Best Friend Poem

My best friend and I have always considered each other "best friends," but one day, shortly after we were in a HUGE fight, I was thinking about what it means to be best friends. I started to jot down my thoughts, and this is what it turned into. Enjoy!

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I know it's hard, but your life is very precious. God allowed you to wake up and some people never made it past the next day. You have to love yourself first and foremost. Don't think someone...

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Best Friends Forever


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

Best Friends,
The title we chose,
But what does it mean to be "best friends"?
You should see each other every day?
Well that's not true for you and me.
Should silly little fights get in our way?
Only if that's how it's meant to be.
Should we give?
Should we borrow?
Should we dance like there's not tomorrow?
Secrets are traded,
Privacy invaded,
Hugs and smiles are shared,
Tears are shed,
Love is spread.
We know that we both really cared.
I smile, you smile.
You cry, I cry.
I wish, you wish.
You die, I die.
If you fall,
I'll help you up,
And if you call,
I'll always pick up.
Best Friends Forever...
The promise we made,
And I know in my heart
That it will never fade.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Alyssa by Alyssa
  • 7 years ago

I love my best friend. We get in arguments sometimes, but I still love my best friend. She may be mean sometimes, but I love her more than anything in the world!

  • Jess by Jess
  • 7 years ago

I was thinking about committing suicide before I had friends. I thought there was something wrong with me, but I knew that the reason was because I was too shy and never talked. I went to a horrible school where people said I looked like a transgender and that I lived in a garbage can. One boy called me ugly. One girl was nice to me and then moved away. I had no friends and I was so sad and depressed that I was going to kill myself. I wished that someone cared about me, because I felt unloved and unwanted. All I felt was hate.

  • Chinmayee Pradhan by Chinmayee Pradhan
  • 7 years ago

I think you should not care about others' thoughts. It has also happened with me, but I am not too shy. I have close and good friends too but never a best friend.

  • 7 years ago

I know it's hard, but your life is very precious. God allowed you to wake up and some people never made it past the next day. You have to love yourself first and foremost. Don't think someone is going to love you more than you love yourself. If you had committed suicide, what good would that have done anyone? You are better than that. God didn't put you on this earth for you to just give up like that and just walk away...I hope and pray things get better.

  • Jess by Jess
  • 7 years ago

So sorry. I never fought with my best friend. We love each other. I'm precious to her.

  • Dezi by Dezi, Oklahoma
  • 10 years ago

I love this poem I'm thinking about sharing this with my best friend, this poem reminds me of us. We can't stay away from each other this poem brings tears to my eyes I love it. To my bff I love you with all my heart and soul XOXO

  • Anonymous by Anonymous, Africa
  • 10 years ago

This reminds me of my friend in a little town called Latexo. I miss her so much. We will be together again June....

  • Anonymous by Anonymous, Unknown
  • 11 years ago

This reminds me of all my friends back in Colorado and Pennsylvania. I miss them so much! Miles Apart...and we only have email..*sigh*

  • F by F
  • 11 years ago

This poem was sent to me by a very dear friend of mine, his name is Steve and all the word on this poem represents our friendship down to the last letter I share everything with him. There's nothing I hold back, we have a lot of miles between us but we still hold together strong....

Me and my best friend have been together for only a year and a half, but we are still friends! Lately we had gotten into a fight, and I apologized 'cause I started it. To this day, me and her have never yelled or fought. The thought of losing each other, is one we both cannot bear!

  • Brandee by Brandee
  • 12 years ago

I have a BFF that's been with me for 3 years and I didn't want to let it go and she was like a sister I've never had and she went to the Philippines so I was so sad but I still contact with her and this poem I gave to her made me cry

  • Ellena by Ellena
  • 13 years ago

Made me cry I'm only nine so id thought id write this down for my BFF's! Made me cry!!

  • Areil by Areil
  • 13 years ago

my friend sent me this & I thought it was so sweet & amazing! thank you! <3

  • Hannah by Hannah, Pa
  • 14 years ago

My best friend of 4 years, who in middle school would stand up for people bullying me, started ignoring me because I went from public school to Cyber school. I have new best friends but I still miss her and we never talk anymore.

  • Erin by Erin
  • 14 years ago

I love it. ME and my best friend had a really big fight, it went on for almost a year. and now we are best friends.

  • J.Hicks by J.Hicks
  • 14 years ago

this poem was sent to me by a very dear friend of mine, his name is Steve and all the word on this poem represents our friendship down to the last letter I share everything with him there's nothing I hold back, we have a lot of miles between us but we still hold together strong....

  • alia by alia
  • 15 years ago

this poem is do nice ! I liked it cuz it's a good description of me and my bff ! she went to spend this summer vacation. in Michigan, but I really miss her ! and you're right, silly fights shouldn't get in our way.

  • Miya by Miya, Birmingham
  • 9 years ago

I really love this poem cuz me and my friend had a massive fight and its still going on but hopefully we will get over it and you really are right silly fights really should not get in our way,

  • eva by eva
  • 15 years ago

love this poem, good friendship poem

  • Bonnie by Bonnie
  • 15 years ago

This touched my heart tremendously. Just yesterday my oldest and dearest friend (30 yrs we have known each other) died suddenly at the age of 43. Since we live 3,000 miles apart now, we didn't see each other that often anymore , but it reminds me of our relationship so much. Fights, guys, good times, heartaches, memories....all of it, so much like us. I will miss her 4ever, we had the best times growing up together & I'll never have another friend like her again, I miss her so much, my heart aches, & I never got to say goodbye. Thank-you for this poem, means so much.

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