Life Long Friend Poem

A promise for eternal devotion that goes beyond the grave.

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Reminds me of Mark L. Rocha. We were so in love with each other. He was my soul mate and my best friend.

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Being A Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

We have something that holds us together,
Something that made us both better,
Something called being a friend.
It makes the fun never end,
And it helps me to know that when
I am down and blue,
Because you're my friend
I can count on you.
We run through life without a care.
Would anyone try to part us?
They wouldn't dare
And when the time comes for me to go,
I really want for you to know
That even though my life has come to an end
I will never stop being your friend.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mary Ann by Mary Ann
  • 7 years ago

Reminds me of Mark L. Rocha. We were so in love with each other. He was my soul mate and my best friend.

  • Urvi Agarwal by Urvi Agarwal
  • 10 years ago

It reminded of the fact that when me and my best friend used to fight our friendship never came to an end. This poem reminds me that it was only friendship which held us both together. All the teachers and other students wanted to separate us but we became more close. Thank to this poem it reminded me about those things.

  • Dundee by Dundee, El Paso
  • 11 years ago

This poem reminds me of the day when a friend of mine, we were 6 years old, both of us and there was this rude kid and he wanted to hit her but I got in the way and said no hit me not girls, and he punched me in the face and he kept hitting me in the stomach. Then a teacher came and she got us both by the arms and she put us in timeouts and after that we've been friends and her mom got a new job all the way in New York City, NY and I haven't been seeing her. This poem reminds me of her. Whoever wrote this poem you just lifted my spirits.

  • Taylah by Taylah, NSW
  • 13 years ago

Well the part that touched me was that a teacher tried to separate us in year 6 and he did but we were still friends just not as close as we used to be but now we are going on in to high school together and we are going to be in the same class so who ever wrote this poem thank you because you have brought back so many memories.

  • Teri by Teri, California
  • 15 years ago

This poem touched my soul. My best friend died 6 years ago, but no matter what happens I can still feel her love for me, and my love for her has not diminished in the slightest. We met during my second and her third year of high school, and though we only had 1 1/2 years together, we were instant best friends. She got sick and got pneumonia and didn't get better, she just got worse and when I lost her it was like my life ended then and there too. I hope that everyone can know the kind of love that friendship brings at least once in their life.

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