Sister Death Poem

The Love I Have For My Sister

Throughout my 74 years of life, I have lost so many friends and family members that have been dear to me. Most, if not all, were better people than myself, and it makes me wonder why I'm still here and they're not. One in particular was my sister, Beverley. Bev was a member of MENSA. She was a dedicated humanitarian, firm supporter of animal rights and helped me through some very trying times. I dedicate this poem to her, with all the love I have left.

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Brian, I live in Australia and am an active member of a university of the third age poetry group. I came across some of your poems a while back, and I must tell you that I thoroughly enjoy...

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Are You There?

© more by Brian A. Bendall

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2020 with permission of the Author.

Often, when it's late at night
And no one's 'round but me,
My mind will travel back in time
To my sister's memory.

So many scenes will fill my head.
It's hard to keep them sorted.
All our laughter, talks and games
Through life have been aborted.

But my mind keeps you alive,
Though memories all it shows.
Still, I need to talk to you,
My questions to propose.

Are you happy where you are?
Are Mom and Dad around?
Can you see the thoughts I have
Or words I've written down?

Are you warm in winter time
And cool in summer's sun?
Has the pain that sent you there
Been mercifully undone?

Do you and Mom and Dad play cards
Or talk throughout the night?
Do you still have the forest walks
You loved with pure delight?

Do you still have the laugh you had
When I'd say funny things?
So much of you I'll never know,
Unless I had some wings!

It's been so long since you've been gone,
And still, it's hard to cope.
I want to get to where you are.
Could you throw me a rope?

Is Jacob's Ladder still around,
Available to rent?
If you could send it down to me,
That would be heaven-sent!

A rocket ship or "beam me up,"
A sling shot or a jet!
All might help me get to you.
I would have no regret!

Oh, well...

I guess that I am stuck down here
Until I pass away.
I hope you're there to take my hand
When time is up that day.

Then we can talk and laugh again,
Play games without a care!
One more question, then I'll go.
Will you be there?



I was born, raised and have lived in southern Ontario, Canada all my life. In my teens I developed a keen interest in music, art and writing. I went to art school and eventually became a mildly successful graphic artist. But music, at that time, became my only true love. Mom bought me my first guitar with ten books of green stamps when I was...

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  • Ine Harrison-Latour by Ine Harrison-Latour
  • 2 years ago

Brian, I live in Australia and am an active member of a university of the third age poetry group. I came across some of your poems a while back, and I must tell you that I thoroughly enjoy them. Our term 4 (summer) is to commence the end of this month, and I will be reciting your poem, "My Father's Hug." Thank you, and please keep going. My heartfelt thanks.

I am enjoying all your poetry - keep it up. I am a fellow scribbler in retirement...
Best wishes,

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