Mother Death Poem

Poem About Mum Passing Away

My mum sadly passed away when I was just 14 years old and nothing could ever have prepared me for how much I was going to miss her. After her surviving a brain tumor and cervical cancer she still managed to show me all the love in the world, but sadly on 27th February 2003 she lost her battle to breast cancer. Not a day goes by where I don't think of her.
Although our time was short she shown and gave me more love then most people see in a lifetime.

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I'm 21 and I just lost my mother from cancer and it hurts and I have so many unanswered question. I miss her so much, this poem explains all of how I'm feeling, thank you for this poem.

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Don't Forget About Me!


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

Should I be feeling guilty, was there something I didn't do?
Did I not do enough to show all the love I had inside for you?
If you could say three words to me, would they be the one I'd want to hear?
When I knock on heavens door for you will you push me away or hold me near?

There's a million questions that I have inside,
And a million more that keep coming to mind,
Like where are you now and are you free from all your pain?
If someone asked you about me would you even remember my name?

I hope I've never left you disappointed or ever let you down,
That all you've done is smile for me and upon me you've never frowned,
I want you to be proud of me, in the many years how far I've come,
From the smallest to the biggest things that I have ever done.

Even though you left me here without a mum so young,
I'd never say your name in vain, disrespect you or do you wrong.
So all the questions I have inside, I guess they'll grow to more,
Just promise me you'll be there the day I knock on heavens door.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Monecia Stevenson by Monecia Stevenson
  • 8 years ago

I'm 21 and I just lost my mother from cancer and it hurts and I have so many unanswered question. I miss her so much, this poem explains all of how I'm feeling, thank you for this poem.

  • Meg by Meg
  • 11 years ago

I was only six years old when I lost my mother. She passed away on December 30th, 2003. She got into a car crash on the 20th and had face damage, and more. She was going into have some type of surgery and she never woke up from the surgery. I opened this poem because the first line caught my attention about if there was something I could have done. I ask myself that question all the time. I can remember the last time I saw her at home as she was leaving for work I tell myself what if I had pretended to be sick and made her stay home. Would she still be here today?

  • Tika Malawi by Tika Malawi
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mum in 2003 to malaria she was only 38 and I was 18. My sisters were so young my brother was 12. She was born on the 7th of December and died on the 10th. Today marks 10 years without her and I miss her lots. Your poem helps sum up what I feel today and I can't help but sob all day

  • Fred Wellington Fl by Fred Wellington Fl
  • 11 years ago

My wife of two years and I went on a cruise. My mother had been taking care of my Dad who has been in and out of hospitals for the past six months. She was always strong and courageous. While we were away, she died.
I was notified of her death when we left port and I was a day and a half from arriving to Copenhagen to catch a flight home. It was an excruciating two and a half days before I got home.
I moved to Florida to be with my parents in 1989. On the trip home I thought about how wonderful it had been to see my mom regularly and I talked to her almost every day. My two brothers who lived out of town would come in a few times a year. The crazy thing is that in spite of all the great times we had I miss her beyond imagination.
She died a week ago today and it seems like an eternity. I am now the caretaker for my dad and I know my mother can rest in peace knowing that I am there for dad. May all in mourning be comforted with pleasant memories.

  • Chris by Chris, Ks
  • 12 years ago

It will be a year on the 16th of February that my mom took her own life. She attempted 3 times over the year previous. I took care of her for months at a time after she would be released from the hospital. The day before her 4th and final attempt my mother and I got in to a small pointless argument and she became mad and headed for the door to leave without saying a word she stops halfway out turns and looks at me with upset & anger then she left. The next morning I found my mom on the floor in her living room overdosed on painkillers. There was nothing I could do, she had been gone four several hours. There's not a day that passes that the sight of my mother dead on the floor doesn't play over again and the guilt I feel from thinking our argument pushed her to it, and the last time we seen each other and the look she gave me just kills me deeply everyday since and wishing I could of told her I love her so much. This poem hit me so hard, I just sat and cried. I love an miss you so very much momma!!!!

