Death Of Partner Poem

Poem About Grieving And Love's Enduring Presence

When we lose someone dear to us, the pain is overwhelming, but deep down it's nice to know maybe they are watching over us.

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Published by Family Friend Poems June 30, 2023 with permission of the Author.

I watch you weep as it hurts to grieve
You'd much prefer that I didn't leave
But rest assured that I'm always near
To brush your face and to wipe your tears
When you lift your eyes and you speak my name
I answer back; it's just not the same
You cannot hear and you think I'm gone
But I'm watching you for however long

I have sent you signs that float in white
That flutter and fly, to you my light
When you are ready to spread your wings
To live your life with the joy that brings
Your heart is strong your beat is steady
Stand proud and tall and when you're ready
I will be at your side, one day soon
Our love as one, like the stars and moon     

I'll take your hand and again we'll smile
I will wait up here for just a while.


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