Family Death Poem

Death Of Husband And Father

A poem, spoken in the words of my mother, about the treacherous loss of a wonderful father, husband, son, and uncle. This poem is dedicated to Eddie Blanton, my dad, whom I loved very much, as did his whole family. R.I.P~Dad. May 24th, 1967 - July 4th, 2007

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This poem brought tears to my eyes. My husband died from a seizure disorder a little over a week ago, and I slept through the seizure this time. When I awoke he was already gone, so I do feel...

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Without You


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2008 with permission of the Author.

The days without you are lonely,
The nights without you are cold,
But even though you are gone now
That burning passion will never grow old.
Sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night ,
Just knowing that you are gone, but it makes
Me feel better knowing that you are peacefully at Home.
Your body lays at rest now,
It's Harder than I thought,
Just knowing you are
Gone for good, and thinking it's all my fault.
Time will have to take its course now,
For There's nothing left to do.
Just always remember that I still care and that I will
Forever love you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kimberly Graham by Kimberly Graham
  • 6 years ago

I lost my fiance to epilepsy 2 weeks ago, and it hurts so much. We have a 4-month-old son together. This poem tells exactly how I feel.

  • Heather Rand by Heather Rand
  • 6 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes. My husband died from a seizure disorder a little over a week ago, and I slept through the seizure this time. When I awoke he was already gone, so I do feel like it's my fault in a way. This poem really hit home. I'm going to use it for his memorial service this weekend. It's everything I couldn't say.

  • Lynn Lasky by Lynn Lasky, Pennsylvania
  • 10 years ago

This is such a beautiful poem. I've been looking for the perfect poem to read at my husband's memorial in a few weeks and I think I just found it!

  • Dana Monkman by Dana Monkman
  • 15 years ago

this is a really good poem, while I was reading it I thought of my twin sister who died last year from suicide this is a really good poem, keep writing!!

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