  • Rose Fraker by Rose Fraker, Columbus Ohio
  • 12 years ago

I was 21 when I lost my mom Feb. 6th 2004. That was the hardest day of my life I lost a part of me that I can never get back. Years have passed and I still have my days and the pain still surfaces but I live with it. I miss her so much and it's hard still to believe she's gone. When I think about my mom I sit and cry alone and still ask myself why, but I know she lives through me in my heart and memories.

  • Crystal by Crystal, California
  • 12 years ago

My mother died when I was 6.
She got into the wrong things and chose the wrong road.
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her.
I wish I could have gotten to know her a lot more though.
Some day, Some where. I will hear her voice and see her smile.
I just know she's watching over me and keeping me out of trouble.
But this poem definitely shows how I feel.
Your an amazing writer. Love this poem<3

  • Sandra Aughton by Sandra Aughton, Uk
  • 12 years ago

On the morning of my friends mums funeral I was looking for a poem to write for her. I came across this one and it struck a chord in my summed up how I feel about my own mummy dying 18 years ago of cancer...even now I mourn her I keep her memory alive by talking about her to the children who sadly for them and her never knew each other. I know she watches over us she is our guardian angel. A million times I have cried for her and yearned for her, I feel like a little girl who needs her mummy to take away my pain, hold me and tell me everything's gonna be ok. I know she has pulled me up when I am slipping down and has given me strength to ride the storm and been my rock to cling on to...I love you mummy, one day we will be

  • Nikki by Nikki, Missouri
  • 12 years ago

My mom died unexpectedly 13 days before my 13th birthday. When she had died that was the worst day of my life I had never felt a pain like that my mom was there no matter what ever happened and she never gave up on me no matter how many times I wanted to give up on myself. R.I.P Mom I love you forever and always

  • Dylan by Dylan, Oregon
  • 13 years ago

My mother committed suicide on Valentine's Day of my eighth grade of school. I found a note from her a few years later. She had wrote that she was saving medical pills to accomplish her suicide. I often wonder if there was anything I could have done to change her mind. Even something simple like saying " I love you" one more time. Thank you for your beautiful poem.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Tennessee
  • 13 years ago

My mom passed away on my sons 1st birthday June 3, 2009. She passed away of lung cancer I was 21. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through, I held her hand as she took her last breathe! As I read this poem I began to cry! This poem really touched me! I think to myself everyday if there was something I could have done different, and there is all kinds of question I ask. Losing a mother at such a young age is so hard and if I could do it all over again I would have done things a lot differently. Please don't take your mom for granted. Once she is gone you will never have someone that will love you unconditionally like she did!

  • Michelle by Michelle, Indiana
  • 13 years ago

My Mom passed away 9/12/2011. I was really close to her. she had a really hard life. I don't know what she died of yet. She was only 46. My Mom had a drinking problem so when I was 8 my Dad got custody for me. I really didn't get to see my mom much cause we moved to Florida. I finally got to see her again after 10 years when I was 18. Now I am 22 and it's like she was ripped out of my arms again. I don't think my family understands on my Dad's side. This poem describes how I felt.

  • Elizabeth Cristos by Elizabeth Cristos
  • 14 years ago

My niece is 8 years old. Her mom died last month on the 22nd of January. Her dad is a great 'field trip' dad but his lifestyle of substance abuse problem doesn't allow him to care for her. My husband and I have guardianship of her. I want to do all I can for her. I so appreciate this poem. It helps me to see her point of view and how to better minister to her. I would love more info on you young girls who went through the same thing she's going through and suggestions on how to bless her.

  • Colie by Colie, Montana
  • 14 years ago

My mom passed away three years ago. I am the oldest out of her six children and it has been hard. I am now 17 and the youngest is 5. Every day is hard to fill the gap where she occupied. She was so much a part of our life and she dedicated every part of her to us. Reading this poem and all of your posts lets me know I'm not alone. After everything that has happened in the past few years I have learned a great deal. One is that always say what you need to say. I had a gut feeling to tell my mom that I was proud of her right before her accident but I never did. That is a regret but also a life lesson that I will carry for the rest of my life. The second thing is that out of every bad thing, there is a meaning. Maybe you don't know it or never will but something is learned and there is always something to take away from it. I hope the best for all of you.

