Heartbreak Poem by Teens

My first kiss went great. My boyfriend (though I only knew him two days- childhood mistake) never told me he lived in Oklahoma, many states away. And I'll never see him again.

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This happened to me too. He took my first kiss and twisted my thinking and convinced me to run away with him. It never worked. I found out he had another girlfriend and she was pregnant....2...

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First Kiss


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

I gave you my very first kiss
But it meant nothing to you
And when you told me those things
I believed that they were true

I didn't see why at first
But now that I think about it
I get this feeling inside
That just won't quit

I'll try not to think about you
And I hope you do the same
Because I'll never forgive you
For playing the love game


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Callie by Callie, ND
  • 10 years ago

This happened to me too. He took my first kiss and twisted my thinking and convinced me to run away with him. It never worked. I found out he had another girlfriend and she was pregnant....2 faced liar...guys just don't understand honesty.

  • Sabrina by Sabrina
  • 13 years ago

This happened to me this year he was my first kiss, and he took my virginity and than the next day I found out he had a girl friend I cried for hours, but I use poetry to let everything out but he just wants me to forget him. That's easy for him to say guys are such inconsiderate asses

  • Lari C. by Lari C.
  • 14 years ago

I can so totally relate to this poem. My first kiss, I was hoping that he wouldn't play his stupid game with me, but he did, took me a little while to move on from it, his cheating and lying and everything, but in the end, I found someone better :D

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