Death Poem by Teens

Daddy, I Forgot To Say Goodbye Poem

Hi, my name is Delyse. I'm 12 years old, and it's my birthday, so I thought I might write this. It may not rhyme, but it's the words that count. It's the only birthday he hasn't been here. Treasure your family, everyone. Otherwise, you will end up falling apart. In memory of Darrell James McCaffrey.

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This made me cry. My eyes were getting teary. I love my dad and he has died twice but managed to make it through and I never think about the fact that I almost lost him and he means the world...

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Where Are You Now?


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

We shared a friendship, a bond, a relationship so strong!
I'd never thought this day would come seeing you like this today.
It's so hard to accept the fact that you're gone forever.
Daddy, promise me you will return someday.
I want to know you will be with me, following me ever step of the way.
Daddy, look over me and let me know you're there!
You carried,
you shared,
you loved,
you cared.
Come back, Daddy.
I forgot to say goodbye.
Now tears prickle down my face
as I reach the end of this poem,
as this tells a story that will never grow old.
It's the story of a truly remarkable man.
Treasure your family because they won't be there someday.
Daddy, hold on; it won't be long.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Megan by Megan, Killeen Tx
  • 11 years ago

This made me cry. My eyes were getting teary. I love my dad and he has died twice but managed to make it through and I never think about the fact that I almost lost him and he means the world to me and this poem made me think that I need to treasure my family even if they treat me bad because once they're gone they're gone. So thank you for this amazing poem.

  • Chloe Eagle by Chloe Eagle
  • 12 years ago

My father passed away when I was 10. He committed suicide an it was the worst day of my life, it sent me down hill for a few years an I didn't think I was gonna find my feet again to get myself back to earth. Everyday I miss my dad, but I know that his now in a better place. It sucks knowing that his not gonna be able to walk me down the aisle or even meet my children, but I know his watching over me every day <3

  • David by David, Mi
  • 12 years ago

I lost my daddy 4 days before my birthday I was only 12 and now I'm 16 and my birthday is my second most depressing day of my life. To think there was no warning this poem made me cry as well. If I could have one wish too wish for anything I want I would wish too see my daddy one more time, one more hug, one more I love you. That's all I would wish for. I love you dad I hope too see you soon.

  • Dominique by Dominique, SC
  • 12 years ago

Daddy, I forgot to say goodbye- sounds like me. The biggest regret I have about my father's death is that I kept thinking I would get to talk to him once again, but he passed so quickly- it never happened. His name is similar to your dad's name- My dad's name is Darryelle "darryl" James Moran. Nov 4, 1960- May 25, 2012.

  • Steph by Steph, USA
  • 12 years ago

@Kayleigh, I am soo sorry, about your father. My father died on my birthday! :( I miss him like heck! :::((((

  • Chloe Bastow by Chloe Bastow, England
  • 12 years ago

My dad died when I was only 5 its really hurts when I think of him I find it hard to breath. If only tears could bring him back, he was just too young to go, I would do anything to get you back.
You were the one who taught me to ride my bike, to talk, to speak all those small important things! But you're not going to be there to walk me down the aisle of my wedding nor be there to be the grandfather of my children let alone there for me... I need you!
I don't know how I can carry on without.

  • Anna by Anna, TN
  • 13 years ago

This story made me cry really bad because I am 12 years old and I just lost my dad. I am about to turn 13 and this will be my first birthday without him. I understand your pain, my life will NEVER I mean NEVER be the same without my dad. I will always miss him and always love him no matter what. I will never forget him. Love you Daddy...R.I.P BILLY VANCE HUTCHINS...

  • Areli Yulfo by Areli Yulfo
  • 13 years ago

Sorry for your loss. I also lost my dad when I was 15 yrs old I was the oldest. He had 7 kids I felt lucky I've got to know him for 15 1\2 years he really was the best. I'm 25 right now and I miss him more than ever. I tell my 2 kids all about him my son looks just like him it breaks my heart to know that they'll never get to meet him and never know what it's like to have a grandfather, but they know he was a loving and brave person and he would have been the best grandpa. He loved me and all my brothers and sisters the same it's truly a shame he had to die so young. He passed at 37 years old in my arms. I watched his life fading in my arms I would never forget my father he truly was an angle R.I.P. daddy I will never forget you

  • Louise Surrey by Louise Surrey
  • 13 years ago

this has got me in tears I lost my step dad only last week thank you for your beautiful words xx

  • Kayleigh by Kayleigh, UK
  • 13 years ago

This story made me cry :'( .. my dad was a hero to me , he died when I was only 2 because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time , he got stabbed to death at a very young age of 21 .. I miss him more and more every day .. but deep down I know he was 1 in a million and I loved him .. only the best are taken :D .. I love you dad rip <3

  • Ashmika by Ashmika
  • 14 years ago

My dad also died. As I read this poem, I felt the tears rolling down my face thinking about my dad. but I know someday I will meet my dad again. All I just want to tell my dad how much I love him and tell him thank you for everything. I miss you dad wish you were here with me.

  • Daddy I Forgot To Say Goodbye by Daddy I Forgot To Say Goodbye
  • 14 years ago

This is so sweet, and yes I'm crying. I 37 years old, I lost my dad last year. it was the worst thing to except. I watched him die, I couldn't do anything for him, cause they diagnosed him as 'terminal" and sent him home to die. they gave him 6 months and he died in 3 days. I had my hand on his heart till it quit beating. My dad was my best friend, he was my hero. I think of him every day, I feel lost without him. don't understand why he was taken from me. R.I.P daddy

  • Amber by Amber, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

My father died as well.
I was only 12 years old.
As I read this poem, I felt the tears
trickle down my face.
The pain still lingers in my heart, for it will never leave me.
The memories interrupt my thoughts constantly and will never stop.
But know this, You WILL see him again someday. You just have to be patient.

  • Maegan by Maegan
  • 15 years ago

This story made me cry. I lost a grandfather, and he was like a father to me. He was just like her father. Loving, Caring, Devoting. He loved me, and I loved him back. Grandpa, You were a great man. I love you and I'll be with you soon. By the way I'm 11. So this means a lot more to me.

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