  • Dolores by Dolores, United States
  • 14 years ago

Wow! My mom passed away six years ago and there is not a day goes by that I don't think of her. My dad passed away when I was 17, and this poem fits the way I feel about both of them. Thank you for putting into words what so many feel.

  • Caitlin by Caitlin, Virgina
  • 14 years ago

Hi my name is Caitlin I'm 15. my mom recently died a month ago she was 44. We don't know the cause of death yet. It hurts my everyday that she is not here, but I always remember she will be with me every step of the way even if I can't see or hear here I will always know she's there. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of my mom. This poem relates to everything I am feeling:/

  • Kathy by Kathy, UK
  • 14 years ago

My mum died when I was 6, nearly 50 years ago now. I still cry for her. My best friend's mum has only a few weeks left of life, and I have been trying to find words to explain to her that she will carry on. This poem provided those words. Thank you x

  • Emalee by Emalee
  • 14 years ago

Hi there, I'm from New Zealand. I lost my mother in Jan 2007, I was 11years old. she died because of kidney failure. She got admitted into hospital and days went by she got worse and worse and then one night she was released from all her pain as she passed away in the late hours of the night.
she was a really young person and at that time I couldn't really understand why I had to lose my mother. Lucky 4 me I had a lot of support from my family and friends. Saying goodbye to my mum was the hardest thing but she is loved and thought of everyday! My thoughts and prayers are with you all! xxx

  • Katie by Katie, Elmwood Park NJ
  • 15 years ago

in march of 2008 my mom was diagnosed of stage 3 lung cancer, just over a year later on April 27, 2009 she had died because of kidney failure. the medications she was on shut down her kidneys. my mother was more than my mother, she was my everything, coach, fan, and my best friend. I thought of suicide when she died, but I thought it through and I know she wouldn't want me to do that.

  • Celeste by Celeste, USA
  • 15 years ago

My mom passed away this summer due to her drug and alcohol addictions. I am only 14 years old. Her birthday is tomorrow and I have no clue what I am going to do. . . this poem helped because that is exactly how I feel.

  • Mike by Mike, Devon. UK
  • 15 years ago

My mother is dying from cancer and she is close to deaths door. I love her with all my heart and hope she does not suffer much more. As I write this message I can hear her sleep and I just hope and pray her last hours on this earth are just the end and then beginning of a better place for her. I will desperately miss her and no words can describe what I'm going through. But she leaves a Daughter and Son with 3 grandchildren who will always remember and love her. Mike

  • a girl from Holland by a girl from Holland
  • 15 years ago

I lose my mother almost 5 years ago. She had an aggressive form of breast cancer. I was only 8 years old when she died. I can't talk about it with my family or friends. I'm afraid I'll cry. This poem describes my feelings. Respect!!!!

  • Amy by Amy
  • 15 years ago

I lost my mum, it'll be one year next month. I miss her so much and have none to talk with. Don't want to upset family members or sound emo all the time with friends. It's so hard to know that it's not a bad dream and it'll be a long time before we meet again:( This poem is how I feel:(

  • Ricci by Ricci
  • 15 years ago

My mum died 4 days before Christmas 1996 - I had just turned 11 and she had just turned 29 - she had an aggressive form of cervical cancer - I have not cried in nearly 2 years (I'm 23 now) and have a had a very hard life since she went, this poem is the first thing in 2 years that has made me not only shed a tear but nearly break down. My heart goes out to you . Xxxx

  • judith matthews by judith matthews
  • 16 years ago

yes I lost my mum I never image the pain I'm going through I ask myself everyday why but I never get the answer I want I miss her more than words can say there is a big hole in my heart that no one can replace miss her terrible xxx

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