Inspirational Poem

Poem About Not Allowing Yourself To Be Defeated

I hope you enjoy this poem; it was from the heart.

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I really love this poem! I can definitely relate. Just recently I had to end a friendship, and I felt terrible about it. I felt broken, felt as though I had failed, but I came to realize that...

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I Bend

© more by Selena Odom

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2018 with permission of the Author.

I bend but do not break.
I've been lost, but I'm not a loser.
I'm a wreck, but I'm not totaled.
I'm fractured but not broken.
I've failed, but I'm not a failure.
I've fallen hard but can get up again.
I'm isolated, but still I'm free.
I have been destroyed but will rebuild.
My heart is broken, but it will mend.
See, no matter how close I come to breaking, I just continue to bend.


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  • Rating 4.51
  • Poem of the Day
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Serenity by Serenity
  • 6 years ago

A little while ago my mom decided to end her life. What hurts the most is I watched her do it. I was hurt; that was when my life went down. My dad got put in prison a week later. I needed therapy. With hope, I am strong now. This poem changed my life. So thank you for writing this poem.

  • Astrid Hardjana-Large by Astrid Hardjana-Large
  • 6 years ago

This poem brings out the diversity and strength when refusing defeat. Life wouldn't be ideal, but we wouldn't be defeated or out of ways to keep going.

I really love this poem! I can definitely relate. Just recently I had to end a friendship, and I felt terrible about it. I felt broken, felt as though I had failed, but I came to realize that it happened for the best. The person pretending to be my friend was just no good, and I knew that if we had still been friends I would've been hurt even more than I had been. This poem expressed for me how to stand tall and not to let liars, pretenders, failures, or mistakes bring you down. Thanks so much for writing! You did a fantastic job!

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