Drug Abuse Poem

Depths Of Addiction: Daughter's Resilient Love

I wrote this poem for my mom. She was a drug addict, and she is in prison. She put my sisters and I through hell and separated us. Now we live with our different fathers. My mom really did screw up my life, but I love her to death, and I know she'll make a successful recovery.

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I get what you mean when you say you blame her. Personally, I'm turning 14 in 3 days, and I just found out my mother is back in jail for meth, but she is still finding out ways to have kids....

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All We Can Do Is Wait


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2011 with permission of the Author.

You were never really there,
And when you came around, all people did was stare,
You chose drugs over us,
At least you loved yourself, that's a plus.

I try to forget the past, I try to distance myself from your influence,
You going to jail when I needed you most is some coincidence,
It kills me to think you sit there doing nothing,
If I said I forgive you I'd be bluffing.

Nothing feels right, it's not the same,
When things go wrong it's you I try to blame,
I wish you were here, I wish I could see you,
Almost everything people say about you is true.

Yet it hurts, the way his words sting,
No one has a clue the pain they bring,
I don't even have my sisters with me,
I understand though this is how it has to be.

Every day I think of ways I could have stopped this from happening,
But it all melts down to the fact that I couldn't have done anything,
Except helped you out, not been so bad,
Thinking it was me that drove you to drugs makes me sad.

Mom, all I can do is say I'm sorry, and I miss you,
We'll be together one day, and waiting is all we can do.


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  • Akshit Tiwari by Akshit Tiwari
  • 5 years ago

Very good poem. But please don't blame anyone. Drugs are such addiction, which can't be cured easily. Only addicted ones know how hard it is to stop. Your mother made a mistake, and she is paying for this. You can be the one to help her survive and begin a new life. Don't blame yourself either because you are thinking about this. That is really great.

  • A.S. by A.S.
  • 5 years ago

I get what you mean when you say you blame her. Personally, I'm turning 14 in 3 days, and I just found out my mother is back in jail for meth, but she is still finding out ways to have kids. I haven't talked to her in over 5 years and she still tries to act like she is my mother. Why don't they stop being a mother the second they choose a crystal or a leaf? I honestly think a mother or mom is someone you're supposed to look up to and try to be as great as she is. I don't have that, but I really hope you find someone that can be that for you.

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