Broken Friendship Poem

Poem On One-Sided Friendships

To those who give their all in a friendship but get nothing in return.....

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This is so relatable. I remember when I was in 5th grade, my friend always made me feel like I was a third wheeler. She used to go and talk to other friends during lunch, just leaving me...

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Friends Till The End


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2010 with permission of the Author.

What did I do?
What did I say?
Why do I seem to be in your way?
Friends till the end,
Or so that's what I thought.
Now you don't have time,
And I'm always left out.
Haven't I been there for you
Through thick and thin?
Figment of my imagination,
Or is that the way it's been?
When others turned their back,
Whether you were right or wrong,
Didn't I stand by you?
Wasn't I your friend all along?
On your lonely nights,
When no one else could relate,
I never thought twice.
It never was a debate.
I'm always there to hear you out,
Listening all the way, without a doubt.
What's so bad about wanting the same?
A friend that will stand by me,
One that won't play games.....


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • GloryGirly by GloryGirly
  • 4 years ago

This is so relatable. I remember when I was in 5th grade, my friend always made me feel like I was a third wheeler. She used to go and talk to other friends during lunch, just leaving me there at the table. It was so hard to go through, I almost cried one day. I felt ignored and alone. I love this poem.

  • Kanthaa Ajith by Kanthaa Ajith
  • 5 years ago

I had a friend who I used to hang around every day. The other day I just made a comment that her eyes looked like those of the animated puppy face. She thought I was trying to make her look bad in some way and won’t be friend with me anymore. I begged her to be my friend again and to give me a second chance, but she won’t listen to me. Now she plays around my boyfriend as if she wants to snatch him away from me.

  • Jk by Jk
  • 7 years ago

I've felt this way, too. For one year I had a friend. We were the best of friends. A year after that, he said I couldn't afford to go to a secondary school, which you don't have to pay for. But I'm going to a secondary school where you do pay. My "friend" is going to the school he said I couldn't afford. I also have a friend at martial arts class, but I didn't know he was an old friend of my "friend." When I told him this, he said I "snatched his friend."

  • Danni Ryan by Danni Ryan
  • 9 years ago

I know what it is like to lose a friend, as it happened to me recently this year. I closed up and didn't think anyone one would understand how I would feel. Losing a friend is like you are losing yourself in away. I have lost myself so many times it is not funny, not just in this way, but many other ways. I gave my all to this person, helped them, stood up for them and was just there for them in every way possible. But all I got was no friend in the end. I spent most of my time with her and made sure she was happy before I was. I made the wrong decision. She hurt me so much, I was blaming it on myself. Then something clicked, it wasn't my fault as I put forward things that nobody else knew I had to offer. Now she has come crawling back.

  • J C by J C
  • 10 years ago

This is the story of my life. My so called best friend first went off trying to steal my other best friend in such ridiculous ways, and now we aren't friends. I was like her glass cup, that she didn't even care about when it shattered.

  • Maya Mei by Maya Mei
  • 10 years ago

I feel the same way. One certain boy broke my heart really bad. He is now dating a different girl but my "best friend" goes on their dates with them to make them "less awkward". I don't thing she even knows or cares that she is hanging out with the one who shattered my heart and have me up to the depression I had only recently escaped from. She thoughtlessly tells me stories of how funny he is with her and shows me her talking about how much she loves him. Argh I hate her so much! But I can't confront her because she is my only friend. I can't confront her because I know she will choose him over me.

  • Rachel by Rachel
  • 13 years ago

This is my life. I thought we were friends but all of a sudden it was like she pushed me off a cliff. I didn't even understand. I tried to call out to her, to get her to hear how I felt but all she did is hate more. I faith that it'll get better though. I'll keep on waiting. Until then, we really aren't friends.

  • Houston by Houston
  • 13 years ago

I feel the same about my best friend. She moved away and started acting so different. She doesn't even call me her best friend anymore.
I don't know what it is that made her change her mind. Even over the summer we made plans to see each other. Now she acts like those plans never existed. Now all I just want is my so-called best friend back...

  • Bre'Ana by Bre'Ana
  • 14 years ago

yes I love this poem so much it's like saying everything I felt about my EX best friend

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