Grandmother Death Poem

Death Of Grandma

This is dedicated to my nans. They passed, God bless their eternal souls. They watch over us every day.

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This is a helpful poem even though I understand that she is in good place I ' stop crying and sobbing I am just 9 and I also know she's missing me too.

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© more by Terrie Brushette

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2008 with permission of the Author.

I lie here every night thinking of you
Tears fall from my eyes feeling so blue
Why did you leave me all alone
You got your wings and off you have flown

To a better place of light and love
The perfect garden in God's sky above
Where once in a while when I feel low
You will peek in on me and watch me grow

Because now I am older I am able to see
God didn't take you away from me
He just made you an angel with wings to fly
To look after all the children up in the sky

You're the perfect one for the job
I've wiped my tears, no longer do I sob
Now I sit here and think about the days
That I sing, talk and shout your praise

Never will I forget my lovely dear Nan
And no more tears will I shed
Because now I know she's in a better place
And I keep her alive in my heart and my head


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sabika by Sabika, New Delhi
  • 11 years ago

This is a helpful poem even though I understand that she is in good place I ' stop crying and sobbing I am just 9 and I also know she's missing me too.

  • Tracy Shrewsbury by Tracy Shrewsbury
  • 14 years ago

I lost my nan due to dimentia, she had it 11 years and she passed away 2 days ago, I loved her very much and will miss her away. I would like to read this poem at her funeral as it is so beautiful.
Tracy age 24

  • Andrea by Andrea
  • 14 years ago

That poem was very touching. I was only 12 when my Nana died. But she died on the 27 of December 2009, which made it hard as she had a heart attack on Christmas . I now understand more about her dying. I think I didn't want to understand as she was like a mother too me and I was a mess for about 3 months after she died. She was the one who I looked up to and then in the blink of an eye she was taken.

But Thank you for helping me understand, very helpful.

  • Lisa by Lisa, Washington State
  • 14 years ago

My gramma (nanny ma) was a huge part of my life, growing up I was at their house as much as my own. Later years I was her caregiver along with another amazing woman. She passed away Aug.28, 2010 at 88 at home with me holding her hand on one side my mom on the other side my son and her friend/caregiver in the room also. I can't tell you how full circle that was and how my heart broke so hard inside. She was an amazing lady. I love you Gramma!

  • Lauren by Lauren
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Nan on the 11th of august 2010, and things have been so hard, reading this made me realize, I shouldn't be crying, I should be happy for that she lived. my Nan meant everything to me, she was a Nan to me, but also a bestfriend, all those memories we shared shall never ever be forgotten xxx

  • Kelly by Kelly
  • 14 years ago

This is a beautiful poem. I lost my nanny to cancer this year, she was the world to me!. she was practically my mum. Even though she is gone and the farm, where most of my memories are, I now know that the memories will never be sold. I know she is with my poppy who also died of cancer (1993). I feel alone and lost but I know she is there watching after me and will always be beside me.
My only wish is to speak to her again, until that day you're my angel.

  • Angelique by Angelique, Davao City Philippines
  • 14 years ago

I like the poem. it reminds me of my nanay (Grandma). I came from a broken family, she's the one who's taking care of me since I was 1 year old. It was on September 18, 2007 when she died. It took me a year before I realized that she's gone forever.

  • Leah by Leah
  • 15 years ago

I miss my nonny (grandma) so much! I'm almost 12 and Christmas is today. I read a few poems, they made me cry, but this one touched me in a encouraged way.
Thank you for putting this up

  • Anisha by Anisha
  • 15 years ago

My Nan just passed away it was very sad, I took it very hard as I am just 13 and this is only the 2nd death in my family.
Reading your poem has helped me lots, now I understand her death better and I thank you for sharing this wonderfully written poem.

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