Faith Poem

From Mother To Daughter

This poem is a profession of faith for my daughter. There is a very wise verse in the Bible that says that we should "speak those things that are not as though they were." For what we speak about our children is what will come to pass, whether our words are positive or negative. Our faith words can cause great things to happen... God Bless

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Thank you for this beautiful poem. I can truly understand and relate to the feelings and love that you have for your daughter. My daughter is my world and the very reminder of God's love for...

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A Daughter's Blessing

© more by Martha Anderson

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2013 with permission of the Author.

Today is the beginning
Of God's perfect plan anew
And from here you'll grow and nurture
All the gifts inside of you

Created for God's glory
You've been blessed from up above
Endowed with grace and beauty
As a symbol of His love

You will walk in paths of honor
And you'll speak at wisdom's gate
You'll be known among the noble
Of all women small and great

You will see through eyes of faith
When the storms of life rage strong
You will stand upon God's promise
And find peace to carry on

You will listen with your heart
And be swift to hear the good
With a kind and gentle spirit
You'll treat others as you should

And as your mother, I'm very proud
Of what you will become
Inside my heart you hold a place
Reserved for only one


more by Martha Anderson

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  • Michele S.J. by Michele S.J.
  • 8 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful poem. I can truly understand and relate to the feelings and love that you have for your daughter. My daughter is my world and the very reminder of God's love for me. Thank you for sharing. I am giving this to my daughter before she goes to work in the morning to make her day better.

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