Love Poem about Marriage

Poem About Lost Charm From Marriage

This poem is dedicated to all the wives who feel that the charm has gone from their married lives.

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The years had past way to fast and even now I'm coming in last. The first two years was fate the next two was great and the last two there seems to be too much on my plate, but today we're...

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Has It Been So Long?


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

Has it been so long
Since we have spoken?
Has it been so long
Since we have shared?
It feels like forever to me
Since you have last cared.

It was supposed to be forever,
It was supposed to be true.
Now it's always
Either ME or YOU.

I have loved you
With all my heart
Ever since I've known.
Has it been so long
That it doesn't even show?

Because if it did,
You would have been here
By my side,
Letting me know
I mean so much more to you
Than just a passing tide.

My life was yours for taking
You just had to ask.
But you chose to ruin it,
And honey,
You have done a wonderful task.

Has it been so long
Since I have been loved?
Or is it just my despair?
I can't seem to figure it out,
Or maybe
Now I just don't care.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Brent by Brent
  • 10 years ago

The years had past way to fast and even now I'm coming in last. The first two years was fate the next two was great and the last two there seems to be too much on my plate, but today we're closer then we've ever been before! Our love is strong and our conversations are long because of our faith in God! Nothing can wrong. He will restore your life like miracle fast. So now it's God first then my kids and then my wife and I'm always last!

  • Cheryl by Cheryl, Detroit MI
  • 10 years ago

This is so sad. I was exactly like this, in a loveless marriage, separate bedrooms, talking only of children and what's for dinner. He had an affair. I see it was both of our faults, neither of us cared anymore. It was wrong of him. I forgave him. Our marriage is getting stronger everyday now. We talk, real emotions. We pray, together. We attend church. Christ can help in EVERY situation. Put your passion back into the marriage and your when you did when you were dating. Don't give up--- renew your passion!

  • Sujata by Sujata, Oman
  • 11 years ago

This poem really tells my story.We have been married since 6 years but it seems as if everything is over, there is no romance, no love and care from his side. Many a times I feel that I was unfortunate to get such a husband who does not reciprocate to my love and care, he just takes me for granted. I sometimes wonder how nice were the first 2 years of our married this poem is just perfect in the situation.

  • Karyn by Karyn, Weaverville
  • 13 years ago

I know this feeling. Half the time I don't even feel we are a couple anymore, just a partnership. Even when we are together I feel alone. We never do things together, as a couple. Sometimes I feel like I might as well be single, since I am already alone.

  • Terri W by Terri W, Idaho
  • 14 years ago

My husband and I have been married for almost 25 years and it seems like it's over. He is disabled and since this happened we do nothing together anymore. We have come to separate bedrooms, no talking, or anything. So this poem is perfect

  • Salwa Adel by Salwa Adel, Egypt
  • 15 years ago

This is my biggest fear . I always think about the worse to happen not be surprised or hurt when it does. I love my husband, we are just married but I am afraid of that day when I will ask ...
Has it been so long

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