Drug Abuse Poem

Poem About Overcoming Self-Destructive Behavior

When I was 13 I went through all of this until I was about 14 and a half. Now I'm almost 16 and my life is better than ever. This is a true story.

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I enjoyed reading this poem. I can totally relate to it because of personal issues of my own. I'm glad you were able to break the chains that bound you to the lifestyle. I'll be reading more...

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Pills And Violence

© more by Kimmi Lewis

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2009 with permission of the Author.

Popping pills in the morning,
Popping pills at night.
Cutting deep into my skin,
Holding my blade tight.

Dressed up to look my best,
When I actually looked my worst.
I thought all this alcohol
Would refresh my troublesome thirst.

I wanted kids when I was older,
I wanted good news to tell.
But who tells their children
They wanted to go to hell?

I had a lot of problems.
Sexually abused and bashed.
Both my arms, wrists, and legs,
Had been both bruised and gashed.

I thought of myself,
As a strong girl.
I wasn't strong at all.
This is what made my toes curl.

I had decided to stop,
And get my life on track.
Because I realized the life I wasted
I was never getting back.

So I stopped the hurting,
For once it was pretty easy.
I stopped looking like an easy target,
And I stopped dressing sleazy.

I'm a better person now,
And I'm turning 16.
I can't believe how young I was
And how I was so keen.

All the drugs and the alcohol,
The cutting and pain,
Have all disappeared.
Now I'm one step ahead in this game.


more by Kimmi Lewis

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Bams Papaw by Bams Papaw, Danville ky
  • 5 years ago

I enjoyed reading this poem. I can totally relate to it because of personal issues of my own. I'm glad you were able to break the chains that bound you to the lifestyle. I'll be reading more of your poems. Please stay focused on walking the right path and build your life. I've been struggling with one addiction or another for over twenty years now. Sad to admit, but my addiction began through medical issues that I'll have to be on medicine for the rest of my life. Best of luck.

  • Destiny.c by Destiny.c
  • 9 years ago

I'm sitting here about to cry reading this. I can relate to this so much being that I went through the same thing 2 years ago. I was really depressed and I would drink a lot. I had just got out of a stupid relationship, it brought back painful memories so I began cutting all over my arms. Having my family not really understand me as a person didn't really help the situation either. I remember lying to my sister telling her that there was nothing wrong with my arms, because I was so afraid of having to go to counseling. But to this day I am still a little depressed but I deal with it a lot better even though I still drink a little to help the stress go away. I know eventually I will find my way and just be at peace with society,

  • Kaylee by Kaylee
  • 10 years ago

I really like this poem. But in my belief, there is no cure for addiction. I believe this because basically everybody in my family had either a drug or alcohol, or both. I watched my mom, dad, both sides of grandparents, my older sister and currently my older brother, and aunts and uncles, and great aunts and uncles. Everybody has an addiction, whether it's good or bad. I'm even going through it...but substitute the drugs and alcohol with a razor blade...

  • Anthony D. by Anthony D.
  • 8 years ago

Wow...you should see the tears coming from my eyes...I hope that you are better now.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 11 years ago

Hey! I really don't like the line where you say you stopped dressing sleazy! We shouldn't have to change clothing to stop from being raped. People need more self control!

  • Adrian Postel by Adrian Postel
  • 8 years ago

I think that when she mentioned her new way of dressing, she meant that she is proud of her new lease on life. And that entails everything that makes her feel positive. Why not include being proud of the way that she dresses, too?

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