Prayer Poem

A Prayer To Say Each Day

I wanted to write a poem that I could recite each day, a prayer to be thankful and a prayer to grow in Christianity, a prayer to help me do what our Lord tells us to do because sometimes each of us can lose focus.

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My Prayer

Jac Judy A. Campbell © more by Jac Judy A. Campbell

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2018 with permission of the Author.

Father, I thank you for the days and nights,
And thank you for this warm morning light.
For food and shelter, for your loving care,
And for all in this world that is good and fair.
Help us to be gentle, honest and true,
To show more kindness in all that we do.
To smile and be pleasant in all that we say,
To grow more loving each and every day.
To lend a helping hand, help others in need,
And to love one another as you have loved me.

Thank You, Father



Jac Judy A. Campbell is a poet by heart and a writer by nature, and she is thrilled to be able to share part of herself that others will enjoy. She reads a lot of good books and loves arts and crafts, sewing, crocheting, cooking, and growing a garden. She is happily married, takes care of her husband, and enjoys her children and...

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