Drug Abuse Poem

Heroin Poem

Don't be heroin's slave.

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I love your poem. It touched my heart. I am soooo sorry for what you have been through. I am happy that you are ok and that hearing your poem I help stop my teenage friends. Thanks so much...

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30 Inch Gauge


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2011 with permission of the Author.

How were the shrooms? The beer? The LSD?
I'll show you something more worthwhile than weed.
I can show you how to steal and lie.
Trust me, it's all you need to get by.
Why go to school? Don't turn another page!
I'm so much easier, and I come in a 30 inch gauge.
Heroin's my name, I've been known to destroy lives.
Taking out actors, teenagers, fathers, and wives.
People will leave you, that's just fine.
Follow me, you'll be all mine.
Try to get rid of me? What a joke.
Pretty soon you'll have a needle, looking for a vein to poke.
Need some love? That's gonna be hard to find.
But don't worry, cause I'll always be in the back of your mind...


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  • Rating 4.40
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kalli Hernandez by Kalli Hernandez, Oregon/Bandon/Coos County
  • 9 years ago

My Dad, Christopher Hernandez has suffered from drugs since he was 14. He did his first line of meth a week after his 14th birthday, to be exact. He became an addict over the years and put my sweet grandmother through hell. She was loving, understanding, and bent over backwards for him. He recently got addicted to heroin, while being a meth addict.
It eventually got so bad he couldn't do a shot of meth without doing a shot of heroin, and vice versa. He put me and my little brother through hell, as well as my mom. So if a family member has an addiction, please get them help. My dad's currently locked up for breaking and entering because he was high out of his mind. And besides that, we love him and he's KILLING HIMSELF, as well as US.

  • Dakota by Dakota
  • 13 years ago

Many members in my family have done heroin I've seen it wreck their lives some of them still do it...

  • Valiarre Pierre by Valiarre Pierre
  • 8 years ago

I love your poem. It touched my heart. I am soooo sorry for what you have been through. I am happy that you are ok and that hearing your poem I help stop my teenage friends. Thanks so much for that. I really loved that. And you poem really made me cry. I couldn't stop.

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