Daughter Poem

Touching Poem To A Daughter Going Out On Her Own

I wrote this poem for my 22-year-old daughter, Ayla, to let her know that I love her and I will always be there for her.

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Letter To My Daughter

Bettina Van Vaerenbergh © more by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2020 with permission of the Author.

When I first held you in my arms,
You were so perfect and so small.
You are a full-grown woman now;
And I am proud, oh how!

I saw you change throughout the years,
With awe and fascination.
To think that you will soon leave home-
It's a strange sensation.

No matter where you may end up,
Close to home or far away,
Know that I will always pray
For your happiness and luck.

I pray your dreams may all come true.
I pray you may be happy.
I pray your heartaches may be few
And your blessings many.

When you need some good advice
Or just a listening ear,
Dad and I will always make time
For your problems to hear.

You are talented, beautiful, and bright;
I know you will do well in life.
You've got what it takes to succeed,
And God will help you when in need.

One last thing I want to say:
No matter your age,
No matter where you go,
No matter what you do,
You are my girl,
And I will always love you!

Interview with Top Poet Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

  • What is a fond memory you have of when your daughter was young?
    A fond memory that stands out is from the time when our family was moving abroad, to Tenerife (an island belonging to Spain). My daughter was nine years old then, and we didn’t know a word of Spanish, so we taught ourselves basic Spanish by singing the songs of Belle Perez at the top of our lungs, every day after school.

    Also, we listened to tapes with silly Spanish sentences, like this one: “Pedro, fuego en la caravana!” which means “Pedro, the camping car is on fire!” It was so much fun!
  • What is one piece of advice you would share with your daughter?
    One piece of advice I would give my daughter would be to always trust in God in every circumstance and season of her life, and to always be kind to everyone.
  • You write about a lot of different topics. Where do you find your writing inspiration, and what is your favorite topic to write about?
    My favorite topic to write about is Jesus. I’ve written quite a lot of Christian poems. Also, I love to write poems for children. I get my inspiration from nature, from my memories, from books and movies, from the Bible, from people, from life in general.

    The words for a poem just kind of “come to me,” seemingly out of nowhere, often in the middle of the night. When this happens, I get up, write a few lines, and then I go back to bed. Half an hour later, I get up again, write a few lines, and go back to sleep. It drives my poor husband crazy!
  • What is your favorite experience that has resulted from being published on Family Friend Poems?
    It makes me happy to share a little bit of myself with the world in this way. When a poem has been published, it gets a life all of its own. I love it when people comment on my poems and share them. One day, I Googled myself, and to my surprise, I found out that a few of my poems have been made into a video, with beautiful images, on You Tube. ("The Time is Now" and "Night"). Also, it is a nice thought that long after I’m gone my poems will still be around for people to read. Thank you, FFP! Thank you, dear readers!

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