Depression Poem

Feeling Depressed Poem

I just feel so low and have felt this way since December. My family knows, but none of them seem to care. My friends are sympathetic, but I can see they are getting tired of me. They are getting tired of me not wanting to come out. I can't help it. I hate going out. I'm scared. I don't know what of, but I'm scared of something.

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Hi, my name was Tessa. It's two years later, and I'm doing a lot better. I'm transgender - hence the name change - and have been diagnosed with Autism and OCD. Things have significantly...

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Curl Up And Die


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

my pain runs so deep I feel like it is inside of me
running through my veins
carving me up as it goes
I don't want to feel like this
but does anybody care?
I doubt it
I'm a liability
that's all
nobody cares
they've just had enough of me
so I curl up inside my house
and have people say
come out you're boring
come see the world
but I don't want to!
I'm scared.
of what? I don't know
I look at the pills
and contemplate doing it
but I'm too scared
so I just curl up and cry wishing I had the bravery to die.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Daniela Novelo by Daniela Novelo, Belize City
  • 9 years ago

Hi. My name is Daniela. I feel the same way, truly. I am also Bisexual. My parents, both are disgusted by me. I was emotionally, physically and almost sexually abused by my father. At the age of 10 I became suicidal. My parents are divorced and I went through Depression and Anxiety. I went through a lot, I'm still suicidal, but I met someone who gave me love when I needed it. It could happen to you, anyone... everyone. Please know that someone does care for you and will forever love you. Just know you're perfect to some one... you're perfect to Me.

  • Isabel Boyle by Isabel Boyle, 120 Curlane st, 6
  • 7 years ago

Hi. I'm Isabel, and I am lesbian. My father is extremely homophobic. I am 12 years old and know about things that I really should not know about. I have been raped. I have never told anyone accept social media. This is part of the reason I am lesbian. I mean, who would want...THAT....going into...your...THAT. Anyway, I am very depressed. People say they know what I'm going through, but they don't. My mom even put me on medicine for it. Not to mention 6th grade drama. That really doesn't help. As of right now, I don't seem perfect, needed, wanted, cared for.

  • Tessa Davies by Tessa Davies
  • 9 years ago

Hi my name is Tessa, I have been emotionally abused by my father for the past 9 years. He is a homophobic, racist and misogynist, and I am a bisexual teenager who believes in equality. I'm slowly dying inside and I know he sees it but he doesn't help me, just saying I'm disrespectful for cutting and wanting to die. I have just started year 8 and as a kid with social anxiety that is really difficult, I hate school and have no friends. I've recently been put on medication for anxiety and depression, but have found it makes no difference. Thank you to anyone who has got this far into my story, it not that interesting, but its mine. I shall say it for the last time, Goodbye.

  • Theo Davies by Theo Davies
  • 7 years ago

Hi, my name was Tessa. It's two years later, and I'm doing a lot better. I'm transgender - hence the name change - and have been diagnosed with Autism and OCD. Things have significantly improved for me as I was removed from my father's care and my wonderful mum was given full custody. I am no longer suicidal or self-harming. I wanted to thank you, Issy, for your kind words and support. I'll always have problems, but they're manageable now. I hope others who see my story and the improvements that have occurred over the last few years will hold out hope and be as lucky as I was to have survived this long. My story continues.

  • Issy by Issy
  • 9 years ago

Hi tessa. I hope you are ok. Please remember that you are still young and you have your whole life ahead of you. These hard times will pass, but I do understand how it hurts you. Reach out to a trusted teacher; someone in authority and tell them what's going on for you.
You know there is much more understanding and support nowadays,than when I was a teenager 30 odd years ago; support was pretty non existent and we were alone. Get help and get better.

  • Erica by Erica
  • 9 years ago

I'm Erica . I'm always depressed and sad and feel like I'm alone all the time. If I could change one thing it would be my whole life. Maybe not even existing . I have all these fake friends that don't care and that won't care if I tell them about how I feel and about cuts and suicide. They would tell everyone and they wouldn't care. It's like it's me against the world.

  • Leslie by Leslie, Mo
  • 12 years ago

I know how you feel. My mom knows how I feel but she doesn't seem to care at all. She saw the cuts on my arm and told me that she will stop drinking if I stop cutting. But last week I found out she had a drink and today I found two bottles. It makes me feel like she doesn't care. I threw the bottle out of the room yelling "THERE YOU GO" and she asked me what was wrong. Like she didn't know.

  • Jordan by Jordan, VA
  • 14 years ago

You and me could be soul mates, my family knows how depressed I am but don't seem to truely care and my friends just want me gone because I feel so uncomfortable going out partying. they never want me around anymore. I am feeling the same feelings your going though so I want you to know, I love you with all my heart, I truely do.

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