn't want him to know! So he sent me an email saying - do you like me and I said no and my friend just told me he liked me and in my email I said - we're friends and I like that! - I have been rejected like that by my old crush and then he went off with my other friend! :( Good Luck! I love your poem! Soz I had to tell someone!

  • Mary by Mary, AR
  • 13 years ago

I have been through this same thing. I act like everything's fine around everyone and like I don't care about him anymore, but the truth is I can't stop thinking about him. I can't get his voice out of my head. I cry everytime I see, smile or hear his voice inside my head. I can't stop listening to our song. It hurts so much and I can't stop it. He has no idea of how much I still want him and need him. I don't want to just be friends. I want him to be laying beside me. I don't know what to do since he's not beside. I really hurts me when I listen to our song I hope he's reading this and I hope he get the point that I want to be more then friends. Every time I see him I cry and every time he gives me a hug I cry. I can't get over him.

  • Lilli by Lilli
  • 14 years ago

I went through this not even 3 months ago and about a month and a half ago the boy realized he wanted to be more then friends but I had moved on and now am madly in love with my boyfriend and will only remain friends with the one who once used the words "can we be friends"

  • Lucy by Lucy, Brighton
  • 14 years ago

I broke up with my boyfriend last year and he said the same and after that he just tried going back out with me and yet he says I'm not his type of girl that he's into even though we went out for half a year...

  • J.Lo by J.Lo, NSW
  • 14 years ago

I'm ashamed to say this...but when I broke up with my boyfriend I asked him if we could just be friends and I didn't know how much pain those caused him, thank you for opening my eyes to that.

  • Brandi by Brandi, Ontario
  • 14 years ago

Yes it had happened to me actually just a couple of days ago! it hurts I wanted to curl up in a hole and be left to rot. then I talked to my friend and my parents and they told me to cheer up that when you enter high school on the first day that you will find someone that you loved even more than that person. and we are now friends! (:

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 14 years ago

I have been through this same this. I act like everything's fine around everyone and like I and care about him no more but the truth is I can't stop thinking about him. I can't get his voice out of my head. I cry everytime I see, smile or hear his voice inside my head. I can't stop listening to our song. It hurts so much and I can't stop it. He has no idea of how much I still want him and need him. I don't want to just be friends. I want him to be laying beside me. I don't know what to do since he's not beside me. Kacie Hiatt, I love your poetry. It really speaks to people.

every time we touched every time we kissed...I feel like since he said that ...those two things, and more, meant nothing to him. I cry every time I hear that song. He doesn't know how bad I still want him. Every date I go on I picture him instead of who ever is sitting across from me. I am heartbroken and feel like a thrown around rag that hasn't been washed from the mind of her lover. Kacie Hiatt, you do a good job of poetry and I appreciate that. I love the fact that you share your emotions with us. God bless.

  • Skyla by Skyla
  • 16 years ago

yea I know how you feel my x did the same thing I act like I don't care but I really do.. some days I wish we were more than friends and hopefully one day we could, but right now all I do I sit there listen to our song and wish were more than friends.

  • rachel byrge by rachel byrge
  • 16 years ago

I've been through this same exact thing and yes it does hurt, but I got over it in time.. I think!! that boy is still out there and doesn't even know how I really feel!!!! when the truth is I love him more than anything in the world and to have him back would be a dream come true... so I hope if he's reading this he can tell what I mean !!!!!!

  • sara by sara
  • 16 years ago

my ex just recently broke up with me and said the words can we just be friend and I was so upset and I haven't talked to him ever since

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