Death Of Partner Poem

Poem About Remembering Joy Of A Relationship

This poem is about a girl I lost in my life. She meant the world to me and was carrying my child till she got killed by a hijacking in 2013. I never knew how to express my feelings, so I gave this a shot, so here it goes.

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My boyfriend just passed away on March 19, 2017. It's only been several weeks. We were together for 11 years. He was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2015, and the journey has been surreal. I...

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Alone In The Dark


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

The sadness drowns me.
The emptiness consumes my life.
We used to be so happy.
You were going to be my wife.

Everything went great,
Everything seemed perfect,
Till you went out late,
And my entire life got wrecked.

I got lost in your eyes.
I was dazed by your smile.
Now yet again I have to compromise.
I was suicidal for a while.

If there is one thing I learned
From all of this darkness in my life,
It's that every angel out of heaven needs to be returned,
And I know I will see you in the afterlife.

You brought me smiles, you brought me tears.
I gave you happiness, I gave you scars,
But together we overcame all our fears
And stayed up all night staring at the stars.

Without you here, it is hard to breathe.
Without you, I feel empty.
I can't help but seethe,
And I still remember your jokes about that tree.

You gave me wisdom in the lowest of places.
You gave me faith in the darkest of days.
You gave me peace no matter the race.
You gave me love in more than one way.

So for now I will stay true.
You are my one and only,
For I can't find anyone like you,
And finally I don't feel lonely...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kim Zafe by Kim Zafe
  • 7 years ago

This is so great. You can feel what the author wants to say.

  • Lisa Frankel by Lisa Frankel
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend passed away of lung cancer in March 2016. Never did this here it is: I never knew love until you I could see. I feel so lost but I still feel you are near me. I cry so hard I lose my breath, then moments later like magic I feel a gentle presence of your hands holding me and not letting go. My cup is half full for I have known such a brilliant man. I know we are apart, but you are forever in my soul and in my hear.

  • Danita by Danita
  • 7 years ago

My boyfriend just passed away on March 19, 2017. It's only been several weeks. We were together for 11 years. He was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2015, and the journey has been surreal. I miss him terribly. He has 4 sons. The last one I've been with since he was 8. He's now 20, but he's not here with me either because he made a horrible mistake that landed him in prison, and he wasn't able to attend his dad's funeral. I walk around on most days in a fog not sure how to move. He was a brilliant man as well. This poem stood out for me because how do you say goodbye to a man who was larger than life, to not only me but so many others? My love, I say with a soft voice, our journey has been altered, but the mission still remains loving you forever. We all come to worship with God. Carry the message job well done, my love.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 8 years ago

Great poem, I love it. One of my favorite poems on Poem Hunter.

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