Mental Illness Poem

Mental Health Awareness

I am a mental health advocate and always trying to find ways to help people get into the head of someone with medical problems and fully understand it the best I can. I really believe it helps those with problems as well when people understand it. Sometimes I do "fall" and there was a time I couldn't escape it; I stayed. However, seeing a doctor for awhile and medication I have been okay, but it's never just gone. When I do feel it I will write. Writing helps me escape the darkness.

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Darkness Awareness

Natalie M. Lawrence ©

Published by Family Friend Poems August 16, 2024 with permission of the Author.

We are aware of the darkness that a judgmental mind could never interpret,
regrettably a sympathetic one whom may never understand,
the unfortunate occasion that you may never comprehend,
Nevertheless, the inconsolable thoughts taking possession as we ill-advisedly perceive it all.
We plead with our wits next to the shadowy void to pull itself together for the considerate rope, thrown by the aiding, observant heart, whom questionably believes they may be witness to a faltering mind.
Observing the consciousness of the defeated soul that appears to be in despair without hope,
who's only aspirations seem simply to be a desire for a purpose, if not just appreciated for unobserved accomplishments,
But as the Darkness appears it's difficult to grasp the disoriented, desolated mind that was thrust, abruptly upon us.
As much as you try to alleviate the agony you attest to see, handing over your own strength you long to be received,
There is still the over-whelming pull of our defective mind,
discouraging thoughts that blind the help being offered that we push aside,
We feel the need of fight or fly, as we flee to our merciless evacuation,
It's in that moment we freely descend,
Diving into the captivating abyss,
With the knowledge of knowing we may never ascend again.
You can't hear the darkness's dialogue, but we listen to the seductive silence as the chemicals misalign,
The reckless, misguided drop into the blinding dark hole that feels numb in awareness, but aching to touch,
the darkness can speak for as long as we reluctantly consent,
despite the fact it leaves us feeling insignificant,
we let darkness define us and at times its abundant touch is imprudently enough to keep us retreating to darkness's lair for refuge from our detrimental behavior.
We reach, we scream, we dig our nails into the muddy wall, but the hole is too deep; the rope isn't long.
Maybe it's a test as you climb the roots; but the darkness is still there grabbing at your legs, whispering to you that you're meant to be here instead.
"It's safe here!" Darkness says.  "They can't get you here! They may get past that concrete wall, but not in this destitute of twigs and straw, but if they do, they could get stuck, too, maybe I'll haunt them instead of you?"
I should have known how easy it was to fall so gracelessly into a shadowy hole that I know shows when prompted by self-possessed triggers in life that you can't help but let devour the night.
We find ourselves asking if we should even reach up.
We began to wonder if the hole was meant to collect what we feel is broken and left for dead.
Some find us weak, but they have no clue,
When we do choose to be, we fight this battle almost daily, so you can't say what weakness is,
When you've never needed the strength to fight the dark to begin with.


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