Mother Poem

Treating Mother With Disrespect

My name is Ashanti, and I am a teenage female from New York. I never really understood the whole "if you need to cry I have a shoulder for you to lean on" thing. So I took my poetry as a way to escape hell. These are reflections of me. And I would like to thank my Na'nah and my Mom, for they are my strength.

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I love so much when a young person realizes all that her mother gave to her freely and willingly. My children were taught to turn from me, and all I hang onto is the hope that they remember...

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A Woman's Worth


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

She gave life. She is a wife.
She is a mother and she is a friend.
She is a sister, a survivor 'til the end.

Appreciate her, we don't dare.
Ask her worries, we don't care.
Wipe away her tears, they are invisible as air.

She works, cooks, and cleans.
She laughs, helps comfort, and hides her pain.
When you struggle, she pulls you through.

All this is her, and what do we do?
Complain and create a mess,
Provide stress and leave her feeling depressed,
Push her away and ignore her advice,
Tell her she is nothing without thinking twice.

She was raped, tortured, and abused,
Told she was nothing and would always be used
Just for pleasure, forget her pain.

She swallows her pride, put her feelings aside.
Does as you need in order for you to be free.
Ignores your ignorance and tolerates your flaws.
You call her names, but
She answers with pride, dignity, and a complete loss of self.
You call her nothing.
I call her Strong, Smart, Sensual, Caring, Giving, Surviving, Tolerant, and Powerful.
I call her WOMAN!


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  • Rating 4.25
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jennifer Talbot by Jennifer Talbot
  • 7 years ago

I love so much when a young person realizes all that her mother gave to her freely and willingly. My children were taught to turn from me, and all I hang onto is the hope that they remember me deep down, can see with their own eyes what the difference was in having a mother who put them first above all and what became their harsh reality of not having a mom at all, and running from their pain to avoid owning the pain they think they inflicted upon me and their baby sister. My prayer is that they will fully understand one day that they were not to blame. They trusted their father to have their best interest at heart, and he let them down. He didn't protect them and took away my ability to protect them. I learned that not only do your kids not realize your worth, but you never take the time to either, just doing everything for them out of love. The more I analyze now the moves I made as a mother, the more I see clearly that I was a superhero.

  • Nathan Phillips by Nathan Phillips
  • 7 years ago

So very true and remarkably close to the hearts of many. There's never an excuse for treating my mother so horribly. Actually, anyone for that matter. Reading this entry saddens me. Moving forward and getting a life is the best way to show how much appreciation and understanding is given. I've taken so much, when giving has fallen from my true self. Work hard for a mother, sister, brother, father, friend...all to which is considered family. Love often and live like it's all worth it. Positive thinking about the new roads ahead. Patience is my friend. A friend that deserves more.

  • Blake Travis by Blake Travis
  • 8 years ago

This poem truly spoke to me, it is so powerful and inspirational. I shared it with a couple of my friends and they were amazed by how inspirational it was. Thank you for creating this masterpiece, woman today are not equal but this gave us power.

  • Deborah Davis by Deborah Davis
  • 8 years ago

I can really relate and feel the words as it unfolds in my heart!..........

  • Matilda by Matilda
  • 8 years ago

The poem was all about me....Thank you for this wonderful poem.

  • Myrtle by Myrtle, South Africa
  • 10 years ago

I'm touched by this poem, and I will definitely have this poem on our program for woman's day.

  • India by India
  • 10 years ago

She is sensitive she is the NATION'S PRIDE.
She is loving, caring, she is a wonder guide.
She doesn't demand respect, She deserves respect.
She is very strong don't test her patience.
She can turn the whole world down
She is a Wonder Woman ...& We are Proud

  • Mayur Sanas by Mayur Sanas, India
  • 10 years ago

Your poem is really nice and heart touching. I saw in my surrounding everyone wants GF but nobody wants sister and mother. Respect women because she is someone's sister, mother, wife and daughter. Don't kill girl child. Let her live her live.....superb message from ur poem...
hats off Ma'am

  • Saima by Saima, India
  • 11 years ago

Thanks Ashanti, I have taken your poetry for presenting on women's day. I wish I could create one like this.

  • Shruti Saxena by Shruti Saxena, Jaipur India
  • 11 years ago

I feel this poem has really touched my heart. It really depicts how much a woman is struggling for others and how self-less she is. This poem makes me proud to be a woman. Kudos to the poetess, who has written this beautiful poem. I will be sharing it my friends

  • Ilakkiya by Ilakkiya, Chennai
  • 11 years ago

This poem is a spiritual anthem of every women.

  • Zora by Zora, Florida
  • 11 years ago

This is a very touching and deep poem. This remain me of some many others who have went through such pain. I love this because it relates to others and their struggles as well. It's empowering and self worth. Keep writing because someone will become empowered and encouraged by what we write and may go through. I write as well and in time God will use all of us through our words of empowerment. Be blessed and may God keep you!!!

  • Ashanti Holliday by Ashanti Holliday Poet
  • 12 years ago

Hi my name is Ashanti, and I am the author of this poem, I just wanted to leave a comment here with all my gratitude and appreciation for all the comments. They mean the world to me

  • Dona by Dona, Kuwait
  • 12 years ago

I feel this poem has really touched my heart. It really depicts how much a woman is struggling for others and how self-less she is. This poem makes me proud to be a woman. And to the poetess, this is such a well-written poem.

  • Isabella M. by Isabella M.
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched me and reminded me of Maya Angelou work and it is like some of my poetry as well. It shows that a woman is worth so much more then people acknowledge her for and how she is taken for granted.
I gone through it all and this was very uplifting!
Beautiful and insightful. Might I add wonderfully written!

  • Darlene by Darlene, California
  • 14 years ago

OMG...I love this poem...It's exactly me...God Bless you!

  • Jodi by Jodi
  • 15 years ago

It sounds like this woman has been living my life for the last three years. Thank you so much for sharing, and caring enough to publish.
God bless you!

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