Daughter Poem

Loving Poem To A Loving Daughter

A loving poem to a loving daughter. Throughout your life you have brought us nothing but joy and love, and we wish you all the same in your future.

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Wonderful piece of poetry, Joyful thoughts about a God gifted daughter, transformed and translated in to beautiful words which touched my heart. The Love, The care, The concern, A father has...

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Amanda, My Daughter


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

They laid you in my arms all tiny and new
Then God whispered in my ear
I have someone special for you

A bundle of joy
all blonde hair and green eyes
and you held our hearts with invisible ties

Cooing, talking, walking, and running
before we know it school was begining

A mischievous child with a giving soul
you were into everything and on the go

A gangly teen with a tomboyish grin
through the giggles we saw the beauty within

You entertained us with gifts of music and song
we knew of these talents all along

Soon you were off to chase dreams of your own
You on a mission was something to behold

You would follow your dreams so far away
and in our hearts you will always stay

For wherever in this world you may roam
in my heart you'll always be home

Life is not about ends but new beginnings
and you have found the love with whom you'll be living

For life is a circle that never ends
and with you, a new circle begins

One day God will whisper in your ear
about a child you will hold so dear

Sweetie, thanks for the gifts of love and laughter
I wish for you a love that lasts forever and after


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  • Rammohan Potturi by Rammohan Potturi, Hyderabad
  • 12 years ago

Wonderful piece of poetry, Joyful thoughts about a God gifted daughter, transformed and translated in to beautiful words which touched my heart. The Love, The care, The concern, A father has towards his daughter is beyond any one imagination. I too experienced similar feeling about my daughter.

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