Addiction Poem

Cocaine Is My Sweetest Friend

I wrote this poem when I was addicted to cocaine. This has been several months ago, and I've stayed clean.

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I never had trouble quitting cocaine and I had a $300 a day habit. My father had left me a substantial amount of money when he died and it was like the devil was waiting for that to happen. I...

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This Last Dance


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2009 with permission of the Author.

My sweetest friend has gone away
The price of love, I cannot pay
In times of need, my darkest hour
'Twas YOU my friend, to whom I'd cower
You took me up and made me see
The other side of reality
You've shown me worlds where time stands still
and revealed the gap that only you can fill
where love is none and friends are few
It's there you've shown what you really do
You've blinded my eyes to all the pain
but my heart you've killed, and my soul you've drained
You've stolen my life and you've taken my friends
And I feel like it's time for this journey to end
But no matter the pain you've caused me to feel
The money you've stolen or the people you've killed
I'll always remember the good times we shared
The places you took me and the way that you cared
So we'll take this last dance, and then we'll dance no more
I'll miss you my friend, forevermore.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Samantha by Samantha, Edmonton
  • 12 years ago

Where I come from you don't see many people addicted cocaine, I'm one of the few. But I was just wondering did you quit cocaine without going to rehab?

  • Greg by Greg, Oklahoma
  • 10 years ago

I never had trouble quitting cocaine and I had a $300 a day habit. My father had left me a substantial amount of money when he died and it was like the devil was waiting for that to happen. I had been off Oxycontin for about a year after an 8 year addiction. The Devil dropped a coke dealer in my lap that had the purest coke you could get. He went to Mexico to get it or a border town... I drove for him a few times in order to get paid in coke. I finally ran out of money and friends..... funny how that always happens at the same time..... I never had problems quitting coke because I saw what it had done to me and I told myself that I could quit and found an NA group for support. I never had physical problems quitting it, but a few problems mentally, but calling friends got me through that. I also put God back in my life and He has helped me out beyond belief. Reach out to what helps you the most to overcome your addiction and hang in there.

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