Mental Illness Poem

I've been to the mental hospital on several occasions. For this poem I pictured standing in one of the hallways and describing to you what I see. Sympathy is most easily attained through understanding. This poem's designed to be more informative than emotional, appealing more to your logical side. A lot about the mentally ill is misunderstood, and a lot of the suffering could be helped with simple kind actions. These diseases can be complicated, but these people's needs often are not.

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Thank you, Sommerd! When I think of all the pain I saw, I feel obligated to get it right for all of us and wind up rewriting everything a dozen times. Thank you for your comment. I hope...

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The Mental Hospital

Brian E Pardee © more by Brian E Pardee

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2019 with permission of the Author.

There's a place in the hospital where they house the severely mentally ill,
A place where people walk around in a daze and every day starts and ends with a pill.

Where people don't want your money; they only want your prayers.
None of them deserved this; this is leaps and bounds past unfair.

There are so many tears, there is so much anxiety.
Dead on the inside, they're living, breathing casualties.

The kindest act I've ever witnessed occurred inside the walls of a mental hospital.
The people often stripped of their sanity as children, where a "normal" life simply isn't possible.

While others want a newer car or bigger house, they just want stability.
Some people call us delusional as if this life isn't our reality.

There was an old women who lost everyone and her sanity was next.
Good and bad are such simple concepts; how did things become this complex?

There was a middle-aged man who tried to drink himself to death on Christmas.
A teenage girl who swallowed an entire bottle of pills, so young yet so sure she wouldn't miss this.

Watching the little schizophrenic girl embrace the crying old woman tells you everything.
You can't take much inside those locked doors, but understanding is something every one of us brings.

The warm smile of a nurse can do more than anyone could understand.
When you have no one, you cling to the memory of that warm hand.

People are ridiculed because the source of their pain is something your eyes can't see,
But so is oxygen, radio waves, antimatter, UV lights, atoms, and gravity.

Emotions as well with their individual intensities.
Hopelessness often precedes drug and alcohol dependencies.

How can you judge how far someone's come when you don't know where they started?
Books seem to provide more questions than answers; these rocky waters are uncharted.

I sincerely hope God blesses every nurse, counselor, and doctor who tried to help.
The ones who really want to help end the suffering and were never in it for the wealth.

The mental hospital, a place where happiness can be very difficult to define.
The mental hospital, a place you leave but a place you never leave behind.



I started writing inside a mental hospital when I was 18 and I guess I never stopped. Most of my writing has been about mental illness but in recent years I branched out into other topics I'm familiar with. If my poetry had one central message or theme it would be understanding. Once a person can understand another's mindset they tend...

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  • Sommerd by Sommerd
  • 6 years ago

I can totally relate!

Thank you, Sommerd! When I think of all the pain I saw, I feel obligated to get it right for all of us and wind up rewriting everything a dozen times. Thank you for your comment. I hope you're doing all right. -Brian

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